Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Sporft: Winning Ways

Sport: Winning Ways

The University of Southern California's newest candidate for "world's fastest human" was just, beginning to warm up last week. Unlike the late Charlie Paddock, who was chunky, 23-year-old Mel Patton is tall (6 ft.) and frail (147 lbs.). In Los Angeles' huge Coliseum, against a brisk breeze, Patton sped the 100 yards in 9.7 (three-tenths of a second off the world's record which he shares with seven others).
Later in the day, he did better. His 20.7 time in the 220 was a new track record. But Patton, ex-G.L, father of one child and the big U.S. hope for the Olympics, barely...

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