Saturday, December 27, 2014

Bob Rush and the Crystal Springs Cross Country Course

The Human Race by Len Wallack

There's a scraggly pine tree standing along at the crest
of the long uphill leg of the Crystal Springs cross-country
course in Belmont.

"This tree is dedicated to Bob Rush for his contribution to cross-country running."


Boy, you really went into the archives. I had forgotten about that article by Len Wallach. If Len Wallach were still alive he would be surprised to know that the original tree died and that it was replaced by a tree out of Dick Connors back yard. It is about 15 feet tall and doing very well.
My two sons added another more stable plaque that should be there long after I am gone.
I have estimated that about a half of million runners have competed on Crystal Springs since 1971. My biggest concern is who will care and preserve the course after I can no longer do it. The time is nearing-- I will be 80 in June.

Bob Rush, Dec. 27, 2014


Bob Rush was inducted into the College of San Mateo Hall of Fame in 2011.


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Member search: Fname=bob, Lname=rush

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Bob Rush M San Carlos 79 1404650952 Y ON 12/27/11
* - Memberships shown above are valid for 2014. Some of the application
dates may be a year or more in the past. This is because these
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