Monday, September 28, 2015

North Coast Section, CIF Cross Country Management Committee Fall Conference Call Minutes





Thursday, September 24, 2015


Present:        Chuck Woolridge, Keith Conning, Angela Paradise, Doyle O’Regan, Eddie Salazar, Sean Laughlin and Bri Niemi.


Absent:          Steve Gregg, John Pelster, Peter Brewer, Manny Myers, Jason Jacobsen and Noel Mattern.


1.     DATE AND TIMES    

Bri Niemi stated that Hayward H.S. would be the site for the 2015 NCS/Les Schwab Cross Country Championships. Races would begin at 8:30 a.m. PT and would reflect the race order of the State CIF Cross Country Championships.



        Sean Laughlin reported that his system was ready to go for another year. Laughlin would be set up in the portable classroom nearest to the finish line.



        a.     Site Personnel

                1.     Meet Director(s) –Doyle O’Regan, Piedmont HS and Peter Brewer, Northgate HS

                2.     Site Director –  Kristy Prasad

                3.     Layout and mark course –  Peter Brewer

                4.     Asst. Site Director –  Hayward HS

5.     Referee –  USATF

                6.     Starters –  Bob Shor (managed by Peter Brewer; Bri will find out if he can bring his finish line tower)

                        a.     Recall starter(s) –USATF

                                Starting Line Personnel – USATF

                                Finish line personnel – USATF

                        b.     Finish judges - USATF

                        c.     Corral volunteers/Chip recovery – Manny Myers, Angela Paradise and volunteers arranged by Chuck Woolridge.

                        d.     Caller - USATF

                        e.     Timers – Sean Laughlin

                        f.      Video camera person – Sean Laughlin

                        g.     Back-up timer – Sean Laughlin

                7.     Course Marshals –  Hayward HS

                8.     Results (Individual, team and State Meet qualifiers)

                        a.     Awards – Hayward HS

NCS Office – Provided by Sean Laughlin (Laughlin to get excel spreadsheet to CIF)

                                Media – Hayward HS

Coaches – Each team provided two tickets (one for girls and one for boys) to get race results

                9.     P.A. Announcer(s) – Keith Conning. One sound system, two volunteers needed. Chuck to provide two student or adult helpers.

                10.   Awards

                        a.    Announcer and Presenter of Awards – Gil Lemmon. Niemi to check with Hayward for volunteer to help with this.

                11.   Media (pre and post-meet) relations – Packets will be available at the registration table

                12.   Souvenir sales (t-shirts, patches, programs, etc.) – Bri to check with Peter Brewer and Northgate HS

                13.   Certified Athletic Trainer(s) – Assigned by Children’s Hospital.  

14.   Sponsor Liaison (banners, sample distribution, p.a. announcements) – Bri Niemi to hang banners

15.   Porta-Potties – Bri Niemi to order

                16.   Clean-up – Hayward H.S. custodial staff



                1.     Secure site (OK-NCS office)

                        a.     Secure insurance (OK-NCS office)

2.        Conduct course and facility safety check – Peter Brewer (Bri Niemi to order wood chips – increased from last year)

                3.     Order awards (OK-NCS office)

                4.     Secure equipment (see equipment list below)

                5.     Order t-shirts, sweat shirts, patches & hats (OK-NCS office)

                6.     Arrange for sponsors' materials – Bri Niemi

                7.     Entries from participating schools – Bri Niemi to oversee password requests

                8.     Championship bulletins put on web – Bri Niemi

                9.     Letter sent by NCS staff to all NCS member schools – Bri Niemi

                10.   Develop a course map and directions to Hayward HS – OK

                11.   Prior to Meet

                        Forward materials for packet to Doyle – Bri Niemi

                        Forward ticket materials for Hayward HS – Bri Niemi

                12.   Day of Meet

                        Bring awards to meet   Bri Niemi

                        Bring back to the office the results or arrange for results to be forward to the Office via email – Bri Niemi

                        Make sure qualifiers are sent to CIF – Sean Laughlin and Bri Niemi

                13.   Gate Personnel – Hayward HS

                14.   Story for the NCS PREP magazine (program) –  Albert Caruana? Bri Niemi to discuss w/ him.

                15.   Personnel responsibilities – submit bills for reimbursement and/or payment – Bri Niemi



        a.     Automatic timing system – Sean Laughlin     

        b.     Chute materials – Peter Brewer and Kristy Prasad

        c.     P. A. system –Bri Niemi

        d.     Course marking materials – Peter Brewer

        e.     Trainers station – located on side of portable, same as 2014

        f.      Walkie-talkies – 38 ordered for use the day of the event – Bri Niemi

        g.     Racing bibs – ordered



        a.     Concession stand – Hayward H.S. – may be moved if inclement weather? Bri Niemi to discuss w/ Hayward.

        b.     Food for workers –use portable for hospitality.

        c.     Officials Parking – Parking lot on east side of campus.  Bri Niemi to provide management committee with parking passes prior to the event.

        d.     Bri Niemi would work with leagues to get their results to Albert and Keith.



        a.     The next meeting was set for Tuesday, December 8, 2015 for the NCS office. Dinner would be provided and a conference call number would be set for those who couldn’t make it in-person.

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