Thursday, November 26, 2015

USC Track and Field Honor Roll

From 1925 to 1940 athletes were selected to a Collegiate Honor Roll based on their season of competiton. In 1941

All American College Team selections were introduced and from 1941 to 1962 the two lists (Honor Roll & All

American) would recognize collegiate track athletes. The Honor Roll selections would cease after 1962 in favor

of the All American selections. It would appear that in 1975 All-American status would no longer be a selection

process by the NCAA Rules Committee, but be determined by one's finish at the NCAA Championship Meet.
NCAA Collegiate Honor Roll


Leighton Dye - 120H

Bud Houser - DT

Ken Grumbles - 220LH


Andrew Cook - JT

Bud Houser - SP; DT

Clifton Reynolds - 120H; LJ

Henry Coggeshall - HJ

Ken Grumbles - 220LH

Leighton Dye - 120H

Edgar House - 220


Charles Borah - 100; 220

Jess Hill - LJ

Lee Barnes - PV

Jack Williams - PV


Charles Borah - 100

Lee Barnes - PV

Jack Williams - PV


Jim Payne - 220LH

Charles Borah - 100

Jack Williams - PV

Jess Hill - LJ

Howard Paul - LJ


Hector Dye - 100; 220

Victor Williams - 440

Bill McGeagh - 880

Ed Welsh - 120H

William Carls - 220LH

Ernie Payne - 220LH

Jim Stewart - HJ

Bob van Osdel - HJ

William Hubbard - PV

William Livingston - PV

Howard Paul - LJ

Dick Barber - LJ

Bob Hall - SP; DT

Jess Mortensen - JT

James Snider - JT


Bob Hall - SP; DT

Bill Garber - PV

Frank Wykoff - 100; 220; 4x110

Roy Delby - 4x110

Milton Mauer - 4x110

Maurice Guyer - 4x110

Vic Williams - 440

Vic Fitzmaurice - 880

Cliff Halstead - Mile

Ernie Payne - 220LH

William Carls - 220LH

Clarence Berry - 4x120SHR

Joseph Bills - 4x120SHR

Albert Vignolo - 4x120SHR

Bill Stokes - 4x120SHR

Jim Stewart - HJ

Dick Barber - LJ


Frank Wykoff - 100y; 100m; 220; 4x110

Roy Delby - 4x110

Leslie Ball - 4x110

Alvin Koenig - 4x110

Ed Ablowich - 440; 400m; 4x220

Bill McGeagh - 4x220; 880

Bob Dow - 4x220

Art Woessner - 4x220

Cliff Halstead - Mile

Ed Welsh - 120H; 4x120SHR

Jim Payne - 120H; 4x120SHR

Joseph Bills - 120H; 4x120SHR

Albert Vignolo - 4x120SHR

Norman Paul - 220LH

Bill Graber - PV

Bob van Osdel - HJ

Duncan McNaughton - HJ

William Brannan - HJ

Dick Barber - LJ

Norman Paul - LJ; 220LH

John Johnson - LJ

Hueston Harper - SP

Bob Hall - DT

Frank Williamson - JT


Ed Ablowich - 440; 4x440; DMR

Granville Ashcraft - DMR

David Foore - DMR

Francis Benavidez - DMR

Harry Tompkins - 4x440

Charles Parsons - 220; 4x110; 4x220

Bob Reed - 4x440

George Carter - 4x440

Harry Thompkins - 4x440

Alvin Koenig - 4x110; 4x220

Lawrence Osburn - 4x110; 4x220

Leslie Ball - 100; 4x110; 4x220

Robert Lyon - 110H

Norman Paul - 220LH; LJ

Hueston Harper - SP

Ken McKenzie - JT

Bill Graber - PV

Elwood Jones - 4x120SHR

Clarence Berry - 4x120SHR

Bob Lyon - 4x120SHR

Ed Welsh - 4x120SHR


Charles Parsons - 100; 220; 4x100; 4x220

Foy Draper - 100; 220; 4x100; 4x220

Lawrence Osburn - 4x100

Jim Abbott - 4x100; 4x220

John McCarthy - 440; DMR

Francis Benavidez - DMR

Ferris Webster - DMR

Al Fitch - 440; 4x220

Estel Johnson - 880; DMR

James Fimple - PV

Al Olson - LJ

Robert Lyon - 120H; 4x120SHR

Clarence Berry - 4x120SHR

Gilbert Strother - 4x120SHR

Leslie Culp - 4x120SHR

Ed Hall - 120H

John Hooker - PV

Curtis McFadden - LJ

Marvin Crawforn - LJ

Hueston Harper - SP

Ken Carpenter - DT

Ed Albowich - 440

From 1925 to 1940 athletes were selected to a Collegiate Honor Roll based on their season of competiton. In 1941

All American College Team selections were introduced and from 1941 to 1962 the two lists (Honor Roll & All

American) would recognize collegiate track athletes. The Honor Roll selections would cease after 1962 in favor

of the All American selections. It would appear that in 1975 All-American status would no longer be a selection

process by the NCAA Rules Committee, but be determined by one's finish at the NCAA Championship Meet.

Bill Sefton - PV

Earle Meadows - PV

George Boone - 100; 220; 4x100; 4x220

Foy Draper - 100; 220; 4x100; 4x220

Al Fitch - 220; 4x100; 4x220; 4x440

Clark Crane - 4x100; 4x220

Ross Bush - 880; 2MR

Louie Zamperini - 2MR

Fred Lantz - 2MR

Francis Benavidez - 2MR

Estel Johnson - 880; 4x440

Phil Cope - 120H; 4x120SHR

Roy Staley - 120H; 4x120SHR

Leslie Culp - 4x120SHR

George Brown - 4x120SHR

John McCarthy - 4x440

James Cassin - 4x440

Harold Smallwood - 4x440

Wallace Monroe - 4x440

Gilbert Strother - 220H

Al Olson - LJ

Paul Jungkeit - LJ

Ken Carpenter - DT


Foy Draper - 100; 200; 4x100

Adrian Talley - 100; 4x100

George Boone - 100; ; LJ; TJ; 4x100

Roy Staley - 110H

Phil Cope - 110H

Clark Crane - 4x100; LJ

Estel Johnson - 400H; 4x400

Al Fitch - 200; 400; 4x400

Harold Smallwood - 4x400

James Cassin - 400; 4x400

Ross Bush - 800

Ken Carpenter - DT

Delos Thurber - HJ

Tex Milner - JT

Donald Skinner - LJ

Earle Meadows - PV

Bill Sefton - PV

John Hooker - PV

Loring Day - PV

Owen Hansen - SP


Ross Bush - 880

Delos Thurber - HJ

Earle Meadows - PV

Bill Sefton - PV

George Boone - 100; LJ

Adrian Talley - 100

Clark Crane - 220

Roy Staley - 120H

Earl Vickery - 220LH

Irving Howe - PV

Phil Gaspar - DT

Owen Hansen - SP


Adrian Talley - 100

Mickey Anderson - 100

Payton Jordan - 220

Erwin Miller - 440

Howard Bauchman - 440

Lou Zamperini - Mile

Jim Humphrey - 120H

Ivy Bledsole - 120H

Earl Vickery - 220LH

Loring Day - PV

Irving Howe - PV

Ken Dills - PV

Delos Thurber - HJ

Whitney Alexander - DT

Phil Gaspar - DT

Art Wrotnowski - DT

Reed Trusel - JT

Charles Soper - JT


Erwin Miller - 440

Howard Upton - 440

Art Wrotnowski - DT

Phil Gaspar - DT

Lou Zamperini - Mile

Bob Peoples - JT

Johnny Wilson - HJ

Barney Willis - 100

Payton Jordan - 220

Jim Humphrey - 120H

Earl Vickery - 220LH

Clarke Mallery - HJ

Loring Day - PV

Hugo DeGroot - JT

Reed Trusel - JT

Robert Fisher - SP

Don McNeil - SP


Ken Dills - PV

Byron Dudley - PV

Bill Schaefer - PV

Johnny Wilson - HJ

Clark Mallory - HJ

Gil LaCava - HJ

Mickey Anderson - 100; 220

Howard Upton - 440

Lou Zamperini - Mile

Leroy Weed - Mile

Don Hommel - 120H

Don McNeil - SP

Bob Peoples - JT

Hugo DeGroot - JT


Henry Aihara - LJ

Bob Pruitt - 880

Wells DeLoach - 440

Ron Frazier - 220LH

Mel Patton - 100; 220

Dick Attlesey - 120H

Bob Chambers - 800

Al Lawrence - LJ

John Montgomery - PV

Bill Bayless - SP

Jess Swope - SP


Dick Attlesey - 120H; 220LH

Bob Chambers - 800

Bob Pruitt - 880

Jim Newcomb - Mile; 2M

Art Barnard - 120H

Al Lawrence - 120H

Walt Jensen - PV

Henry Aihara - LJ

Sim Iness - DT

4x110 Relay Team

4x220 Relay Team

4x880 Relay Team

DMR Team

4x120SH Relay Team


Jack Davis - 120H; 220LH

John Bradley - 440

Jim Newcomb - 2M

Frank Flores - LJ

Art Barnard - 120H

Parry O’Brien - SP

Jess Swope - SP

Walt Jensen - PV

Jack Rowan - PV

Larry Goins - JT

4x110 Relay Team

4x220 Relay Team

4x440 Relay Team


Jack Davis - 120H; 220LH

Jim Graffio - 100

Jim Lea - 440; 220

Verle Sorgen - 440

Will Wright - 120H

Ernie Shelton - HJ

Manuel Ronquillo - HJ

Sim Iness - DT

Parry O’Brien - SP; DT

Dick Genther - JT

4x110 Relay Team

4x220 Relay Team

4x440 Relay Team

From 1925 to 1940 athletes were selected to a Collegiate Honor Roll based on their season of competiton. In 1941

All American College Team selections were introduced and from 1941 to 1962 the two lists (Honor Roll & All

American) would recognize collegiate track athletes. The Honor Roll selections would cease after 1962 in favor

of the All American selections. It would appear that in 1975 All-American status would no longer be a selection

process by the NCAA Rules Committee, but be determined by one's finish at the NCAA Championship Meet.

Jon Arnett - LJ

Ernie Shelton - HJ

Des Koch - DT

Leon Patterson - DT

Jim Lea - 440

Rod Wilger - 220

Joe Graffio - 100

Willard Wright - 120

Howard Bugbee - 220

Walt Levack - PV

Des Koch - JT

4x110 Relay Team

4x220 Relay Team

4x440 Relay Team


Pat Coyle - 200

Mike Larrabee - 400

Chuck Kirkby - 800

Sid Wing - 1500

Wes McLeod - Mile

Max Truex - 2M; 5K

Jon Arnett - LJ

Jack Findley - PV

Wally Levack - PV

Ray Martin - SP

Rink Babka - DT

Jack Egan - DT

Doug Maijala - JT


Max Truex - Mile; 2M

Tom Anderson - 880

Mal Robertson - 2M

Bob Lawson - 120H

C.R. Roberts - LJ

Dick Bronson - SP

Bob Voiles - JT

Doug Maijala - JT

Rink Babka - DT

Jack Egan - DT

Ron Morris - PV

4x440 Relay Team

4x880 Relay Team

DMR Team


Charlie Dumas - HJ; 120H

Bob Lawson - 120H

Dave Davis - SP

Rink Babka - DT

Jack Egan - DT

Mike Page - JT

Max Truex - 2M

Gene Freudenthal - PV

4x220 Relay Team

4x880 Relay Team

4xMILE Relay Team

DMR Team


Charlie Dumas - HJ

Marlin McKeever - SP

Mike Page - JT

Jim Brewer - PV

Bobby Avant - HJ

Bob Shankland - Mile

4x440 Relay Team

4x880 Relay Team

DMR Team


Charlie Dumas - HJ

Dallas Long - SP

Jim Wade - DT

Dan Ficca - DT

Bob Sbordone - JT

Dick Tomlinson - JT

Bill Jackson - LJ

Luther Hayes - LJ; TJ

Jim Brewer - PV

4x220 Relay Team

4x440 Relay Team


Luther Hayes - LJ; TJ

Dallas Long - SP

Jim Brewer - PV

Bobby Avant - HJ

Bob Staten - 440H

Robert Pierce - 120H; 220LH

Brian Polkinghorne - 120H

Bob Sbordone - JT

Rex Cawley - 440; 440H; 220LH

Bruce Munn - 100

Kevin Hogan - 440

4x110 Relay Team

4x220 Relay Team

4x440 Relay Team


Rex Cawley - 440; 440H

Julio Marin - 3M

Robert Pierce - 120H

Brian Polkinghome - 120H

Warren Farlow - 880

Norm Grundy - HJ

MIke Flanagan - PV

Jan Sikorsky - JT

Dallas Long - SP

4x440 Relay Team

4x880 Relay Team

NCAA All American Collegiate Team


Hubie Kerns - 100; 440; 4x440

Cliff Bourland - 220; 4x440

Warren Smith - 4x440

Howard Upton - 4x440

Leroy Weed - Mile

Johnny Wilson - HJ

Bill Schaefer - PV

Carl Merritt - SP

Bob Peoples - JT


Cliff Bourland - 440

John Wachtler - 440

Leroy Weed - Mile; 2 Mile

Forrester Greeme - HJ

Carl Merritt - SP


Cliff Bourland - 440

Jack Trout - 100


Mel Patton - 100; 220

Ron Frazier - 220LH

Roland Sink - 2M

Bob Hart - PV


Bob Chambers - 800

Ron Frazier - 400LH

Mel Patton - 100; 200

Roland Sink - 1500

John Montgomery - PV


Parry O’Brien - SP

Jack Davis - 110H

Sim Iness - DT


Jack Davis - 120H; 220LH

Jim Lea - 440

Verle Sorgen - 440

Sim Iness - DT

Parry O’Brien - SP; DT

Dick Genther - JT


Jon Arnett - LJ

Ernie Shelton - HJ

Des Koch - DT

Leon Patterson - DT

Jim Lea - 440

Rod Wilger - 220

Joe Graffio - 100

Willard Wright - 120H


Des Koch - DT

Leon Clarke - 220LH

Ernie Shelton - HJ

Wally Levack - PV

Ron Morris - PV

From 1925 to 1940 athletes were selected to a Collegiate Honor Roll based on their season of competiton. In 1941

All American College Team selections were introduced and from 1941 to 1962 the two lists (Honor Roll & All

American) would recognize collegiate track athletes. The Honor Roll selections would cease after 1962 in favor

of the All American selections. It would appear that in 1975 All-American status would no longer be a selection

process by the NCAA Rules Committee, but be determined by one's finish at the NCAA Championship Meet.

Sid Wing - 1500

Rink Babka - DT

Doug Maijala - JT


Max Truex - 2M

Bob Voiles - JT

Rink Babka - DT

Ron Morris - PV


Charlie Dumas - HJ

Dave Davis - SP

Rink Babka - DT

Max Truex - 2M


Charlie Dumas - HJ


Charlie Dumas - HJ

Dallas Long - SP

Jim Wade - DT

Luther Hayes - TJ

Jim Brewer - PV


Luther Hays - LJ; TJ

Dallas Long - SP

Jim Brewer - PV

Bobby Avant - HJ

Bob Staten - 440H

Robert Pierce - 120H


Jan Sikorsky - JT

Brian Polkinghome - 120H

Dallas Long - SP


Julio Main - 3M; 6M

Rex Cawley - 440; 440H

Brian Polkinghome - 120H

Lew Hoyt - HJ


Mike Flanangan - PV

Bruce Bess - 800


Paul Kerry - 120H

Theo Viltz - 120H

Bill Fosdick - PV


Dwight Middleton - 440; 4x440

Roger Wolff - 4x440

Dennis Carr - 4x440

Dave Buck - 4x440

Greg Heet - HJ

Gary Carlsen - DT


Lennox Miller - 100; 220; 4x110

Fred Kuller - 100; 4x110

O.J. Simpson - 4x110

Dennis Carr - 880

Earl McCullouch - 120H; 4x110

Paul Kerry - 120H

Geoff Vanderstock - 440H

Gary Carlsen - DT

Bob Seagren - PV

Paul Wilson - PV


Lennox Miller - 100; 200; 4x100

Fred Kuller - 4x100

O.J. Simpson - 4x100

Earl McCullouch - 110H; 4x100

Geoff Vanderstock - 400H

Bob Seagren - PV

Tim Barrett - TJ


Lennox Miller - 100

Edesel Garrison - 440

Ole Oleson - 3M

Bob Seagren - PV


Dave Murphy - SP

Fred Ritcherson - 6M

Edesel Garrison - 4x110

Montgomery Turner - 4x110

Mike Jackson - 4x110

Ken Jones - 4x110

Sherry Calvert - JT*


Lance Babb - 4x110

Edesel Garrison - 440; 4x110

Leon Brown - 100; 4x110

Willie Deckard - 4x110

Larry Hollins - HJ

Henry Hines - LJ


Randy Williams - LJ; 4x100

Henry Jackson† - LJ

Doug Lane - SP

Jerry Wilson - 110H

Leon Brown - 200; 4x100

Edesel Garrison 400; 4x100

Willie Deckard - 200; 4x100

Sherry Calvert - JT*

* 1970; 1972 DGWS National Women’s Collegiate

T&F Championship


Robert Pullard - PV

Randy Williams - LJ


Randy Williams - LJ

Robert Pullard - PV

Claude Brown - 4x440

Greg Jones -- 4x440

Ken Randle - 4x440

Trevor Campbell - 4x440

Bo Sterner - Decathlon


Randy Williams - LJ; 4x100

Mike Simmons - 4x100

Ken Randle - 4x100; 4x400

James Gilkes - 200; 4x100

Tom Cochee - TJ

Ron Conners - 4x400

Tom Andrews - 4x400

Trevor Campbell - 4x400

Mike Budincich† - SP

Rosetta Birt - 100; 4x200**

Harrieth Knight - 4x200**

Angela Hunter - 4x200**

Anna Biller - 4x200**


Mike Simmons - 4x100

Joel Andrews - 4x100

Ken Randle - 400; 4x100

James Gilkes - 100; 200; 4x100

Tom Andrews - 400H

Russ Rogers - PV

Tom Distanislao - PV

Ralph Fruguglietti - DT

Darrell Elder† - DT

Tom Cochee - TJ


Larry Doubley - LJ

Ralph Fruguglietti - DT

Joel Andrews - 4x100; 4x400

Tom Andrews 400H; 4x100; 4x400

Mike Simmons - 4x100

Clancy Edwards - 4x100

Rayfield Beaton - 4x400

Lloyd Johnson - 4x400

Mike Johnson† - 110HH

Patty VanWolvelaere - 100H; 4x100**

Rosetta Birt - 4x100**

Anna Biller - 4x100**

Jackie Gordon - 4x100**


Clancy Edwards - 100; 200

Kevin Williams - 100

James Sanford - 200

Richard Graybehl - 400H

Patty VanWolvelaere - 100H; 4x100**

Gail Douglas - 100; 4x100**

Mitzi McMillin - 100H; 4x100**

Rosetta Birt - 4x100**

** 1975; 1977; 1978; 1979; 1982 AIAW National

Women’s Collegiate T&F Championship

From 1925 to 1940 athletes were selected to a Collegiate Honor Roll based on their season of competiton. In 1941

All American College Team selections were introduced and from 1941 to 1962 the two lists (Honor Roll & All

American) would recognize collegiate track athletes. The Honor Roll selections would cease after 1962 in favor

of the All American selections. It would appear that in 1975 All-American status would no longer be a selection

process by the NCAA Rules Committee, but be determined by one's finish at the NCAA Championship Meet.

David Omwanza - 800

Kevin Williams - 4x100

Colin Bradford - 4x100; 4x400

James Sanford - 100; 4x100; 4x400

Billy Mullins - 4x100

James Walters - 4x400

Rod Bethany - 4x400

Gail Douglas - 4x100**

Kim Robinson - 4x100**

Sandy Crabtree - 4x100; LJ**

Linda Cassidy - 4x100**


Bill Green - 400; 4x100

Tonie Campbell - 110H

Kevin Williams - 4x100

James Sanford - 100; 4x100

Mike Sanford - 4x100

Larry Doubley - LJ


Darwin Cook - 100

Milan Stewart - 110H

Dave Kenworthy - PV

Kerry Zwart-Bell - Hep.**


Hank Kraychir - SP

Ed Tave - LJ

Dave Kenworthy - PV

Anthony Caire - HJ

Mark Handelsman - 800

Darwin Cook - 100

Cindy Johnson - DT

Debra Larson - HJ; Hep.

Kerry Zwart-Bell - Hep.


Ed Tave - LJ

Hank Kraychir - SP; DT

Mike Gonzales - Dec

Sharon Hatfield - Hep

Sabrina Williams - LJ

Donna Curtis - 800

John Wolitarsky - HT


Darwin Cook - 100

Wendy Brown - LJ; TJ

Sabrina Williams - LJ

Diana Clements - SP

** 1975; 1977; 1978; 1979; 1982 AIAW National

Women’s Collegiate T&F Championship


Mike Dexter - 200; 4x100

Joey Bunch - 800

Robert Reading - 4x100

Antonio Manning - 4x100

Luis Morales - 4x100

Steve Klassen - PV

Bernd Kneissler - DT

Diana Clements - SP

Yvette Bates - LJ; TJ

Wendy Brown - LJ; TJ

Robin Simmons - 4x100

Gervaise McGraw - 400; 4x100

LaWanda Cabell - 4x100

Myra Mayberry - 4x100


Andrew Tolputt - HT

Steve Klassen - PV

Eric White - PV

Wendy Brown - TJ; Hep

Diana Clements - SP

Yvette Bates - LJ; TJ

Myra Mayberry - 4x100; 4x400

Gervaise McGraw 400; 4x100&400

Michelle Taylor - 4x100; 4x400

Leslie Maxie - 400H; 4x100; 4x400

Robin Simmons - 4x100


Ibrahim Okash - 800

Robert Reading - 110H

George Porter - 400H

Michelle Taylor - 400

Wendy Brown - LJ; TJ; Hep

Yvette Bates - TJ


George Porter - 400H

Robert Reading - 110H

Ibrahim Okash - 800

Ashley Selman - JT

Michelle Taylor - 400; 800

Lesley Noll - 800


Mark Crear - 110H

Travis Hannah - 400

Ashley Selman - JT


Quincy Watts - 400

Ashley Selman - JT


Jeff Laynes - 100; 4x100

Quincy Watts - 400; 4x100; 4x400

Travis Hannah - 400; 4x100; 4x400

Mark Crear - 110H

Curtis Conway - 4x100; 4x400

Martin Cannady - 4x400

Allison Franke - DT; JT


Balazs Kiss - HT

Marcus Carter - 400H

Jeff Laynes - 100

Crissy Mills - HJ


Jean-Paul Bruwier - 400H

Pedro Rodrigues - 400H

Gary Kirchhoff - DT

Balazs Kiss - HT

Chad Danowsky† - HT

Inger Miller - 100

Sau Ying Chan - 100H


Ed Hervey - 100; 4x100; 4x400

Anthony Volsan - 4x100

Bryan Krill - 4x100; 4x400

Pedro Rodrigues - 4x400

Chad Danowsky - DT

Balazs Kiss - HT

Nils Fearnly - JT

Udeme Ekpenyong - 400; 4x100; 4x400

Sau Ying Chan - 100H

LaTima Jones - 200


Kenny Alade’fa - 400H

Balazs Kiss - HT

Bengt Johansson - HT

Nicole Haynes - Hep

Leslie Coons - HT

Tai-Ne Gibson - 4x100

Kanika Conwright - 4x100

Esi Benyarko - 4x100

Torri Edwards - 4x100

Grazyna Penc - 1500

Emebret Shiferaw - 3K


Bengt Johasson - HT

Kedjeloba Mambo - TJ

Ray Carter - 4x400

Dion Joyner - 4x400

Jerome Davis - 400; 4x100; 4x400

Issac Turner - 800; 4x400

Jason Shelton - 100; 4x100

Marcus Holiwell - 4x100

Tony Serpas - 4x100

William Erese - 110H

Grazyna Penc - 1500

Emebret Shiferaw - 3K

Emelie Fardigh - HJ

Pam Simpson - LJ

† = displaced American athlete

From 1925 to 1940 athletes were selected to a Collegiate Honor Roll based on their season of competiton. In 1941

All American College Team selections were introduced and from 1941 to 1962 the two lists (Honor Roll & All

American) would recognize collegiate track athletes. The Honor Roll selections would cease after 1962 in favor

of the All American selections. It would appear that in 1975 All-American status would no longer be a selection

process by the NCAA Rules Committee, but be determined by one's finish at the NCAA Championship Meet.

Charles Lee - 200

Jerome Davis - 400

William Erese - 100H

Bengt Johansson - HT

Daniel Haag - Dec

Natasha Danvers - 400H; 4x400

Carla Estes - 4x400

Brigita Langerholc - 800; 4x400

Malika Edmonson - 4x400

Grazyna Penc - 1500

Anna Lopaciuch - 1500

Torri Edwards - 100; 200


Charles Lee - 200; 4x100; 4x400

Jerome Davis - 400; 4x100; 4x400

William Erese - 110H

Miguel Fletcher - 4x100

Sultan McCullough - 4x100

Vince Williams - 4x400

Felix Sanchez - 4x400

Dennis Kholev - PV

Norbert Horvath - HT

Angela Williams - 100; 4x100

Torri Edwards - 100; 4x100

Brigita Langerholc - 800; 4x400

Grazyna Penc - 1500

Natasha Danvers - 400H; 4x400

Malika Edmonson - 4x100; 4x400

Esi Benyarko - 4x100

Kinshasa Davis - 4x400

Pam Simpson - LJ

Jennifer Vail - HT


Sultan McCullough - 100; 4x100

Felix Sanchez - 400H; 4x400

Darrell Rideaux - 4x100

Vince Williams - 4x100; 4x400

Andre Ammons - 4x100; 4x400

LeRoy Jordan - 4x400

Norbert Horvath - HT

Dagan Massey† - HT

Angela Williams - 100; 4x100

Candace Young - 4x100

Malika Edmonson - 4x100; 4x400

Kinshasa Davis 200; 4x100; 4x400

Brigita Langerholc - 800; 4x400

Natasha Danvers - 400H; 4x400

Jennifer Vail - HT

Anna Lopaciuch - 1500


Nobert Horvath - HT

Dennis Kholev - PV

Ryan Wilson - 110H

Angela Williams - 100; 4x100

Candace Young - 4x100

Natasha Neal - 4x100; 4x400

Kinshasa Davis 200; 4x100; 4x400

Carla Estes - 4x400

Brigita Langerholc - 800; 4x400

Tatyana Obukhova - TJ

Cynthia Ademiluyi - SP

Julianna Tudja - HT

Inga Stasiulionyte - JT


Ryan Wilson - 110H

Darrell Rideaux - 4x100

Sultan McCullough - 4x100

Wes Felix - 4x100

Kareem Kelly - 4x100

Dawid Jaworski - HJ

Julien Kapek - TJ

Angela Williams - 100; 4x100

Disia Page - 4x100

Natasha Neal - 4x100; 100H

Kinshasa Davis 200; 4x100; 4x400

Natasha Mayers - 100; 200

Nakiya Johnson - 4x400

Aleksandra Pieluzek - 4x400

Aleksandra Deren - 800

Tatyana Obukhova - TJ

L’Orangerie Crawford - HT

Inga Stasiulionyte - JT


Ryan Wilson - 110H

Dawid Jaworski - HJ

Jeff Ryan - PV

Allen Simms - LJ; TJ

Julian Kapek - TJ

Inga Stasiulionyte - JT

Virginia Powell - 100H

Julianna Tudja - HT


Michael Murray - HT

Noah Bryant† - SP

Andre Serrette† - LJ

Iryna Vashchuk - 1500

Julia Budniak - SC

L’Orangerie Crawford - SP

Inga Stasiulionyte - JT


Wes Felix - 100; 4x100

Garry Jones - 4x100

Phillip Frances - 4x100

Jeff Garrison - 4x100

Jesse Williams - HJ

Allen Simms - TJ

Adam Midles - HT

Alexis Weatherspoon - 100; 200

Iryna Vashchuk - 1500

Virginia Powell - 100H

Candice Davis - 100H


Duane Soloman - 800

Jesse Williams - HJ

Lionel Larry - 400; 4x400

Adam Midles - HT

Noah Bryant - SP

Jeff Garrison - 4x400

Kai Kelly - 4x400

DeSean Cunningham - 4x400

Phillip Francis† - 100

Virginia Powell - 100H; 4x100

Carol Rodriguez - 100; 200; 4x100

Jessica Onyepunuka - 4x100

Candice Davis - 4x100

Eva Orban - HT

Brysun Stately - PV

Karen Freberg - SP


Carol Rodriguez - 100; 4x100

Jessica Onyepunuka - 100; 4x100

Candice Davis - 100H; 4x100

Shalina Clarke - 4x100

Eva Orban - HT

Kai Kelley - 110H

Ahmad Rashad - 200

Lionel Larry - 400

Duane Solomon - 800

Noah Bryant - SP

Adam Midles - HT


Eva Orban - HT

Corey White - JT

Jessica Onyepunuka - 100

Kai Kelly - 110HH; 400IH

Carol Rodriguez - 400

Lionel Larry - 400

Duane Solomon - 800

Shalina Clarke - 100H

† = displaced American athlete

From 1925 to 1940 athletes were selected to a Collegiate Honor Roll based on their season of competiton. In 1941

All American College Team selections were introduced and from 1941 to 1962 the two lists (Honor Roll & All

American) would recognize collegiate track athletes. The Honor Roll selections would cease after 1962 in favor

of the All American selections. It would appear that in 1975 All-American status would no longer be a selection

process by the NCAA Rules Committee, but be determined by one's finish at the NCAA Championship Meet.

Eva Orban - HT

Corey White - JT

Shalina Clarke - 4x400

Elizabeth Olear - 4x400

Myra Hasson - 4x400

Daliah Muhammad - 4x400; 400H

Zsofia Erdelyi - SC

Nia Ali - Hep.

Manjula Wijesekara - HJ

Joey Hughes† - 400; 4x400

Jason Price - 4x400

Nate Anderson - 4x400

Duane Walker - 4x400

Ahmad Rashad - 100

Irek Sekrtarski - 800

Brysun Stately - PV

Kristine Busa - JT


Manjula Wijesekara - HJ

Joey Hughes - 400; 4x400

Reggie Wyatt - 400IH; 4x400

Jason Price - 4x400

Nate Anderson - 4x400

Bryshon Nellum - 4x400

Trey Henderson - HT

Aaron Dan - DT

Oscar Spurlock - 110H

Brandon Estrada - PV


Joey Hughes - 400

Josh Mance - 400

Brandon Ames - 110H

Trey Henderson - HT

Jenny Ozorai - HT

Nia Ali - 100H; HJ

Dalilah Muhammad - 400H

Jessica Davis - 200; 4x100

Aareon Payne - 200; 4x100

Jenna Puterbaugh - 4x100

Loudia Laarman - 4x100

2011 2nd TEAM AAm

Cooper Thompson - JT

Jessica Davis - 100

Reggie Wyatt - 400H; 4x400

Blake Shaw - 1500

Lauren Blackburn - 100H

Joey Hughes - 4x400

Josh Mance - 4x400

Duane Walker - 4x400

Marissa Minerler - HT

2011 Honorable Mention

Aaron Brown - 100

Oscar Spurlock - 100H

† = displaced American athlete









PLACES 17-24


Aaron Brown - 200

Reggie Wyatt - 400IH; 4x400

Josh Mance - 400; 4x400

Bryshon Nellum - 4x400

Joey Hughes - 4x400

Jenny Ozorai - HT

Dalilah Muhammad - 400H

Marissa Minderler - HT

Kristine Busa - JT

Loudia Laarman - 4x100

Aareon Payne - 4x100

Jessica Davis - 4x100

Akawkaw Ndipagbor - 4x100

2012 2nd TEAM AAm

Aaron Brown - 100

Joey Hughes - 400

Bryshon Nellum - 400

Daniel Szabo - HT

Alex Collbatz - DT

Aareon Payne - 200

2012 Honorable Mention

Lauren Blackburn - 100H

Alitta Boyd - TJ

Marqise Lee - LJ

Jade Niemeyer - HY

Davonte Stewart - 200


Aaron Brown - 100; 200

Reggie Wyatt - 400IH

Bryshon Nellum - 200; 400

Remy Conaster - HT

Alitta Boyd - TJ

Loudia Laarman - 4x100

Jenna Puterbaugh - 4x100

Melia Cox - 4x100

Vanessa Jones - 4x100

Jenny Ozorai - HT

Alexandra Collatz - DT

2013 2nd TEAM AAm

Jenna Puterbaugh - 4x400

Vanessa Jones - 4x400

Akawkaw Ndipagbor - 4x400

Ashley Liverpool - 4x400

Alitta Boyd - LJ

Melia Cox - TJ

2013 Honorable Mention

Lauren Blackburn - 100H

Melia Cox - 100H

Akawkaw Ndipagbor - 200

Aleec Harris - 110H


Terence Abram - 4x100

Aaron Brown - 100; 200. 4x100m

Alex Collatz - DT

Jessica Davis - 4x100; 4x400

Viktor Fajoyomi - DECATHLON

Alexis Faulknor - 4x100

Tynia Gaither - 100; 200; 4x100

Aleec Harris - 110H; 4x100

Vanessa Jones - 4x400

Loudia Laarman - 4x100

BeeJay Lee - 4x100

Ashley Liverpool - 4x400

Akawkaw Ndipagbor - 4x400

2014 2nd TEAM AAm

Melia Cox - TJ

Jessica Davis - 100

Vanessa Jones - 400

2014 Honorable Mention

Melia Cox - 100H

BeeJay Lee - 100

Kemi Olonade - TJ

From 1925 to 1940 athletes were selected to a Collegiate Honor Roll based on their season of competiton. In 1941

All American College Team selections were introduced and from 1941 to 1962 the two lists (Honor Roll & All

American) would recognize collegiate track athletes. The Honor Roll selections would cease after 1962 in favor

of the All American selections. It would appear that in 1975 All-American status would no longer be a selection

process by the NCAA Rules Committee, but be determined by one's finish at the NCAA Championship Meet.

Conor McCullough - HT

Nick Ponzio - SP

Adoree' Jackson - LJ; 4x100

BeeJay Lee - 4x100

Just’N Thymes - 4x100

Andre DeGrasse - 100; 200; 4x100

Randall Cunningham - HJ

Dior Hall - 100H; 4x100

Ky Westbrook - 100; 4x100

Alexis Faulknor - 4x100

Deanna Hill - 4x100

Jaide Stepter - 400H; 4x400

Amalie Iuel - 400H; 4x400

Kendall Ellis - 4x400

Vanessa Jones - 4x400

Tera Novy - DT

Alex Collatz - DT

2015 2nd TEAM AAm

Beejay Lee - 100; 200

Robert Ford - 800

Alexis Faulknor - 100

Deanna Hill - 100; 200

Ky Westbrook - 200

Vanessa Jones - 400

2015 Honorable Mention

Ricky Morgan - 400

Marquis Morris - 110H

Kendall Ellis - 400

Melia Cox - 100H

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