Sunday, June 25, 2017

Day Four Quotes - USATF Outdoor Championships

Women’s 20 km RW - Maria Michta-Coffey, winner
“I felt really good. It’s nice to feel like I’m getting my groove back after my car accident. It reminds me of how good I feel when I am close to 100% and I feel like I’m on an upward trend. I’ve officially punched my ticket to London, so I feel like I can talk about it for real without getting nervous and having to knock on wood. This is not where I want to be time-wise in London, but I have eight weeks to get ready and this is the kind of race I want to have. I want to be able to pick off people and I can’t wait to see what my time will be in London.”
Women’s 20 km RW - Miranda Melville, second place
“I wanted to win today, but it just wasn’t in my legs today. I had a great taper and I was feeling good but I just didn’t have enough today. I’m so happy to finish top 3 and officially go to Worlds. It’s been a tumultuous year. I’m still slowly bouncing back from a lot of things. I think it’s hard to come back from Rio, but I had two teammates on the men’s side who PR’d and one of them won, so I couldn’t be happier for them.”
Women’s 20 km RW - Robyn Stevens, third place
“Today was all about top three and that’s what I wanted to get without getting out too fast. I figured if I could just stay patient and keep Katie [Burnett] in sight, I could kick at the end. I waited a little too long to kick, though. I want to go for the [World Championships] standard and there are two races I’m targeting, one in China, one in Spain. So that’s next for me.”
Men’s 20 km RW - Emmanuel Corvera, winner
“I knew coming into the race that it was going to be really tough, and there were three guys who could really take the race. Anyone could have easily taken it and I’m glad it was a battle. Me and Nick being Cuyamaca alumni, it was great having him there and battling it out with him. I’m very grateful for all the training I’ve had this year. [Olympian] Tim [Seaman] really helped me out and I wouldn’t have been able to do this without him. His training is why I did well in Peru. I want to thank NYAC and my sponsors. Very thankful and I’m glad to have been able to medal with Nick.”
Men’s 20 km RW - Nick Christie, second place
“I just feel like I’m banging my head against the wall. I’m the only one who has been going after the standard every race, so that’s really tough, but I think the next generation coming up, we’ll have a group going after it the next couple of years. It was just tough, I had bathroom issues in the middle of the race and lost 30 seconds, got sick on the backstretch of the final lap, just a hard day.”
Men’s 20 km RW - John Nunn, third place
“It just took a little while to get going. Finally around 10 km, my body woke up. It’s been a tough week and a half, just going through the transition of getting ready to go to PA School for the Army. This might be my last race, but I have a lot left in me. But I need to go and take care of the future, too, for when this ends. This was my window to go and it’s hard to process it all. It affected me physically a bit, and it took me a bit to get going the first half. The leaders had over a minute and a half on me, but I started moving a bit more the second half. With 8 km to go, I finally felt good and took off, but I need an extra 500m or kilometer, but that’s why it’s a 20 km race and not a 21 km race.”
Masters women’s 400 meters - Angee Henry
“I’ll like to see more Masters opportunities. So hopefully me running here with these ladies will help to open up those doors for others to be encouraged but also for us to have more opportunities. I have been competing since I was four, competing in USATF or AAU since I was little. What else was there to do?”
Why do you compete?
“This is new for me - my first Masters. I still run collegiate races and place in the top three. So this is a transition but a good one. They have been so welcoming and have done a good job. I am encouraged to follow this path.”
Masters men’s 400m - Antwon Dussett
“I was a good race. I ran just how I wanted, not quite as fast as I wanted but that’s okay. The crowd had a ton of energy. Track’s a solo sport so any time the crowd can get behind you that’s a huge boost and gives a ton to run for.”
Women’s Hammer - Gwen Berry, winner
“I did want to throw better. But I got the win so I have to be happy. I got the nice throw. A nice consistent throw, which will make finals at the World Championships. I just gotta build from there. I got a lot of stuff to work on
On competing on the International stage...
“I am really excited. That was my goal today. I got a little nervous over there, but it means the world to me to be on the team again.”
Women’s Hammer - Maggie Ewen, 2nd place
“It means the world (to me), I threw a huge PR to do it so I just can’t believe it. Especially in a field of girls like this that are so talented, it’s amazing.”
Women’s Hammer - Deanna Price, 3rd place
“It’s been crazy whirlwind, I have been throwing 70 meters three meets in a row, which means you are ready to go bigger. So you know it’s perfect timing right now we didn’t peak-out for this meet, we are peaking out at World Championships. Because I feel Like Gwen, Me and Maggie we can do something. We can place and medal at World Championships. We never had an American place in the top three.”
Men’s Shot Put - Ryan Crouser, winner (meet and stadium record 74-3¾)
“That was definitely a good one. I came in a little more rested than usual, so there was a lot of power there. To throw of 22 meters twice with what were basically off throws is encouraging.”
On responding to Joe Kovacs’ sixth-round 73-4 leader with his final throw...
“My dad and I used to play games when I was little. He’d say, ‘OK, this is the sixth round of the Olympics, time to get your best throw now.’ I knew I’d need a huge one after Joe’s throw, but once I got in the ring and set up, I knew I was in good position. The throw was actually lower than it should be. I’m sure when we look at the film, we’ll see that I great velocity but not the best launch angle.”
Men’s Shot Put - Joe Kovacs, 2nd place
“This whole year, all we cared about was London. I got the automatic bid into London, so I just had to show up today, I didn’t have to do well. You know, I wasn’t trying to throw far. I am only coming from figure I try and put on a show for the fans.”
Men’s Shot Put - Ryan Whiting, 3rd place
“You’re always nervous going into a big competition like this, so I just wanted to get it out of my system. I should’ve thrown farther, and I’m definitely ready for 22m, it’s just about time and place. Now London is waiting.”
Women’s Pole Vault - Sandi Morris, winner
“I was pretty clean throughout the competition. I feel that only now am I starting to find my form. Last year, I won an Olympic silver medal, cleared 4.90 several times, and made 5 meters (16-5). This year I’ve been stuck around 4.75 (15-7). But I’m still learning. I’ve only been jumping professionally a little more than a year.”
On her chances of winning in London...
“I want to be world champion. I feel I can follow up on an Olympic silver with a World gold.”
Women’s Pole Vault - Jenn Suhr, 2nd place
“[Today] was good. Coming in I was not exactly sure, I had a little bit of back spasms, so we stayed on shorter runs the whole week. To come in and qualify, I am pretty happy. Anytime you can qualify at a meet and go represent your country, you have to be happy because so much can go wrong. I felt as the meet kept going (I was) figuring out my timing and I switched poles. I am really excited for the next couple weeks of training.”
On upcoming training…
“It is really backing my run up. I stayed on short runs so I need to back them up and get on bigger poles. I stayed on light, small poles. I am going to move up in poles and really go after it in London, put it all out. I don’t have much time left.”
Women’s Pole Vault - Emily Grove, 3rd place
“The jump off was a little bit nerve wracking. It is always super fun being in a competition like that with girls who jump so well. I thought everyone competed hard today. It was good that derk, Chris and I get to go to London.”
On jump off…
“We had to wait until the competition was over and we went to the bar we missed at 4.65. We both took a miss at it. It went down to 4.60 and I cleared it. Unfortunately Morgan had a good shot at it and could not quite clear it. I am excited I was jumping well today. It really was the main goal today, to jump well.”
Men’s High Jump - Bryan McBride, winner
“The competition was really good. I jump against these all these guys a lot through my year, so I couldn’t ask for a better series of guys to jump with.”
On making the team...
“I can’t even put into words, really. It’s been a long time coming and anyone who’s trained in track and field knows that this is hard work out there. When it comes together when it’s supposed to come together, it’s, you can’t even describe it, it’s a great feeling.”
Men’s High Jump - Ricky Robertson, 2nd place
“My performance was great. I felt good coming into the meet. The previous meet I jumped 2.30 so I knew I knew if I come here and do everything i did last night it was going to be OK. It was a good meet for me. I just stayed focused. I had some early misses at some bars. But my coach just told me to stay focused and everything will fall into place. I am truly grateful and I never take these moments for granted. I knew I wanted to make this team really bad and I put mind to it and got it done.”
Men’s High Jump - Erik Kynard Jr., 3rd place
“It’s my first loss in a long time. I haven’t competed since May and I think I was a little tentative and technically rusty as far as competing goes. My expectation is to win but it’s not the end of the world and congrats to the other guys ahead of me.”
Men’s Long Jump - Jarrion Lawson, winner
“The highlight for me was getting the world standard in the sixth round with a legal wind. This is really my first long jump of the season with a full approach, so it’s amazing.”
Men’s Long Jump - Marquis Dendy, 2nd place
“Today was pretty emotional. Last year at Trials, I did not make the team and I tore my achilles. I left it all out on the field. I definitely wanted to make this team. It is my personal Olympics. It felt amazing to get that second place. It only takes one and today at one point I was in fifth place with 26-10. There were a lot of 27 feet jumps and crazy leaps. I stayed confident in myself and went out there got it on the last jump.
Men’s Long Jump - DeMarcus Simpson, 3rd place
“It went really well. It started off kinda slow and it picked up. It means al ot (to make the team). I came out here and wanted to hit 27 to feel good for myself. Making myself was just a plus. My first one was just get yourself in it and warmed up. I started scratching some big ones. The second one I got in was my sixth jump. My coach told me let’s go for it.”
Men’s 800m - Donovan Brazier, winner
“It feels amazing. I am really thankful. I just knew if I could make it to the final, I could potentially win it and make it to London. I am really happy with the result. Erik (Sowinski) set it up perfectly. I took a gutsy race. A lot of guys might not take it out but is a guy who will. I happy he did it. He is a hell of a runner.”
On Clayton Murphy…
“I was disappointed because obviously Clayton is one of the best guys in the 800 for the United States. So we are not bringing the strongest team there. Things happened. He wanted to do the double and things did not work out for him.”
Men’s 800m - Isaiah Harris, 2nd place
“It feels amazing to come out here and make the World team. It is a dream come true. I couldn’t have asked for anything else, this is what I dream of. I felt so good..and hit a PR too, after three days of racing, it feels amazing.”
Men’s 800m - Drew Windle, 3rd place
“I said after the semi that I wanted to be more up in the mix. It’s a high stress race and people make mistakes, so I just wanted to be there in the last 100m. This makes all the stress and wanting to puke after practice and races all worth it.”
Women’s Heptathlon -- Kendall Williams, winner
“I am still tired. Have this towel dripping cold water on my neck. I am really glad to be done and I am glad I came out with the win. I am happy it is rest time now.”
On brother making team...
“It is awesome. That is what we wanted to do. It was stressful watching him the last two days knowing I still had to go. I am glad I was able to make it through and we are both glad to be able to make it over to London together.”
Women’s Heptathlon -- Erica Bougard, 2nd place
“My day one was pretty chilled, I had a lot of fun. I stayed relaxed and just do what I know how to do. This is the one meet that I actually have a lot of fun in. I just came right here, we practiced for this, and when everything's going according to plan...set the meet record in high jump, PR, too. I PR in the hurdles, too. So I was having a great first day.”
On making the team for the third time...
“Actually, it feels really good. I get another chance to finally represent my team. I can go in with confidence...I feel like me and Kendal are the next phases of the Hep. I feel like we can go above and beyond for our country.”
Women’s Heptathlon -- Sharon Day-Monroe, 3rd place
“I couldn’t be prouder to represent Team USA with these talented young girls. When I do decide to retire, I’ll know the sport and the event is in good hands.”
Women’s 400m hurdles -- Dalilah Muhammad, winner
“I am feeling good. I am feeling amazing. My coach told me it was there, I just had to trust him and believe it and keep my faith, so I am just really happy right now...Right now I just wanted to make the team and that’s 100 percent honest. Of course every race I go out there trying to win. I knew it was going to be a fast race and my coach was telling me to just go with it and trust that I will be able to finish and that’s what I did.”
Women’s 400m hurdles -- Shamier Little, 2nd place
“I am feeling great. I walked away with a PR and made the team. It is an overall good feeling.”
On three women under 53 in the same race…
“Those ladies, excuse my language, ran their [butts] off...There was three women under 53. This was a good race.”
Women’s 400m hurdles -- Kori Carter, 3rd place
“I knew it was going to be fast, with all the talent we’ve got in this event. How are we going to do in London? Not to jinx us, but we can’t have only the 100-meter hurdlers doing sweeps.”
Women’s 400m hurdles -- Sydney McLaughlin, 6th place
On setting the new junior record...
“That was a fast race! It was great, it’s great to see that I progress this far in the season. Coming off the high school season, coming into the pro race against these fast women, so I think that’s exactly where I wanted to be. I knew I couldn’t make the team, because I had to run a 52, I was just trying to run a 54 to try and get that junior record.”
Men’s 400m hurdles -- Eric Futch, winner
“I ran with my heart and my guts. I wanted it more than anybody.”
Men’s 400m hurdles -- Michael Stigler, 2nd place
“I feel like I had a productive race. I was running blind in lane eight, so I had to really focus on my own race. Lane eight is just another lane. We practice running it in all the time. I think it was good for me today. I had something left in the tank and kicked it in. This is my first (national) team. I’m very thankful.”
Men’s 400m hurdles -- TJ Holmes, 3rd place
“I kind of messed up in the finals at NCAA (where he finished sixth). Once I corrected my step problems, I was ready to run the way I did today.”
Women’s 800m -- Ajee Wilson, winner
“I’m super excited. Even more excited that my teammate (Charlene Lipsey) was able to make the team as well, so I am just super happy on how the weekend went.”
On her chances in London...
“If I am healthy, I think I have a good chance of being in the mix. Of course I am going to try and medal.”
Women’s 800m -- Charlene Lipsey, 2nd place
“Ajee (Wilson) is like the veteran even though she’s younger than me. She is the one that keeps me head on straight. Even before we get out there, I was like ‘are we good?’ she’s like ‘you are good, we are ready,’ she’s always hyping me up. She took a lead in this whole meet. She’s like ‘I’ll lead, just sit on me, we will take care of each other.’ I appreciated that. Because at the end of the team when you are leading, you don’t know how you are going to feel. You might die trying to help one another, but she took it and she did well.”
Women’s 800m -- Brenda Martinez, 3rd place
“A lot of people come up to me and said I have so much heart. I put so much into training. I kill myself in training. I knew I was not going to break in the race. I can give it my best and I won’t be upset or disappointed in myself. The plan was to go out with Ajee and don’t be more than two strides (back). I tried to get on her shoulder. I was not going to panic and I was going to cover every move. I felt we were stride for stride. It was good the pressure is off so I am happy.”
On 800 meter team…
“We are taking the best team I think. I want to see all three of us in the final and in contention for a medal. We have to go through the rounds and it is not going to be easy. It gets harder. I can;t wait to go home and rest.”
Men’s 3000m Steeplechase -- Evan Jager, winner
“The steeple is really coming around, and it just makes it harder to win...I knew it was going to be hard. It was a little windy, I didn’t want to be in the lead for four and a half laps like last year. So I wanted to wait, kind of trusted my speed and my hurdling format and technique against the rest of the guys. I just wanted to stayed relaxed as long as possible and when I went making it a hard move. Just use the benefits of being in the lead while running fast over the barriers to my advantage.
Men’s 3000m Steeplechase -- Stanley Kebenei, 2nd place
“This is the result of training, training, training. I’ve gone from running 60 miles a week to running 105 a week. I ran pretty easy today, so I’m thankful. I want to go to London and see if I can come away with a medal.”
Men’s 3000m Steeplechase -- Hillary Bor, 3rd place
“That was tough. I did not feel good. I did not feel good on Friday. I did not feel good today. That was the toughest race I have ever done in a long time. I think the heat I guess. I think it was because of the heat. I am glad I made the team.”
Men’s 200m -- Ameer Webb, winner
“I am proud of myself and happy to be part of this U.S. team going to London. To be the U.S. champion is something I have always dreamed about. It happened today even though we had some amazing college kids come out and I came out on top.”
On finish…
“That is what I am know for - I am a finisher. I am not really a starter at all. It is when I have to trust in my race. I came out of the turn and I had seen the times earlier and I am thinking I have to be the third fastest man or better to get on this team. I seen I was in the race for first and it happened.”
Men’s 200m -- Christian Coleman, 2nd place
“It was a pretty successful week, qualifying for the team in two events. I felt my legs tighten a bit near the end after so many races, but no excuses. It was a great race.”
Men’s 200m -- Elijah Hall-Thompson, 3rd place
“It feels great, it feels awesome. Battled with some injuries this year. I was unfortunately couldn’t to run at the National meet with my team at the National meet and they still won without me. But I just kept my head up and kept getting better every day. Coach Carl tells me ‘you are gonna make this team. You go out here and do what you are supposed to do, you are going to make the team.’ And I really just took that and train every day...I am here.”
Women’s 200m -- Deajah Stevens, winner
“I love running and excited to be out there. I have never been to London so that is going to be fun. It feels awesome. We got the triple crown for Oregon. But I did not have any individual title so it is good to have one now. There are so many great American sprinters, it is great competition running with them.”
Women’s 200m -- Kimberlyn Duncan, 2nd place
“I feel good, I am a little tired because of the heat. Other than that I feel fine. I worked out this year for everything I’ve done. So, at this point, I am happy with the race. I am happy pretty much with everything. I am just in a happy place. This is my second (national team), I made it in 2013, and I am just excited to get another opportunity to represent team USA.”
Women’s 200m -- Tori Bowie, 3rd place
“It feels great. It is an amazing feeling. I came here and achieved my goals. I trying to make the team in both events to give myself an option. I came in exhausted so if I just finish the race I will be extremely excited. I overachieved today. I actually made the team. I am excited.”
Men’s 110m hurdles -- Aleec Harris, winner
“I went to Atlanta and had a son. My wife and decided to go down to Atlanta, I was just training myself. I did the same workout everyday and I still made the Olympic Trials finals. I knew once I got back to LA with Coach Carroll, the sky was the limit. We went back to L.A. and we are here, we are champions.”
What is the breakthrough...
“I usually cramp up in the finals and came of an ACL injury, it has been a steady build, build and getting stronger in my calves. Today we did not cramp up and all glory to God we had a healthy race.”
Men’s 110m hurdles -- Aries Merritt, 2nd place
“I feel great. I made the team, and the national championship meet is about coming in the top three. Third is as good as first.”
On his current form given his health problems the last few years:
“I’m in much better health. I’m able to eat properly and train properly. You’re going to see some great times this summer. Today we were running into a headwind, and that’s tough for a guy who only weighs 160 pounds. I haven’t done any speedwork yet and I’m running really fast. I’m excited about what’s to come this summer.”
Men’s 110m hurdles -- Devon Allen, 3rd place
“It feel great! I made another team, which was good. I didn’t think I was going to be here when I started my recovery from knee surgery, so I am just ecstatic to be on the world team again. It makes my season a little bit longer. Coming in, I just trying to as fresh as can with the knicks and dings here and there. I felt pretty good running, I am happy with the time. Made the team, that was my goal here. Obviously competing I want to win every time, which didn’t happen, but I got a few more races I can go out there and win.

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