Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Erasing world records set before 2005 is a cynical PR charade that will do nothing but punish the innocent

  • Svein Arne Hansen has put forward the idea of erasing pre-2005 world records 
  • The move is intended to clear up the name and integrity of athletics 
  • Under this move the likes of Jonathan Edwards would lose remarkable records 
  • It is outrageously unfair if an athlete who has never used performance enhancing drugs is now wiped from history 

The man behind the ill-conceived idea to erase any athletics world record set before 2005 is Svein Arne Hansen.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/article-4467446/Erasing-world-records-set-2005-cynical-PR-charade.html#ixzz4fyad2PlM
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