Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Statement From TrackTown USA On 2021 Bid

(press release)

In relation to the bids from the United States for the 2019 and 2021 IAAF World Championships, TrackTown USA stands fully behind the integrity of these candidatures, which have been made public. The Eugene proposal – which was identical for 2019 and 2021 – adhered to all ethical and legal standards for organizing, presenting and advocating for our bid, according to IAAF rules. The decision to award the 2021 World Championships to Eugene was made by the IAAF Council in a vote of 23-1.
We have not been contacted regarding any potential inquiry into the decision, but should we be, we will fully cooperate with the relevant authorities.
Our bid was based largely on the notion that the United States is well positioned to host a World Championships, and that the sport would benefit worldwide from the Championships being held in the world’s biggest sports sponsorship market and global economy. The bid followed all norms and ethical standards, and we stand by the strength and merits of our bid, as first presented to Council in November, 2014. Based on feedback from Council members at that presentation, having narrowly lost to Doha for 2019, we made the decision to make our same bid available for 2021. The IAAF Council made their decision, and only they can speak to that decision.
We are proud of the bid and strongly believe that the quality and merits of the bid were ultimately the driving factor in the Council’s decision on 2021. We are also proud to have the support of public and private institutions in the State of Oregon, across the United States and around the world for our bid. The United States has never hosted the IAAF World Championships, and the resources required to mount a credible and legitimate bid are substantial, which is why the unprecedented confluence of support from the Oregon Governor, University of Oregon, University of Oregon Foundation, the USOC, NBC and USATF was so important.
We are fully committed to working with the new leadership at IAAF. We are focused on preparing for and hosting the 2016 IAAF World Indoor Championships and 2021 World Championships as a way to build a stronger future for the sport of track & field and to celebrate and promote the great performances of our athletes, who are at the center of everything we do.

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