Saturday, January 21, 2017

Prefontaine and Dellinger photo

PATENTLY UNTRUE...earlier today someone said to me quite accusingly, "...all you ever post are stories about New Zealand, Jim Ryun and Villanova...that's it"
Well, thats a big time buncha bologna says I. EVERYbody knows I also post stuff about the 1968 Olympics, that cat called Prefontaine, all things Philly and or Penn Relays, along with a dash of Marty Liquori and a pinch of Wottle.
I immediately threatened to 'friend' him on Facebook' if he didn't take it back. THAT clearly sent him running for the hills. I've not heard another peep ;)
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Daniel Hurley Like all your posts, love to know what Pre and Bowerman were pondering.
LikeReply13 hrs
Mike Fanelli be a fun 'label this pic' happening
James B. Hyatt Hell, you even post field events.
LikeReply12 hrs
Keith Conning I enjoy your track pictures.
LikeReply157 mins

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