Saturday, December 03, 2016

Overwhelming vote for IAAF reform delivered by membership


Overwhelming vote for IAAF reform delivered by membership

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© Giancarlo Colombo / IAAF
The IAAF Special Congress delivered a 95% vote in favour of a resolution for constitutional reform which will be delivered in two stages, 1 January 2017 and 1 January 2019, issuing in a new era of transparent and accountable sports administration.
In his opening address, IAAF President Sebastian Coe had urged the 197 national member federations who were represented in the Congress room to back the governance structure reforms which were the basis for the constitutional reform.
“We must protect our sport,” said Coe. “We must put in place the structures that will keep our sport and athletes safe on and off the field of play, in and out of the stadium. It is bad enough that any of this happened once BUT it cannot happen a second time. Not on our watch and not on anyone else’s watch. We have to step up and ensure the walls are never too high again and that checks and balances are in place and working.”

The vote

Voting cards distributed: 197
Valid votes: 192
Special majority: 127
YES: 182
NO: 10


That the constitution of the IAAF currently in force be amended by revoking it in full and replacing it with the following constitutions:
a. The constitution circulated on 2 September 2016 entitled “2017 Constitution”, which shall take effect on 1 January 2017; and,
b. The constitution circulated on 25 November 2016 entitled revised proposed “2019 Constitution”, which shall take effect from 1 January 2019, and replace the 2017 Constitution with effect from that date, except to the extent specified in the revised proposed 2019 Constitution.
Sebastian Coe outlined clearly to members what the resolution meant: “The proposals in front of you today incorporate the changes that you have articulated to me through this process. I have listened carefully and clearly. I always knew my most challenging task would be to balance the views and competing claims of an association made up of six continents and 214 Member Federations. And yes I know that not everything you have in front of you today has universal approval. But the fundamental principles of these reforms I believe have broad support.”
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