Wednesday, July 04, 2012

UCLA Combines Track and Field Leadership

Men's Head Coach Mike Maynard Named Director of Track & Field

July 3, 2012

UCLA Athletic Director Dan Guerrero has announced the decision to combine the leadership of the university's men's and women's track and field programs, the general direction now favored by many of the top programs nationwide.

"We recognize that a unified vision as it relates to the track and field programs was needed to get both of them where we want them to be nationally," Guerrero said. "We are confident that we are taking a very important step today for the future of track and field at UCLA."

In the new model for UCLA Track and Field, men's head coach Mike Maynard has been named UCLA's first-ever Director of Track and Field. He will take the lead on fundraising and the general direction of the program and will be the liaison between the program and the athletic administration.

"I am proud to be a part of the consolidation of the UCLA Track and Field Program and to join with all of the coaches and the student-athletes to help get UCLA back to where it belongs, at the top the NCAA standings," Maynard said.

Meanwhile, Jeanette Bolden remains the UCLA Women's Head Coach and has also taken on additional responsibilities, coaching men's sprinters.

"I am a Bruin through and through and am excited to be given the opportunity of coaching the men's sprinters in addition to continuing in my role as the women's head coach," Bolden said.

Additional coaches will be brought in to complete the coaching staff for the combined program.

Courtesy UCLA

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