Thursday, February 23, 2017

IAAF approves the application of 3 Russians to compete internationally as Neutral Athletes

IAAF approves the application of 3 Russians to compete internationally as Neutral Athletes

The IAAF Doping Review Board has today agreed that the applications of 3 Russians have met the exceptional eligibility criteria to compete in International Competition as Neutral Athletes under Competition Rule 22.1A(b) while the Russian national federation (RusAF) remains suspended.
The Doping Review Board, which is composed of Robert Hersh (chair), Sylvia Barlag and Antti Pihlakoski, has unanimously accepted the applications of the following athletes:

Anzhelika Sidorova (Pole Vault)
Kristina Sivkova (sprints)
Aleksei Sokirskii (Hammer Throw)
Their participation as Neutral Athletes in International Competition is still subject to acceptance by the individual athlete and the organiser of the competition in question, in accordance with the rules of that competition. If agreed all three athletes are able to compete in either the 34th European Athletics Indoor Championships or the 17th European Throwing Cup in March.
As soon as the formalities for eligibility under IAAF Rules are completed, the IAAF will confirm to international event organisers their eligibility to compete as Neutral Athletes.
Six applications have been declined whilst the remaining applications, many for competitions later in the year, are currently under review.
IAAF President Sebastian Coe commented: “The application process to compete internationally as neutral athletes is about our desire to support the hopes and aspirations of all clean athletes including Russian athletes who have been failed by their national system. While prioritising applications based upon the entry deadlines of the competitions concerned, the primary responsibility of the Doping Review Board must always be to safeguard the integrity of competition.”
Since publication of updated guidelines under Rule 22.1A(b) earlier this year: the IAAF has received a total of 48 applications from Russian athletes, 28 of which have been endorsed by their national federation RusAF. A number of these applications remain under review by the Doping Review Board in accordance with the guidelines whilst the athletes' implicated in matters referenced in the Independent Person's report published last December continue to be assessed in consultation with experts.
The Doping Review Board in accordance with the guidelines has also instructed that all samples from applicant athletes placed in long-term storage must be re-analysed before any decision is taken to grant Neutral Athlete status under Rule 22.1A(b). These re-analyses are on-going and the IAAF has been advised that they will likely be concluded by the middle of March.
This being an ongoing process, the IAAF will only make announcements as and when decisions are made by the Doping Review Board concerning successful applications and those athletes have been duly informed.
Please note:
That 2 Russian athletes, Darya Klishina and Yuliya Stepanova, were previously declared eligible under Rule 22.1A to compete as Neutral Athletes in 2016 and they remain eligible to compete in International Competition today subject to acceptance by individual meeting organisers.
The Entry Deadline for the 2017 European Indoor Championships is today Thursday 23 February.

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