Friday, September 16, 2016

Benjamin Michael Needham (Heritage High School, Brentwood)

Benjamin Michael Needham was born November 14, 1996 in Pleasanton, CA.  Ben spent his first 6 years in Livermore, CA.  As a child, Ben was a busy, inquisitive child.  Ben loved to read and could read for hours.  During these years, the Needham family lived next door to a community pool.  Ben and his sister Amanda taught themselves to swim while Ben’s mom was pregnant with twins.
 In 2003, Ben’s family moved to Brentwood, CA.  Ben loved his new home because there was a park next door.  The backyard was not finished, which for Ben was perfect because he loved digging and could keep his busy self-happy digging all day.
 From a young age, Ben was a fearless being.  He would wrestle his 13-year-old uncle that was much bigger.  Ben would never give up.
 As a teenager, Ben continued to love to read.  He read Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, all kinds of fiction and nonfiction.  By the time Ben turned 19, it was estimated he read at least 650 books, (not including his text books).  He also could recall everything he read, in detail.
 Ben loved being outdoors, camping and hiking. From 11 years old, Ben had completed 8 50-mile hikes.  Ben enjoyed Boy Scouts and attained the rank of Life.
When the Needham family moved to the Brentwood 3rd ward, they attended an activity designed to get the youth engaged and interacting with the “Older” members of the ward.  Ben was seated with several members of the Somerset Retirement community.  Ben was the great communicator of the evening.  Ben was a talented conversationalist, gifted with the ability to share facts and information on a wide range of subjects.
Ben was also known for his gifted sense of humor. Many people will remember Ben as a very witty, humorous, young man.  Ben had a gift of seeing life from a different perspective, seeing humor in every day situations and bringing a lightness to otherwise mundane routines.   Ben’s gift of humor allowed him to find the comic elements in every day events, lightening the mood for those around him who benefited from his comedic relief.
In High School, Ben participated in the Mock Trials Club at Heritage High School.  Students had the opportunity to engage in the trial process, in a role as either the defense or prosecutor.  For one of the trials, Ben was the lead attorney for the defendant and argued successfully many times in other mock trials.
Ben was an avid runner; he was a member of the Cross Country and Track Team at both Adams Middle School and Heritage High School.  Ben always finished the races, no matter how hard the course.  
Ben leaves a giant hole in the hearts of many, many friends and family. His parents Matthew and Stephanie Needham, his siblings, Amanda, Jared and Julia.  His Grandparents, Michael and Joyce Needham, Steve McKay and Tina and Merle Hymas.
Graveside Services will be held at 11:00 a.m. Saturday, September 17, 2016 at the South Morgan Cemetery, 355 South State Street, Morgan, Utah. A visitation will be held for family and friends Friday, September 16 from 6:00-9:00 p.m. at Russon Brothers Mortuary, 1941 N. Main Street, Farmington, Utah.

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