Thursday, January 21, 2016

Running USA

Submit Your Race Camp Questions
Race Camp sessions are locked in and ready to view. While you go about picking the three sessions you want to attend, make sure to submit questions you want to cover. This is your opportunity to have the discussions you want in order to better your event or organization.
Conference Attendee List Update
The latest attendee list is out, updated this past Monday. See who's coming to this year's conference and start to make your networking list.
Join Us in Los Angeles - Register Today!
The 2016 Running USA Industry Conference will be filled with race directors, brand executives and many, many others, as industry leaders converge in Los Angeles from 43 states and 10 countries. With less than three weeks to go, it's time to register if you haven't already!
Big Sur Wins Digital Marketing Makeover
A few weeks ago, Peter Abraham, who will lead the Idea Lab - Digital Marketing Workshop in three weeks, opened submissions to race directors to vie for a free digital marketing makeover. The results are in and the winner is the Big Sur International Marathon!
Last Call for Expo Booth Bookings!
The Running USA Industry Conference expo is going to be amazing! Book your Industry Conference booth before they're all sold out and reach 800+ industry decision makers.
Running USA,  3450 N. Ridgewood Street  #31, Wichita, KS 67220
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Constant Contact

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