Sunday, December 14, 2014

Hostage Drama in Sydney, Australia on Live Radio

Currently, local time in Sydney is 19 hours ahead of San Francisco.

Sunday, Dec. 14 7pm San Francisco is Monday, Dec. 15 2:00pm in Sydney

Hostages Taken By Armed Man At Sydney's Martin Place sydneys-martin-...
3 hours ago ... The heart of Sydney's CBD is in lockdown after an armed man took hostages at a cafe....

Sydney Martin Place terror attack? Hostages held at Lindt, ...
46 minutes ago ... Terrorists have taken a number of hostages at a café in Martin Place, Sydney, this morning. Around 12 hostages are reported to be held at the ...

At least 13 hostages reportedly held

Major police operation unfolds in Sydney
A major police operation was under way Monday morning in Sydney. CNN affiliate Seven Network said that hostages are being held at the Lindt Chocolate Cafe. FULL STORY
PM: Incident disturbing, terrifying
Possible hostage case in Sydney

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