Tuesday, February 10, 2015

National T&F Hall of Fame should be pulled amid Armory shame

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National T&F Hall of Fame should be pulled amid
Armory shame
  Empty 95% of the time

  masterstrack.com by Ken Stone- Older, slower, lower: Ken Stone's world and USA home page for adult age-group track and field.

Theater at National Track and Field Hall of Fame reportedly remains empty 95 percent of the time.
11/30/14- Fourteen years ago today  USATF announced plans to put the National Track and Field Hall of Fame in the Armory track complex in Manhattan. Then-CEO Craig Masback said: “We believe that we will immediately establish ourselves as the most-visited sports Hall of Fame in the world, based on the number of athlete/participants who visit the Armory on a daily basis.” But contrary to USATF and fan expectations, the Hall is a bust. “It is closed 90% of the time,” says a critic of the Armory Foundation and its leader, Dr. Nobert Sander. “Visitors must pay to see the HOF, but the Armory has made decisions to keep it closed because it is not profitable enough. Is this a way to extend access to a national treasure of American Sports history in our city? What has the Armory done to expand the exhibits, attract visitors, and engage the local and visiting track communities in experiencing the hall?” The unidentified writer adds: “For a small area of the building that is never open nor has been updated in many years, how are expenses that high? The Hall of Fame area is usually rented out for cocktail parties but they have the Hall of Fame listed as bringing in ZERO income!”

NYC's Fort Washington Armory
petition drive by aggrieved nonprofits who want to use the building is circulating as well. When USATF meets in Anaheim next week, it should revisit its deal with the Armory Foundation. The Hall of Fame deserves better.
Here’s a letter circulating in New York City:
To Whom It May Concern:
We, residents of New York City, want to commend Lindsay Armstrong on her article,“Nonprofit groups say they’re being priced out of Fort Washington Avenue Armory.”
Unfortunately, they are not the only groups being priced out of the facility. Many of the schools and organization that have or desire to use the facility have the similar concerns and complaints. They have continued to see their rental fees increase each year, diminishing accessibility.
Paul Griffin couldn’t state it any better when he said, “What is going on there is an atrocity.” The 168th Street Armory has become a high profiting money-making machine for upper management. Unfortunately, it seems that a facility and programs intended for equal access has created an “If you can’t pay then you can’t play” environment.
As Dr. Norbert Sander points out, “this is the New York City track, the most famous and best used indoor track in the country.” The track should be priority for the children in New York City, but he has lost sight of his original goals. Armory leadership has also lost sight that the facility has and will always be part of the Washington Heights community.
“It just happens to be in Washington Heights”?
Has he forgotten how much the community and the community board have helped him over the years? By the end of this letter, we are hoping that you will have a better understanding of Armory management and policies.
1. Background/History
a. The Armory Foundation has an open-ended agreement with New York City and falls under the Division of Homeless Services.
b. The foundation does not have to pay a rental fee to the city nor does it have to pay for heating, electricity, fire alarm or the sprinkler system services.
c. Any emergency repairs to the building will be paid for by the City of New York. The homeless shelter must remain in the building and occupies half of the first and second floor.
d. The original name of the Foundation was the Armory High School Sports Foundation and its mission was to return New York City High School track & field to the building. The name changed soon after the funding and local support was achieved. As you may or may not know, track meets were held at the Armory going back as far as the 1920’s but in the early 1980’s it became one of the largest and most dangerous homeless shelters in the city. In the late 1980s, Dr Nobert Sander and the Foundation fought to get the Armory back for the children of the City of New York so they could once again participate in the sport of track & field.
e. Many of the major construction projects that you see happening at the Armory have been funded by the City of New York as well as the state.
f. The late Councilman Stanley Michaels, Councilman Robert Jackson, Assemblyman Denny Farrell and Congressman Charlie Rangel have been huge supporters in getting funding to the Armory. The installation of new windows, refurbished bathrooms, air conditioning units and the recently refurbishment of the track have all been funded by grants.
The question that needs to be addressed is “Where do all the fundraising, rental and admission fees go? Unfortunately, the obvious answer will be administrative salaries, including astronomical rates of increase from year to year.
Reported Salaries – (Form 990 – Return of Organization Exempt From Income 2010 – 2012)
Salaries Other Compensation Total
2010 Norbert Sander $ 187,665.00 $ 20,947.00 $ 208,612.00
Rita Finkel $ 83,396.00 $ 83,396.00
Total $ 292,008.00
2011 Norbert Sander $ 202,569.00 $ 21,208.00 $ 223,777.00
Rita Finkel $ 91,302.00 $ 91,302.00
Kimberly Ver Steeg $ 103,916.00 $ 103,916.00
Total $ 418,995.00
2012 Norbert Sander $ 211,639.00 $ 21,422.00 $ 233,061.00
Rita Finkel $ 116,547.00 $ 116,547.00
Kimberly Ver Steeg $ 129,782.00 $ 6,892.00 $ 136,674.00
Total $ 486,282.00
Form 990 – Return of Organization Exempt From Income 2010 – 2012
The salaries you see above are for the top three earners. It does not include the following management staff:
• Patrick Tomasiewicz – Director of Creativity (estimated salary – $100,000)
• Kenny Dwyer – Building Manager (estimated salary – $100,000)
• Tim Fulton – Director of High School Track & Field (estimated salary – $90,000 – extra benefit uses armory timing equipment for outside timing services for additional income http://www.fultonaccuratetiming.com/about/ )
• Tom Healy – Director of Track & Field (estimated salary – $80,000)
• Jack Pfeifer – Director of College Track & Field (estimated part-time salary – $60,000 plus illegal rooming accommodations at the Armory during the indoor track season)
• Clayton Harding – Director of Armory Prep (estimated salary – $80,000)
The top nine positions are close to one million dollars in salaries. Not included, are the following full-time positions:
• office manager
• assistant office manager
• track & field director
• assistant track & field directors
• website director
• Information technology director
• assistant director of creativity
• maintenance
• resident DJ’s and video staff
• security
Examining this list, one must ask how many of these positions are currently filled by minorities. How many actually originate or reside in the Washington Heights community? How many live outside of New York City?
Positions that are offered to members of the Washington Heights community are typically seasonal and low paying. What is the percentage of income/salary that is dedicated to local residents as opposed to the hierarchy of the Armory?
• An unspoken practice at the facility occurs at the end of the season; if you want employment the following year do not think about filing for unemployment. (Various staff have been told this and others have been fired for this reason – which violates federal law)
• Prime examples of this practice can be seen with Ed Small and Sharon Warren. Mr. Small was the first Director of track and field (13 years) and Ms. Warren served as his assistant at the Armory. Both filed for employment insurance at the end of the track season and both were soon fired.
Minorities that have worked at the Armory and displayed satisfactory performances in their positions have either been fired or have been “pushed out” for similar actions:
• Ed Small – Director of Track & Field
• Sharon Warren – Assistant Director of Track & Field
• Louis Vazquez – Director of Operations
• Jamie DeFour – Office Manager
• Derrick Adkins – Director of Track & Field/Armory Prep
• Christian Mariano – Technology Director
• Aliann Pompey – Director Armory Prep
• Janine Davis – Assistant Director Armory Prep
Research within the track & field community may find that each one of these individuals have outstanding reputations and performance records. In addition, none of the past employees received salaries similar to the current top earners at the Armory, before their service ended.
2. Returning to the topic of hierarchical salaries: How does the Armory Foundation pay for them? As you may know, most grants and funding sources do not permit its use towards employee salaries. Unfortunately, self regulated salary amounts at the Armory Foundation are funded on the backs of the Washington Heights and the greater New York City track and field community in several manners:
a. Track & Field Event Rental Fees –
The Armory charges fees for use of the facility. Most facilities charge an hourly rate based on staffing, maintenance, security, clean-up and timing cost. If you were to look at the entire contracts for the events nowhere would you find an equal or standard hourly rate for any of these items. Each applicant or organization is charged different rates, arbitrarily. Basically, the more the Armory feels an organization can afford to pay the more they may be charged. Per the Armory contract:
• Fee Determination:
o Meet costs for each individual date is determined prior to the signing of the contract.
o It is based on size of the meet and number of hours required.
o Determination of the fee is dependent upon our knowledge of what it will cost the Armory to provide the necessary equipment and services for the organization to run the meet, while preserving the Facility at the same time.
o Your invoice will be itemized showing the base rental fee, actual costs for security, cleanup, automatic timing, supervision and any extras requested by the Organization.
• Overtime charges – All persons must exit the facility after the contracted meet time, after which, overtime charges will apply. The Organization will be charged at a rate of $1800 an hour for overtime.
Fees for use of the Armory have steadily increased each year, along with the salaries of administrative staff. Slowly, the New York City track & field programs have continually been pushed off the schedule to make way for Westchester, Rockland, Long Island, New Jersey, outside colleges and Armory events. An examination of the Armory schedule will reveal that that most of the New York City Public School PSAL events are squeezed in at the beginning or at the end of the season, far from accommodating for the majority of our city’s young athletes.
PSAL Indoor Schedule
Sunday, November 30 PSAL Pilgrims Games – 9-5pm
Saturday, December 6 PSAL Jim McKay Memorial – 9am-5pm
Sunday, December 7 PSAL Jim McKay Memorial – 9am-5pm
Friday, December 12 PSAL Night at the Sprints – 4pm-9pm
Sunday, December 28 PSAL Holiday Classic – 9am-5pm
Friday, January 2 PSAL Distance Night – 4pm-10pm
Monday, January 19 (PSAL MLK Relays) Martin Luther King Jr. Relays – 9am-7pm
Monday. February 9 PSAL Manhattan Borough Championships – 4pm-9pm
Sunday, February 15 PSAL Borough Championships – 9am-10pm
Monday, February 16 PSAL Borough Championships – 6pm-9pm
Sunday, February 22 PSAL Indoor Championships – 9am-4pm
Sunday, March 8 PSAL Freshmen and Sophomore Championships – 10am-5pm
The Catholic High Schools’ Freshmen and Sophomore City Championship had to move to Saint Anthony’s High School in Long Island, since their normal date was given to Westchester and Rockland County for their Championships. The meet was held at the Armory since the facility first opened. Citing another example, the City of New York (CUNY) Track & Field Championship, their requested championship date was given to a New Jersey track & field association. CUNY was only given their requested date for this season when political pressure was put on foundation. The Armory is a New York City facility and has been funded by New York City money then why is it not supporting the children of New York City? Many local groups (for profit and not-for-profit) have been shut out of the Armory and many of these groups can afford to pay the cost of hosting a track & field event but they chose to give it away to non–NYC organizations as indicated below breakdown.
The Armory decided to put on youth events for middle school children but it you look at the participation of children, you will notice that the majority are not from the New York City area. The Armory has refused to offer functional access to the youth organizations of New York City, which caters to the majority of youth athletes in the 5 boroughs prior to their entering high schools. The youth leagues have been forced to utilize venues of lesser quality. Ultimately, the youth athletes enter New York City high schools, extending their limited access to the Armory.
Meet # 1
Meet # 2
Meet # 3
Meet # 4
USATF-New York, which caters to the youth of New York City had to hold their championship meet at West Point. The majority of the student-athletes coming out of this league will end up attending New York City high schools and colleges. Why are they forced to travel so far to hold a championship?
Armory Schedule
Breakdown of Armory Events
Armory/Sponsors NYC Based Events Non NYC Based Events Other Not-For-Profit
NYRR 10 PSAL HS 15 Section 1/Westchester HS 14 Club Team Open (NY) 1
Armory Foundation 9 CHSAA HS 4 Long Island HS 3 USATF NY Open 1
Staten Island HS 1 New Jersey HS 11 USATF NY Youth 0
Private NY Schools HS 4 College Meets (NJ) 4 City Sports for Kids 4
College Meets (NY) 4 College Meets (other) 4
HS Invitational’s 2 HS Invitational’s 2
Total 19 Total 30 Total 38 Total 6
b. Admission Fees –The Armory charges admission fees for all events.
i. High School\Youth Events – $10.00 per person – General Admission
ii. – $20.00 per person – Reserved seating
iii. College Meets -$20.00 per person – General Admission
iv. -$30.00 per person – Reserved seating
In the beginning, each meet director made a decision on whether or not they would charge an admission fee. The admission fee was collected by meet management and the money was used to help defray the expenses of putting on their event. Admission fee was $2.00 at the time and it also helped to provided security at the front entrance. Dr Sander saw the opportunity to further profit from the parents, friends, and families of competing athletes at the door and told meet directors that his staff would now collect all fees at the gate. Initially, he suggested that the gate would be split between the organization and the Armory since he was providing the staff to supervise ticketing. The price of admission went up to $4.00. The agreement lasted one year and now the Armory keeps all profits from the gate, in addition to the fees for rentals. Last year, the price of admission went up in January from $6.00 to $8.00 and no public announcement or warning of the change was distributed in a timely manner. This year, once again, the price has been increased and once again, no public sharing of the change in policy is available. Like the salary increases of Armory Foundation administration, the increases are too frequent, and unrelated to the rate of costs, inflation, or services being provided. Many families can no longer afford to come to watch their children compete at the Armory. The minimum wage in New York State is $8.00 per hour in 2014. It would cost a family of four between $40 and $80 to watch their child run for 10 – 20 minutes. How many other local facilities charge at the door? And if they do, what is the cost? Most are usually free or at a reasonable fee with the exception of their state and national championships.
High School Fees:
College Fees:
c. Outside rentals and not-for-profits fees (non-track) –
i. An Armory motto has become “if the not-for-profit has money, we should be charging them more and if they want to come to the Armory they will find the money.” A perfect example of this, which you mention in your article, was the Isabella Geriatric Center Walking Works Wonders program. The free program was a perfect fit for the Armory. It brought about 60-70 Washington Heights senior residents to the Armory for a two day weekly program. The program started at 7:30am and was completed by 9:00am. Perfect time slots since most activities at the Armory were happening in the evenings or on weekends. A good portion of the walking program was also scheduled during the off season (September – November, April – June).
ii. The instructor of the walking program was Lon Wilson, a top race walker in the New York area. It was an excellent program that worked on the seniors’ flexibility, strength and conditioning. Walking was a major component but some eventually some started running towards the end of the program. You would think the walking program would be a natural fit for the Armory. What better way to get support from the residents of Washington Heights. Everybody understood that there are staffing costs to run a facility and Isabella was willing to pay a rental fee (not a donation) of $5,000 for about 70 hours of use per year. Dr Sander felt that the fee wasn’t high enough and decided to increase the rental fee to $15,000.
iii. Why is this event being mentioned? The same thing is happening to the Harlem Children’s Zone (HCZ). The HCZ has been running a three day track & field event during the summer at the Armory for a number of years now. They have just been told that they are not paying enough for use of the facility and have been asked to pay $61,000 for next summer for their three day event. What can possibly warrant this increase for an event serving our city’s youth during the off season. When you have staff members that are working on commission it makes sense. The more money that you bring in from rentals the higher your salary may be at the end of the year. If the Armory feels an organization has money then why not charge a higher rental fee. If you can’t afford the “suggested donation (rental)” fee you cannot use the facility. What would the cost be to run this event at another facility? I have only listed two examples but I am sure if you ask other not-for-profits you will hear the similar stories.
d. Registration (practice) fees – Registration fees can be broken down in a few categories. Again, fees vary among organizational types, arbitrarily. Different teams are being charged different rates to train alongside each other on the same day. Many use the same equipment, have similar roster sizes, and train for the same amount of hours.
Fees & Registration
Fees are for the 2014-15 Indoor Season: Nov. 17, 2014 – April 16, 2015
Membership Cost Notes
Youth Club $400/club From 5 to 30 athletes; $100 for each additional athlete
Youth Individual $100/athlete
High School Team $900/school A school may sign up an unlimited number of students
thanks to a generous grant from the New York Road Runners If not for this grant from NYRR, what would the fee be for High School teams to train?
High School Individual $100/athlete
College Team $200/athlete Per number of athletes at any given training session
College Individual $200/athlete
Adult Club $300/athlete
Adult Individual $300/athlete Day rate on adult open days is $15/athlete.
Read more: ArmoryTrack.com – Training – Traininghttp://www.armorytrack.com/gprofile.php?mgroup_id=45586#ixzz3JHXH1ewo
Once again, all of these fees continue to increase year after year. Many youth individuals, seniors and New York City High School and college teams can no longer afford to pay these fees.
Armory Prep Program – The Armory College Prep (ACP) program extends a long-term commitment of putting kids first by adding to the sports venue an after school educational program to increase college opportunity for underserved New York public school students. Educational attainment is more important to our economic success than ever before, and achieving proficiency in Math and English has been part of the Armory’s Academic Achievement Initiative for almost a decade, providing complete college preparation and admission resources to our community students.
As you can see from the statement, which was copied right from the Armory Prep website that this program should be open to any New York City public school student.
Unfortunately, as you read further down you will find that the ACP is now only open to students who train at The Armory (pay a practice fee). Local education leaders, such as Angelo Ortiz, director of school culture at the Inwood Academy, should be upset that his Washington Heights students do not have the opportunity to participate in this program. Wasn’t the program funded by New York City grant money? How was the Charles Rangel Center funded? You would think that a wonderful facility like the Armory would try to give something back to the community, but then again “The Armory just happens to be in Washington Heights”. I am sure that a program receiving funding requires accurate roster and attendance recording. How many of the students enrolled are residents of the Washington Heights community?
A large portion of Armory Prep was provided by Citibank as a sponsor and was meant to be a free program but now you can only participate if you’re paying to practice? They have also told coaches and athletes in Staten Island if they chose to practice and compete at the new Ocean Breeze Track & Field Complex in Staten Island then they cannot participate in the program, point blank.
Do you know that Derrick Adkins (Olympic Gold Medalist), Aliann Pompey (4 time Olympian), and Janine Davis were Directors or Assistant Directors of the ACP? All are well educated, successful and motivated minorities and all of them were either fired or forced out from the Armory. The new director of the program was a member of the Armory Foundation Board. Very interesting, one must wonder how this change happened to come about.
Other items that might interest you:
• Jack Pfeifer – Director of College Track & Field
o Jack receives a full time salary and only resides in NY four months a year. The other months he lives in Eugene, Oregon.
o Jack lives at the Armory those four months with two assistants he brings with him from Eugene.
o The “apartment” has beds, a refrigerator, microwave, cable TV all being paid for by the Armory. Or does the Armory pay an electric bill?
o When the Department of Buildings arrives to inspect the facility, Armory leadership ensures that boxes are thrown in the room and the “apartment” is labeled storage.
Armory leadership finds the practice hysterical, laughs publicly, and then brags about deceiving the DOB officials.
o The building is zoned for homeless and not for individuals making high end full time salaries to live there for free.
• Employees using Armory resources and equipment to create their own businesses during the off season, using timing equipment that costs $20,000 per camera. Is there a conflict of interest agreement for the Armory?
• During events of all levels; Youth, High School, College, and Elite Armory administration use their own rules and do not follow the national organizations guide lines for competition, even when stated in writing. Many of these decisions are not ethical and in many circumstances they lie about results. Their entire experienced timing staff has left and/or been fired (many minorities other than those listed above) and were replaced by “friends” of timing supervisors who have little or no experience. The experienced timing crew was also asked many times to lie about results and make up times when the Armory’s faulty equipment would fail.
• They do not perform background checks on any of their employees, which are required by New York City for anyone working with children. It is also required by USA Track & Field.
• Paying their staff
o Many staff members over the years have experienced not being paid in a timely manner, in fact some have worked for 6-8 weeks without being paid and not paid until refusing to come to work. Workplace intimidation and discrimination is evident, but getting Armory staff to admit this would be next to impossible. The individuals being paid the high salaries are not being mistreated, those at the bottom end and living locally experience less than perfect conditions, often.
o Others have worked events and then the Armory has refused payment due to their contract error with the rental client saying that the rental client didn’t pay for the service so they refused to pay the staff they hired. Is it the administration’s responsibility to ensure payment for services to their employees or is this a profit share company.
• USA Track & Field National Hall of Fame
o The Armory houses the Hall of Fame, which is a beautiful display of history but it is closed 90% of the time. Visitors must pay to see the HOF, but the Armory has made decisions to keep it closed because it is not profitable enough. Is this a way to extend access to a national treasure of American Sports history in our city? What has the Armory done to expand the exhibits, attract visitors, and engage the local and visiting track communities in experiencing the hall?
o The Armory claims that thousands of school kids have seen the displays and that may be correct but each school trip or summer camp pays a high entrance fee to bring the kids through the doors. It would be interested to survey the youth and high school aged track and field athletes in New York City who have competed at the Armory over the last 10 years. How many would say that they never had the opportunity to visit the hall? Why is the hall not open for the first and last two hours of every meet? Would the thousands of dollars collected for rental fees, concessions, vendor/store rentals, door fees not cover a few additional staff members to supervise children walking through the venue? Or even fund guided tours by knowledgeable curators. I am sure there are hundreds of local high school and college track enthusiasts, or even retired coaches and elite athletes who would thrive in a part time employment opportunity to share sports history with children. It may even fit into some of the grant and funding sources that the Armory receives.
o In the above tax returns, you would see they declared expenses for the Hall of Fame 2010: Not listed, 2011: $398,426, 2012: $378,146
o For a small area of the building that is never open nor has been updated in many years how are expenses that high? The Hall of Fame area is usually rented out for cocktail parties but they have the Hall of Fame listed as bringing in ZERO income!
What has happened at the Armory is a travesty to the children of Washington Heights and the entire city of New York! Unfortunately, the Armory, “which just happens to be in Washington Heights,” has forgotten about the needs of this community and it has lost sight of its original mission.
A change in leadership and policy is needed immediately and the only way that this will happen is through informed pressure from our community, local politicians and a boycott/protest of the prestigious Millrose Games. As Dr. Norb Sander and company try to rally support at the upcoming community board meeting, it is important that the information in this letter be shared and investigated. Our children, our student-athletes, our coaches, parents, and residents deserve better.

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