Monday, August 24, 2015

Day Three Morning Session Quotes - IAAF World Championships


Women’s Pole Vault - Qualification
Sandi Morris
“My first two bars I made on first attempts and they went pretty smoothly. Then the bar that mattered - 4.55 - I went up a pole and ended up getting under a bit. I missed my first two attempts on it, so at that point I’m like alright, a little kind of freaking out a tiny bit. Then I kind of went back to the basics mentally, gave myself a pep talk. I’m so glad that I was able to pull it together, make that bar and qualify for the finals. To be here at all is really difficult and an honor in the first place. To make it to the finals is a whole other thing. I’m just glad I can put that on my resume.”
Demi Payne
“I felt really good, my body felt good. I thought it was going to be a really good day.  The competition started and I couldn’t get my step out. I was really under and it’s really hard to get back in swing when your steps are so under.  I guess I was too pumped up, I don’t know.  I mean, I had a lot of fun. I do feel like I should be out there with those girls, but it happens.”
Women’s 3000m Steeplechase - Heats
Stephanie Garcia
“Nothing feels better than getting that big ‘Q’ next to your name. I’m super thrilled. This was the whole goal of this year. Coming into this I took a risk, going to altitude to train instead of going to Europe to race. I did not go to camp. I just got over here two days ago. It was a risk. I’m super proud, I’m super excited to give the U.S. another girl in the final.
Colleen Quigley
“I kind of got myself in the back of that front pack and I was counting and I was eighth. I felt like I was in good position to be in striking distance. Coach and I talked about that being fifth or sixth, that was a big goal for me. I felt like eighth was a good spot for me to be chilling for a while. And I felt I could back off for a little bit and see the barriers okay which is important to me. Then wait until the last 800 and see what I have left. Finishing in sixth was my minimal, I wanted to be six. It looks like I got in on time.”
Emma Coburn
“It felt good. The first kilometer or so was a little chaotic with a lot of bodies in the water pit, but I was ready for that. So, I kind of took over pretty shortly after 800 or 1k just to avoid some of that traffic. It just felt good. I was just clicking off 75’s and 75-5s. I knew I had to run right around 9:30 to get a time qualifier. I was hoping just to get the auto, but when I saw there were four of us still with 300 and 400 to go, I started kicking a little bit. but then after the water I saw I was safe, then I just appreciated the moment and kind of chilled out. It was good.”
Men’s Long Jump - Qualification
Marquis Dendy
“I personally felt really good. I came out there and wanted to attack. The first one I fouled, so I just pretty much had a battle with my approach. I didn’t feel as though my last jump was a foul. I protested it, it didn’t match the imprint on my shoe. We’re going to see, but right now I got 21st place and I’m going to be plenty focused on the triple jump on Wednesday.”
Mike Hartfield
“The first one I got a little lazy with the take off, but I coasted through. The second one felt pretty good, I kind of dropped a little early, but I did enough qualify. That’s all I wanted to do for today. I’ll save the big ones til tomorrow.”
Jeff Henderson
“It went well in the competition round. I moved back a foot and still jumped far. It felt good, felt healthy. I don’t feel hurt or lagging. It felt good. I’m ready for tomorrow.”
Women’s 400 Meters - Heats
Allyson Felix
“It felt good. Felt good to get the first one under me and just keep moving on. I wanted to be able to control it early and try to get through as comfortable a possible. It felt good, I’m just ready for the next round.”
Natasha Hastings
“I just wanted to get out strong so I could cruise the second half of the race. That worked out well, I made it back as an automatic qualifier without having to run too hard.”
Phyllis Francis
“I just wanted to qualify. I got out for the first 100 meters and then feel it out til the last 100.  Go for it, check places, the last thing to do is to check if I’m in automatic qualifier range then go from there.”
Women’s Discus Throw - Qualification
Whitney Ashley
“I didn’t warm up well. I had a hard time outside the stadium even, keeping my discus back this morning. But I thought ‘okay, give yourself time, relax, get in the stadium and try to feel it.’ It got a little bit worse. I was happy that my first throw was my farthest throw, at 60.88, which isn’t too bad. But I was hoping for 61, 62 which would seal my fate in the final. You never know. Things could happen, I could slide in. I don’t care if it’s the last spot, I can fight from there. I can’t fight out of qualification round.”
Shelbi Vaughn
“It started out really well. I was trying to go out nice and easy. I got a good throw and I was going to go after it after that. But, I fouled the second one. The third one I just wasn’t feeling right. I should have just reset and started again, but I didn’t.”
Gia Lewis-Smallwood
“My first throw was pretty good, it felt great. It kind of caught the net a little bit, so I was actually surprised as long as it did. My coach and I knew about that this was the distance it would take. Historically, if you can throw 62, you’re usually in the top 12. Just make the final, it doesn’t matter how you do it. Just make the final.”

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