Sunday, March 22, 2015

Jewelry Rule

ICYMI....High School Track & Field: There is NO more jewelry rule in high school track & field. It has been removed. Please see attached photo of new 2015 rulebook and ruling. The student and athlete should be the focus of a meet, NOT jewelry. Gosh knows their role models and mentors, collegiate and pro athletes, are allowed to wear jewelry. With that said we need humbleness and common sense to prevail smile emoticon
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  • Phil Leake and 11 others like this.
  • Dan Curran Sorry to say PA (and I think some other states) have decided to keep the no jewelry rule in place!
  • Tim Loreman Thankfully Alabama got rid of it.....
  • Troy Lewis We discussed that at our last meeting but we still have the rule baring the official from wearing any jewelry except wedding ring. Why is that not been changed ?
  • Tim Loreman Archaic rules......
  • Trey Jackson Except that Pennsyltucky did not drop it. Hear that the HS officials' meetings are still 90% about jewelry and clothing issues.
  • Michael Roth NY kept the rule as well. NC removed the rule.
  • Mark Foyer California dropped it.
  • David Fergus Minnesota dropped it.
  • BJ Duckworth The rule about officials not wearin Jewelry is about officials looking professional and knowledgable not covered in Jewlery, nose rings, eye brow rings etc. I have no problem with the rule for officials. I am however glad it is gone for athletes.
  • Warren Monk NJ dropped the rule, but kept one portion of it. NO WATCHES! In my opinion, allowing athletes a watch to measure pace is one of the best things an athlete can learn to do.
  • Sandra Edwards It is still in effect in New York. I am surprised the rule is still there.
  • Jim Gerweck I hate seeing kids hit their watches at the start and finish (and sometimes every lap) at races. That's what the timers are for!
  • Sandie Lovelace I'm starting a meet next month in April in Maryland, they are keeping the jewelry rule....guess the "Jewelry Police" will be on the job there
  • Jan Ferguson Burch And the officials not longer have to say "mark" in the throws! The athlete is now in charge of exiting legally after the implement has landed!
  • Seth Okrend Small jewelry considered dangerous but pins are required.
  • Richard Leutzinger In spite of the change in Jewelry rule (which is good); athletes still may not wear jewelry which mught be considered harmful or dangerous to other athletes or even themselves.
  • Debbie Romero does all JEWELRY need to match for the relay team? so if one wear an ear ring then all the other need to wear the same ...right..
  • Richard Leutzinger I think it is a good thing that each state makes their own rules. In Iowa, we think we do it right. Other states, no doubt, feel the same way. So have at it. Try to remember; it's about the athletes.
  • Elizabeth Wagner Harris Except NYS kept it in place.
  • Jim Gerweck Richard the problem with that is when kids compete out of state they may be unfamiliar with rules
  • Richard Leutzinger I don't agree. The "Rule Differences" are minimal. Yes, the meet
    manager will have to inform the coaches of the "Rule differences". Hopefully, that will not be an "overbearing" task. Do I think that rules should be uniform throughout the land
    ? Absolutely; however, I also feel State governing bodies should be able to select the rules that are played by. If a state wishes to follow the "old rule" regarding Jewelry, I feel it is up to the coaches and schools to present their case. If you don't speak up then you will get your just "desserts". If you will recall, Iowa was one of the last states to allow girls to play 5 person basketball. Prior to that,
    all girls played a 6-Player game that was indeed a good game and very entertaining with high scores.
    There were equal numbers of people, players, and school administrators supporting both sides of the issue. Today, most people's memories are short and few if anyone would like to go back to the "older" version of Girl's Basketball. We even had some schools continue to play 6 Player while other schools played the more popular game of 5 player; which happens to be the universal game now for Girls Basketball. So, message here is "This too shall pass". I do feel that Track (and Field) officials can do a better job
    when focusing upon the performance of the Athlete as opposed to what they might be wearing. We still have plenty of work for the "Fashion Police" just to keep every one (including officials) in proper uniform.

    In a message dated 3/21/2015 1:53:26 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
  • Jim Gerweck True, and there are states with small schools that have reduced team size XC meets. Point taken. We do compete in NY a lot and will have to remind our kids about jewelry rule there going forward.
  • Tim Loreman I'm betting your 6 person basketball was a title 9 lawsuit waiting to happen as it was detrimental to scholarship eligibility. Same reason slow pitch softball went by the wayside.
  • Richard Leutzinger Not so much; as we have had more than our share of college players;
    however, I am sure it helped to speed up the process. Slow pitch softball may have fallen off because of the popularity of Androids (tough to play and monitor who is trying to cont
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  • Joe Showker Virginia... jewelry rule-gone.
    13 hrs · Like · 1
  • D Alan Bronnenberg humbleness and common sense have never prevailed in this sport
    10 hrs · Like · 1
  • Diego Dino Certa thanks, Jennifer- we reviewed all of the rule changes at the clinic- that was one of them- also the video and electronic devices rules have been changed to allow video- (designated coaching areas)-
  • Anthony Boerio Jim Gerweck - if we had enough coaches and officials who cared about running a proper meet and doing the little things, Kids (Masters, too) wouldn't need to hit their watches on every lap.
    1. Dear HS Coach: make sure you have a team manager, or two, ca
    ...See More

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