Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Rick Brown (Los Altos; California)

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FAVORITE field & track story of the week...I have classified this one under the "I didn't know that!" category in my historian of the sport brainage.
So, we all know that Rick Brown won the 880 at the PAC 8 Championships 4 years in a row and remains the UC Berkeley two lap record holder to this very day (1:45.4 in 1972). Most know that in high school he won an incredible 440 / 880 double at the 1970 California State Championships before coming back to anchor the winning mil...e relay. In so doing, his team, 6 suburban white boys from Los Altos High School, actually won the TEAM title at said State Championships.
What I DID not know until just the other day was that at the CCS meet the week prior to State, Brown's 47.1 broke the section mark of world record holder-to-be, Lee Evans of Overfelt - San Jose. He then had a very short window to double back in the 880. In the interim, his teammate, Vic Brooks would run and win the CCS 120 high hurdles in 14.5...but not without a twist. According to Rick Brown (in an article from the Palo Alto Daily News 9/25/15 on the team's reunion) : "That was Vic's race," Brown said. "I had just 20 minutes between the 440 and 880. I was on the training table when he false-started, jumped over some hurdles and dilly-dallied back to the starting line. He had a false start to give. So, instead of 20 minutes, I had 24 minutes to get ready. It was so cool."
I got a total kick out of that story told by Rick Brown some 45 years after the fact...the kind of thing memories and team reunions are made of...solid!
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Hank Lawson 1970 State Meet video is below (be sure to watch the 4x4)...
LikeReply13 hrs
John Ziegler Great story.
LikeReply12 hrs
Ray Cook In HS our coach used to purposely delay races so guys who were doubling or tripling could get more rest. He used to tell the kids in the Frosh/Soph and JV races to false start and he put some weight guys in races if they were finished competing.

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