Monday, November 09, 2015

Russian doping Wada report: The seven key points

Russian doping Wada report: The seven key points
Findings of investigation into doping suggest deep-rooted culture of cheating in Russian athletics and state complicity
1. Russia may be banned from athletics at the Rio 2016 Olympics
2. There is a “deeply rooted culture of cheating” in Russian athletics
3. Russian athletes are being abused and exploited
4. The Russian state knew what was going on
5. The IAAF is heavily involved in corruption and bribery
6. Wada are not without blame in this whole episode
7. Other sports and countries may be at it as well

Keith Conning:  The real victims of Russian cheating are all the athletes that don't cheat and the track fans who pay large sums of money to see international competitions.  I have personally paid thousands of dollars to see the Olympic Games and the World Championships.

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