Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Roy Griak Invitational High School Boys (Gold)

-R-o-y- -G-r-i-a-k- C-C- --- -L-a-r-r-y- -Z-ir-g-i-b-e-l- -H-i-gh- -S-c-h-o-o-l- -B-oy-s- -(-G-o-l-d-)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- L e s B o l s t a d G oSlefp tCeomubresre ,2 7U,n i2v0e1r4s i ty of Minnesota ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
= =1=.== = = =8=0= = =W=a=y=z=a=t=a== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 16:39 1:23:15 0:47) 12 150 44444403 CIaonnn oErkl iOnls o1n2 1 2 1166::3105 65 ( 3287) 44444464 NJiacchko lParsaz iSchhal e1e2n 1 1 1177::0122 34 1235 44443459 AJandreretw C Qauripreknt e1r2 1 1 1166::5335 7 ( 61) 4442 Andrew Millan 11 17:29
= =2=.== = =1=4=9= = =S=i=o=u=x== =F=a=l=l=s= =L=i=n=c=o=l=n= = = = = = = =(= 16:52 1:24:18 1:36) 12 39 44225639 NWailthla nLa uSecrhr o1e2d e r 1 2 1156::5300 56 ( 15041 ) 44226620 ADnadleer sL oRuadsomnu s1s1e n 1 2 1177::2565 34 3449 44226614 DGarbeeux P eSteelrzsle 1r0 1 2 1177::1211 7 (138) 4257 Tyler Dobson 12 18:13

= =3=.== = =1=5=8= = =S=a=u=g=u=s== =(=C=A=)= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 16:58 1:24:49 1:10) 12 1127 44222227 ABruisatinn Z Faibsiclhsekri 1121 1166::3420 56 ( 17192) 44222253 JDorradkaen HSoeurgroa n1o1 1 2 1178::4021 34 2300 44222206 RTiyamn B Traotgegi 1e1 1 2 1167::4078 7 (155) 4224 Chris Ochoa 12 18:23

= =4=.== = =1=7=2= = =M=o=u=n=t=a=i=n= =V=i=e=w= = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 17:08 1:25:38 0:31) 12 2311 44007837 CNooalhto nHo rRsabyu r1g2h 1 1 1176::0488 65 ( 4766 ) 44008821 JCooen nPeert tOys w1a1ld 1 1 1177::1490 34 3413 44007789 ABdririoann L Joownreys 1 111 1177::0194 7 ( 81) 4075 Sam Berg 12 17:44
= =5=.== = =2=0=1= = =B=i=s=m=a=r=c=k= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 17:06 1:25:29 1:26) 12 345 33554509 STaomm CCllaauussnniittzzeerr 1112 1167::0112 56 ( 5778 ) 33555553 SStauma rMta rWkollef 1121 1177::2472 34 5523 33554467 MNailtst ABaakrdkaehnl 1102 1177::2245 7 (121) 3554 Tayler Wescom 12 18:05
= =6=.== = =2=3=4= = =M=i=n=n=e=a=p=o=l=i=s== =W=a=s=h=b=u=r=n= = = = = =(== 17:17 1:26:25 0:45) 12 2327 44003334 AAlnderxe wSt rSeeiltlz 1112 1167::1428 56 ( 16743) 44002279 CCharliesb CHoavuegrlta n1d2 8 1178::3238 34 5601 44002268 HMaamrtzain A Dloin o1v1a n 1 1 1177::2293 7 (296) 4030 Oscar McFadden 8 19:40
= =7=.== = =2=9=5= = =W=i=s=c=o=n=s=i=n= =L=u=t=h=e=r=a=n= = = = = = = = =(= = 17:24 1:26:57 1:19) 12 1356 44447869 EKryilcer B rLouwenck 1 21 2 1167::3172 56 (110635 ) 44447884 BCehna dB iLtetienro 1122 1178::5265 34 4947 44448805 DJaylvaienr L Cuaencok T1e2l l e s 1 2 1177::5139 7 (177) 4483 Chase Imberger 12 18:34
= =8=.== = =3=1=1= = =E=d=i=n=a== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 17:23 1:26:52 1:28) 12 1268 33775557 JSaomna tThhaonma sSh i1r1l e y 1 1 1166::4503 56 (112489 ) 33775469 OSwaemn ESlmlailoltety 190 1188::0189 34 4945 33775504 MPaattrthicekw JRioorssa 1 01 2 1177::1592 7 (164) 3752 John Olser 11 18:25
= =9=.== = =3=2=5= = =M=a=d=i=s=o=n== W=e=s=t== = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 17:17 1:26:22 2:23) 12 410 33991169 OWililln HOalcskoenr 1 122 1175::1346 65 ( 110197) 33992118 HCeansreyy SOclhsmoint 1112 1178::5092 34 16096 33991247 CKaylleeb K oWlialrso n12 1 2 1177::3558 7 (123) 3920 Izak Oltman 12 18:06
=1=0=.== = =3=2=6= = =H=o=p=k=i=n=s== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 17:32 1:27:36 1:05) 12 3423 33886623 JOawcekn HHeoenfscth e1l1 1 1 1177::0199 56 (123090) 33886665 HBurnettetr NSetlasaocnk 1121 1188::1446 34 4657 33886601 SSaemth B Erlainassoonn 1 110 1177::2304
-R-o-y- -G-r-i-a-k- C-C- --- -L-a-r-r-y- -Z-ir-g-i-b-e-l- -H-i-gh- -S-c-h-o-o-l- -B-oy-s- -(-G-o-l-d-)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- L e s B o l s t a d G oSlefp tCeomubresre ,2 7U,n i2v0e1r4s i ty of Minnesota ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
=1=1=.== = =3=3=6= = =J=o=h=n=s=t=o=n= =(=I=A=)= = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 17:25 1:27:02 1:24) 12 1146 33888847 DParetrwi cHker sBhoesye 1101 1166::3395 56 (110386) 33888863 MJyolsehs BGolrawnidcokr f1 21 2 1178::5192 34 19035 33888919 BZaecnh P Somsist h12 1 1 1177::5518 7 (206) 3885 Braden Cooper 11 18:48
=1=2=.== = =3=5=4= = =P=l=e=a=s=a=n=t= =V=a=l=l=e=y== = = = = = = = = = =(= = 17:33 1:27:41 1:08) 12 2424 44113459 ANincdhreolwa sD iYxaonne k1 2 9 1176::1553 56 (111559) 44114367 DMaavrikd CZoinmwmaeyr 1102 1188::0214 34 16130 44114434 JKaacrkso nMo sSso m1m2er 1 1 1187::0302 7 (169) 4140 Henry Friederichs 11 18:27
=1=3=.== = =3=6=7= = =W=e=s=t= =D=e=s= =M=o=i=n=e=s== =V=a=l=l=e=y= = = = =(= 17:32 1:27:38 1:35) 1 6 4466 Daniel Soto 12 16:24 5 107 4467 Hobbibu Moises 10 17:59
2 68 4464 Cole Mullins 12 17:35 6 (127) 4459 Collin Coffey 12 18:08
Roy Griak Invitational
file:///E|/2014%20Griak%20Results/Roy%20Griak%20Invitational%20-%20Gold%20HS%20Boys.htm[9/27/2014 4:01:30 PM]
34 18042 44445608 BCorallndinon DBalyy t1h0e 1 2 1177::5455 7 (145) 4463 Britton Klomstad 11 18:18
=1=4=.== = =3=7=1= = =S=t=i=l=l=w=a=t=e=r== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 17:36 1:27:57 1:05) 12 2735 44337756 BJaohilne yHu nHtelsesye -1W2i t h b r o e 1 2 1176::3499 65 ( 1 8929) 44337742 SJaomn aHtahnasno nB r1e1c k h e i m e r 1 1 1187::3574 34 8859 44337817 NTiicmk K Yooeknannionvgi c1h1 1 1 1177::4478 7 (258) 4379 Alex Percival 12 19:16
=1=5=.== = =4=6=2= = =R=o=c=k= =B=r=i=d=g=e== = = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 17:48 1:28:58 0:59) 12 3739 44118828 ALduacams S aHnadrsrtiendgtt o1n0 1 2 1177::3173 65 ( 114324) 44118857 MWaisloln R Muimsplfa n1 11 1 1188::1125 34 18360 44118804 QSauimn nBa uMmielrle r10 1 1 1187::0497 7 (162) 4189 Nick Wright 10 18:25
=1=6=.== = =4=7=9= = =A=m=e=s= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 17:45 1:28:41 1:42) 12 1589 33446656 ADatenime lAk oCkh a1n2 1 2 1167::4268 56 (127126 ) 33447710 AMrairkc uRsi sRhezekcyy- Y1a0k o b s 1 1 1188::5258 34 16673 33446749 CShoalfiinm W Kehlokd a12 1 1 1178::3245 7 (237) 3472 Tyler Carney 12 19:07
=1=7=.== = =4=8=8= = =D=o=w=l=i=n=g== C=a=t=h=o=l=i=c== = = = = = = = = =(= = 17:52 1:29:19 0:31) 12 6906 33771146 MSaktylte rFr aRiizeesrbe 1r0g 1 1 1177::3448 56 (112921 ) 33771108 SMaamt tA mCaadremoo d1y2 1 1 1188::0450 34 19128 33771135 JTaocmkmy F iMnekr f1e0l d 1 2 1178::5002 7 (221) 3711 Joe Carmody 12 18:58
=1=8=.== = =5=0=0= = =S=h=a=k=o=p=e=e= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 17:54 1:29:29 0:38) 12 7807 44223347 KKaylrel RWaacchhetelr 1111 1177::4423 56 (125329) 44223332 NBircyko nO lOflefretr t 91 2 1189::2007 34 18074 44223301 AGallveinn LMeynncnhin g1 21 0 1177::5477 7 (240) 4229 Eric Heidal 10 19:07
=1=9=.== = =5=2=0= = =M=a=r=q=u=e=t=t=e= =U=n=i=v=e=r=s=i=t=y== = = = = =(== 17:55 1:29:34 0:48) 12 5749 33994489 LReiloe yEh rDleimcehul 1e1na e r e 1 1 1177::3288 65 ( 117453) 33994565 JKaemeegsa nM cVKoenn nEas t1o1r f f 1 2 1188::3126 34 111313 33995513 JRayackn HMaeiuknr i1c1h 1 2 1188::0111 7 (188) 3954 Caeleb Rauh 11 18:39
=2=0=.== = =5=5=2= = =L=a=k=e=l=a=n=d= =U=n=i=o=n== = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 17:58 1:29:47 1:16) 12 12194 33890914 AWindllre wBo dSecwheisll 1i1ng 1 2 1187::0018 65 ( 212588) 33889962 DCaarlieubs ADnidveerrso n 9 1 1 1198::0214 34 112301 33889978 KMaacvakinanlueghy FFiittzzppaattrriicckk 191 1188::0059 7 (307) 3893 Luke Bodewes 10 19:57
-R-o-y- -G-r-i-a-k- C-C- --- -L-a-r-r-y- -Z-ir-g-i-b-e-l- -H-i-gh- -S-c-h-o-o-l- -B-oy-s- -(-G-o-l-d-)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- L e s B o l s t a d G oSlefp tCeomubresre ,2 7U,n i2v0e1r4s i ty of Minnesota ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
=2=1=.== = =5=7=5= = =R=o=s=e=m=o=u=n=t= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 17:54 1:29:30 2:08) 12 1915 44220005 ASalemx I Bvearnheeck y1 21 2 1176::5330 56 (118952) 44220034 CZaadfefne rH iHluls s1e1i n 1 1 1188::3481 34 111713 44220019 CRlyaanyt oBnru mSmmi t1h2 1 2 1188::2081 7 (253) 4207 Travis Lorch 10 19:14
=2=2=.== = =5=8=1= = =G=i=l=b=e=r=t== (=I=A=)== = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 17:45 1:28:42 3:36) 12 525 33880117 TWehoslmaesy GPoreldlaerrd 1122 1157::2367 65 ( 224794) 33881008 GWairlrli sGorne dHeorl c k9 9 1199::1236 34 18887 33881125 BOrwaednl eWyhi tRhiacmha r1d1 1 2 1187::3488 7 (278) 3813 Stephen Shuka 10 19:29
=2=3=.== = =6=9=8= = =B=i=s=m=a=r=c=k= =C=e=n=t=u=r=y== = = = = = = = = =(= = 18:14 1:31:06 1:06) 12 16327 33555629 MRayasnon F eSttcehne h1j2e m 1 1 1178::3103 56 (117884 ) 33556641 JEovsaenp hM aWroklefle 1110 1188::3368 34 114747 33555608 AMincdhraeewl KFoehelneery 1121 1188::1289 7 (231) 3563 Brennan Tyler 10 19:02
=2=4=.== = =7=3=6= = =M=i=n=n=e=h=a=h=a= =A=c=a=d=e=m=y== = = = = = = = =(= = 18:12 1:30:56 2:32) 12 1 284 44003447 EEprhikra iUmbe lB i1r2d 1 2 1186::0269 65 ( 321299) 44003483 STarmis tCaanrl eTnew 1 19 2109::0061 34 117969 44003426 BChjorirns AScndheolrdso n1 11 1 1188::4337 7 (334) 4039 Jacob Gray 11 20:40
=2=5=.== = =7=5=2= = =M=i=n=n=e=t=o=n=k=a== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 18:20 1:31:37 1:17) 12 17126 44005535 AMaletct MWciIlklhiinnsnony 1102 1178::0316 56 (221532) 44004564 PCaetdrriicck CBarialdlye 1101 1189::5133 34 115938 44004528 CGaulnnvainr HMaoprlsets 1 111 1188::2425 7 (267) 4049 Jacob Johnson 12 19:20
=2=6=.== = =7=6=1= = =F=r=o=n=t=i=e=r= =A=c=a=d=e=m=y== = = = = = = = = =(= = 18:21 1:31:45 1:00) 12 19169 33778919 CJoodsiya hJo nDeasvi s10 1 1 1187::0533 65 ( 222164) 33779878 DDiallltaonn WAekbeby 1111 1198::0503 34 113957 33779946 CIosaninaohr RVaemni nBgutsoknir 1k1 1 2 1188::1424 7 (255) 3792 Chukwuzulum Nwizu 11 19:15
=2=7=.== = =7=8=2= = =F=a=r=g=o== =D=a=v=i=e=s= = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 18:22 1:31:47 2:21)
1 28 3773 Hunter Lucas 10 17:07 5 276 3768 Matthew Bauske 12 19:28
Roy Griak Invitational
file:///E|/2014%20Griak%20Results/Roy%20Griak%20Invitational%20-%20Gold%20HS%20Boys.htm[9/27/2014 4:01:30 PM]
23 110700 33777725 CJaoclotbon H Semninteh 1 112 1178::5248 67 ((228929)) 33777706 BJroevnaaln YDouufsfai e l9d 1 2 1199::4373 4 208 3774 Alex Skaare 10 18:50
=2=8=.== = =8=1=5= = =M=a=r=s=h=a=l=l= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 18:27 1:32:12 1:19) 12 17510 33996602 BMilachianeel MLoarrasno n1 21 2 1178::3260 56 (221870) 33995579 JMoahtnt BDoutnsnf o r9d 1 1 1189::5351 34 118934 33996645 CNhoaahse V eVrasnakeevuelle n 91 0 1188::4338 7 (328) 3958 Walker Deaustin 11 20:26
=2=9=.== = =8=2=8= = =W=a=u=k=e=s=h=a= =N=o=r=t=h== = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 18:29 1:32:22 1:35) 12 7908 44441107 AMadatmt LSachndmeidrt 1121 1177::3546 56 (224446) 44441134 JDaokueg LMiunfdfslaeyr 1121 1199::1112 34 220124 44440158 CShpaenscee rG oMoudfifnlgesr 1 110 1188::4583 7 (257) 4409 Michael Juraez 10 19:15
=3=0=.== = =8=4=2= = =D=e=s= =M=o=i=n=e=s== =R=o=o=s=e=v=e=l=t= = = = = =(== 18:30 1:32:27 1:16) 12 19312 33669936 AEbvadinr aHhamuagnh 1O2ma r 1 0 1187::1409 65 ( 224314) 33669984 EAtlhia nLu lSah a1f0er 1 0 1199::0059 34 122605 33669979 AKbydleis aVloann D Oemra rL i1n1de 1 2 1188::2549 7 (266) 3692 Harry Crane 12 19:20
-R-o-y- -G-r-i-a-k- C-C- --- -L-a-r-r-y- -Z-ir-g-i-b-e-l- -H-i-gh- -S-c-h-o-o-l- -B-oy-s- -(-G-o-l-d-)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- L e s B o l s t a d G oSlefp tCeomubresre ,2 7U,n i2v0e1r4s i ty of Minnesota ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
=3=1=.== = =8=6=9= = =S=t== P=a=u=l== H=i=g=h=l=a=n=d== =P=a=r=k= = = = =(== 18:25 1:32:05 3:12) 12 1 574 44336708 MRiiclaehy MQauithnelarn 1112 1168::2225 56 (238176) 44336643 SBiednn eEya rGlr-oMsoss e l9e y 9 1290::3075 34 126601 44336625 AKbrirasmto fDeorn oJvoahnn s1o1n 1 0 1189::2156 7 (331) 4369 Grant Palas 12 20:36
=3=2=.== = =8=7=4= = =E=l=k= =R=i=v=e=r== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 18:33 1:32:42 0:47) 12 112556 33776607 CZaocrhy GWalarnsegorw 1112 1188::0237 56 (221350) 33776538 PBeryatdolne yH oBlemaevser 1 11 1 1189::5042 34 121617 33776645 CThylreirst iHaund sLoeno n1a1r d 1 0 1188::2562 7 (314) 3761 Nolan Goebel 12 20:04
=3=3=.== = =8=8=2= = =B=a=y= =P=o=r=t= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 18:34 1:32:47 1:31) 12 18421 33552212 JTaonshne rRe nRtemienehsotletrz 1122 1178::1445 56 (225769) 33551186 GRaavcien ADrucphoinbtal d1 01 0 1199::1350 34 121903 33551207 KStyeleve nBe iHnalyiecsh 1122 1188::5412 7 (294) 3523 Parker Sanders 11 19:39
=3=4=.== = =9=0=8= = =S=u=n= =P=r=a=i=r=i=e== = = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 18:36 1:32:59 0:56) 12 114514 44338918 LNouakeh OW'aNldebiillll i1g0 1 2 1188::2107 65 ( 226550) 44338895 MAaltetx RKordaeunskei r1c2h 9 1199::1230 34 116958 44338902 HNaunthtaenr DSemircthks 1 100 1188::2463
=3=5=.== = =9=6=6= = =P=e=r=h=a=m== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 18:43 1:33:34 2:09) 12 15861 44112317 BHiulnlteyr B Kejseelmsahnu s1 21 0 1178::2367 56 (228952) 44153500 TCyhlaesre FLuedigtez 1 1 1199::3358 34 220413 44112359 CJaacrosbon D Sipcekiecrhseorn 190 1189::1406 7 (295) 4134 Adam Siira 10 19:39
=3=6=.== =1=0=0=2= = =B=l=a=i=n=e== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 18:47 1:33:52 2:16) 12 15606 33557703 BJaemne sOl sSoynma n 9sk i 9 1178::2226 56 (239117 ) 33557745 LCuakret eTrs cWhoiedtaz e1l1 1 0 1290::3085 34 220869 33556716 PVeintaerya kC aRraojne s1h2 1 0 1189::5306 7 (318) 3569 Josh Klukas 12 20:05
=3=7=.== =1=0=1=5= = =H=e=n=r=y== =S=i=b=l=e=y= = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 18:57 1:34:44 3:21) 12 14286 33883323 AJnoeth oDniyll D1u0po n t 1 2 1187::0280 65 ( 334356) 33883378 MTyhloemsa sF lMeumripnhgy 1121 2210::2401 34 220978 33883356 JTaicmk E Kkobrltaed 1110 1189::4496 7 (346) 3831 Eric Burrell 12 21:24
=3=8=.== =1=0=5=0= = =B=e=m=i=d=j=i== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 18:52 1:34:19 1:14) 12 114408 33552279 BIisalalcy BFerergyh o1l0t z 1 2 1188::1159 56 (227973 ) 33553354 TEitmhoatnh yY oYuosuos o1 1 9 1199::2399 34 222623 33552328 JNooaehl CHaolrltesorn 1111 1189::1588 7 (304) 3531 Kenny Gudmundson 11 19:50
=3=9=.== =1=0=6=3= = =O=w=a=t=o=n=n=a= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 18:54 1:34:26 0:54) 12 120456 44111248 NSeicthk HRauiscebhlye 1121 1188::1488 56 (224879) 44112213 BPraatyrdiocnk KLuabmamte r1s0 1 2 1199::1328 34 222423 44111229 NQaehlisorn L Jaokuhrad a1n2 1 1 1198::1508 7 (323) 4117 Ken Hauer 11 20:19
=4=0=.== =1=1=7=0= = =D=e=c=o=r=a=h== V=i=k=i=n=g=s== = = = = = = = = = =(= = 19:04 1:35:20 0:36) 12 121909 33668826 BIrsayacce HMaorsqtiuangrd t1 11 2 1188::4507 56 (225894) 33668859 ATnrderveowr LPahrislolni p1s1 1 1 1199::1364 34 224548 33668818 GPaarrkreertt FNroertdhheeiimm 1122 1199::1134 7 (297) 3683 Jacob Hrdlicka 12 19:41
Roy Griak Invitational
file:///E|/2014%20Griak%20Results/Roy%20Griak%20Invitational%20-%20Gold%20HS%20Boys.htm[9/27/2014 4:01:30 PM]
-R-o-y- -G-r-i-a-k- C-C- --- -L-a-r-r-y- -Z-ir-g-i-b-e-l- -H-i-gh- -S-c-h-o-o-l- -B-oy-s- -(-G-o-l-d-)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- L e s B o l s t a d G oSlefp tCeomubresre ,2 7U,n i2v0e1r4s i ty of Minnesota ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
=4=1=.== =1=1=9=4= = =G=a=r=b=e=r=H=a=y=f=V=e=n=t=/=W=H=a=n=c=k== = = = =(== 19:15 1:36:13 2:19) 12 18836 33880004 CLhoagasen DSamilbtehc k1 11 0 1178::4348 56 (331231) 33870939 ARuasyt iCna tSailedgor i s9t 1 0 2200::0038 34 330111 33780918 DJeohrenakt hBarno wOn' C1o0n n o r 1 0 1290::4080 7 (339) 3805 Mason Wirtz 10 20:52
=4=2=.== =1=2=0=3= = =W=a=u=s=a=u== =W=e=s=t= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 19:08 1:35:39 0:25) 12 221278 44441258 AFdlaemtc hSetric hAmralnen 1 11 2 1198::0507 65 ( 227639) 44442234 JHouhnnte Rri cRhiectktloe f1s1 1 0 1199::2224 34 223518 44442207 EMiritcch Z eLnegolpeorl d1 21 2 1199::0173 7 (281) 4419 Josh Kurth 11 19:32
=4=3=.== =1=2=4=2= = =T=o=t=i=n=o==-=G=r=a=c=e= = = = = = = = = = = = = =(== 19:15 1:36:12 1:35) 12 124557 44339969 DJaomnensy KThriibeageulrt 1112 1189::2132 56 (330089) 44339942 KAennddraelwl BFrritgigzs 1122 1199::5588 34 226648 44340915 MTiyltcehre lJla cVoabns eBnu r1e1n 1 2 1199::2109 7 (320) 4398 Matt Theisen 11 20:07
=4=4=.== =1=2=4=4= = =M=a=s=o=n== =C=i=t=y= =(=I=A=)= = = = = = = = = = =(= = 19:13 1:36:01 0:40) 12 220323 33997703 JJaochkn KPhraifllti p1s1 9 1198::0457 65 ( 237152) 33996791 AJaarcoonb HLaarndgc a s9t l e 1 2 2109::0207 34 226722 33997745 KThyloema sYo uRnokweer 1100 1199::1248 7 (324) 3972 Hunter Manchester 12 20:20
=4=5=.== =1=2=4=8= = =F=a=r=m=i=n=g=t=o=n== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 19:20 1:36:38 1:50) 12 122804 33778814 ANloaehx HRaervetl s11 7 1188::3578 56 (332397 ) 33778807 JPoesyht oGnr iWmoml l1e1r 1 2 2200::2479 34 223823 33777838 DReyarenk N eCwotloen 1 111 1199::0333 7 (343) 3779 Chris Erickson 10 21:11
=4=6=.== =1=2=5=0= = =E=a=u= =C=l=a=i=r=e== =N=o=r=t=h= = = = = = = = = =(== 19:19 1:36:35 1:51) 12 120239 33773459 DGaunvinder E Scikgeurr d s9o n 1 2 1188::4088 65 ( 331302) 33774403 HBalyadkeen RGuudcdk e n9b e r g 1 0 2109::3569 34 330035 33774427 JSaesthon M aVloleolyke 1r2 9 1199::4591 7 (335) 3746 John Stremcha 9 20:41
=4=7=.== =1=2=9=1= = =H=o=l=m=e=n== =(=W=I=)= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 19:29 1:37:22 2:16) 12 117969 33885525 DRyyalann H oClompapner 1 21 2 1188::4353 65 ( 334328) 33885587 KDardaeke S tKeuilnmbarcezcehwesrk i 91 1 2201::4190 34 228908 33885549 ATlyelexr W iGcrka d1e1 1 2 1199::3387 7 (348) 3850 Zach Wisted 9 22:06
=4=8=.== =1=3=4=4= = =E=a=u= =C=l=a=i=r=e== =M=e=m=o=r=i=a=l= = = = = = =(== 19:26 1:37:09 0:43) 12 223356 33773335 DLruacakes LSachrnseoind e1r2 1 0 1199::0056 56 (330222) 33773342 BTjrooryn KLriunedgsetre d1t1 1 2 1290::4089 34 230701 33773301 BMaentt G Koocthtawniotuzr 190 1199::2437 7 (340) 3737 Alex Whitis 11 20:52
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=5=0=.== =1=4=8=2= = =A=m=e=r=y== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =(= = 20:01 1:40:03 1:58) 12 222700 33445646 TTarennnetr D Waedaor s11 1 2 1198::2538 65 ( 334441) 33446505 RAyuasnte Hne iCsosnn o1r0 1 0 2210::1596 34 332256 33445639 LMaucrakos GUrzeiimrsbovyi c 9 1 2 2200::2233 7 (347) 3462 Sam Shakin 11 21:53
Roy Griak Invitationl - Larry Zirgibel H.S. Boy's - Gold
Les Bolstad Golf Course, University of Minnesota
5 Kilometers
Place Tea No. Name Grade Team 1k Rank 1
Mile Rank 3k Time Pace
1 1 3916 Olin Hacker 12 Madison West 2:59 3 4:56 1 9:21 15:35.76 5:02
2 1 3811
12 Gilbert (IA) 2:58 5 4:56 4 9:21 15:36.16 5:02
3 1 4259 Will Lauer 12 Sioux Falls Lincoln 2:58 2 4:55 2 9:21 15:49.61 5:06
4 1 3549
11 Bismarck 2:58 4 4:56 5 9:21 16:00.61 5:10
Roy Griak Invitational
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5 1 4085
12 Nekoosa-Port Edwards 2:59 6 4:56 8 9:21 16:01.51 5:10
6 1 4407 Shane Streich 12 Waseca 3:00 23 5:00 10 9:22 16:08.61 5:12
7 1 4443 Connor Olson 12 Wayzata 2:58 1 4:55 7 9:21 16:14.06 5:14
8 1 4466 Daniel Soto 12 West Des Moines Valley 2:58 7 4:56 6 9:21 16:23.76 5:17
9 1 4368 Micah Mather 11 St Paul Highland Park 2:58 9 4:56 11 9:22 16:24.96 5:18
10 1 4037 Ephraim Bird 12 Minnehaha Academy 2:59 17 4:58 12 9:28 16:28.91 5:19
11 2 4263
12 Sioux Falls Lincoln 2:59 18 4:58 16 9:32 16:29.71 5:19
12 1 4200 Alex Berhe 12 Rosemount 3:00 15 4:58 13 9:29 16:29.91 5:19
13 2 4440 Ian Eklin 12 Wayzata 3:10 68 5:12 33 9:42 16:29.91 5:19
14 1 4227 Brian Zabilski 12 Saugus (CA) 2:59 10 4:56 3 9:21 16:31.96 5:20
15 1 3617 Jay Ort 12 Carman Collegiate 2:59 14 4:58 14 9:29 16:34.21 5:20
16 3 4439
11 Wayzata 3:04 33 5:02 15 9:32 16:34.86 5:21
17 1 3887 Drew Hershey 11 Johnston (IA) 3:12 72 5:13 32 9:42 16:34.96 5:21
18 1 4479 Eric Brown 12 Wisconsin Lutheran 3:00 22 5:00 19 9:37 16:36.11 5:21
19 2 3884 Patrick Bose 10 Johnston (IA) 3:03 34 5:03 22 9:38 16:38.61 5:22
20 2 4222 Austin Fischer 11 Saugus (CA) 3:05 49 5:09 31 9:42 16:39.01 5:22
21 1 3757 Sam Thomas 11 Edina 3:10 67 5:12 30 9:42 16:39.66 5:22
22 1 3465 Atem Akok 12 Ames 3:04 35 5:05 27 9:41 16:45.61 5:24
23 3 4226 Ryan Tate 11 Saugus (CA) 3:01 63 5:12 24 9:38 16:46.41 5:24
24 1 4077
11 Mountain View 3:00 24 5:01 40 9:45 16:47.41 5:25
25 1 4033 Andrew Sell 11 Minneapolis Washburn 3:08 69 5:13 46 9:51 16:47.71 5:25
26 1 4375
Bailey Hesse-
12 Stillwater 2:59 16 4:58 20 9:37 16:48.31 5:25
27 1 4139 Andrew Dixon 12 Pleasant Valley 3:04 44 5:07 29 9:42 16:52.11 5:26
28 4 4445 Andrew Quirk 12 Wayzata 3:13 103 5:18 49 9:53 16:52.46 5:26
29 2 3755
11 Edina 3:10 34 9:43 16:52.86 5:26
30 2 4086
12 Nekoosa-Port Edwards 3:00 25 5:01 28 9:41 16:58.11 5:28
31 1 3615
12 Burnsville 3:01 21 4:59 21 9:38 16:59.71 5:29
32 1 4371 Ashenafi Hatte 12 St Paul Wash Tech 3:15 76 5:13 45 9:51 17:01.26 5:29
33 5 4444 Jack Prazich 12 Wayzata 3:07 61 5:11 41 9:49 17:01.36 5:29
34 1 3773 Hunter Lucas 10 Fargo Davies 3:00 31 5:02 38 9:45 17:06.51 5:31
35 1 3901
12 Lakeland Union 3:06 79 5:14 57 9:56 17:07.21 5:31
36 4 4220 Tim Broggie 12 Saugus (CA) 3:02 65 5:12 23 9:38 17:07.36 5:31
37 2 4083 Colton Ray 12 Mountain View 3:00 26 5:01 36 9:44 17:07.41 5:31
38 1 3863
11 Hopkins 3:00 29 5:02 25 9:38 17:08.01 5:31
39 3 4079 Brion Lowry 11 Mountain View 3:01 38 5:06 44 9:50 17:08.81 5:32
40 3 4261 Gabe Peters 10 Sioux Falls Lincoln 3:04 53 5:10 47 9:51 17:10.76 5:32
41 2 3550
12 Bismarck 3:06 54 5:10 51 9:54 17:11.01 5:32
42 2 4486 Kyler Lueck 12 Wisconsin Lutheran 2:59 11 4:56 17 9:32 17:11.06 5:32
43 2 4034 Alex Streitz 12 Minneapolis Washburn 3:12 95 5:17 72 10:04 17:11.11 5:32
44 6 4446
11 Wayzata 3:05 62 5:11 53 9:55 17:11.21 5:32
45 1 4179
11 Robbinsdale Cooper 3:08 75 5:13 52 9:54 17:12.26 5:33
46 1 4182
12 Rock Bridge 3:02 40 5:07 48 9:52 17:12.71 5:33
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47 2 3919 Will Olson 12 Madison West 3:04 42 5:07 35 9:44 17:13.06 5:33
48 4 4078 Adrian Jones 11 Mountain View 3:00 27 5:01 39 9:45 17:13.56 5:33
49 2 4145
9 Pleasant Valley 3:04 43 5:07 43 9:50 17:14.31 5:33
50 2 3862
11 Hopkins 3:01 30 5:02 26 9:40 17:18.01 5:35
51 3 4480
Javier Cano
12 Wisconsin Lutheran 3:12 90 5:16 60 9:58 17:18.16 5:35
52 3 3754 Patrick Roos 10 Edina 3:14 88 5:15 58 9:58 17:18.46 5:35
53 5 4082 Joe Petty 11 Mountain View 3:01 45 5:07 65 10:01 17:18.71 5:35
54 1 3819 Teagan Harris 10 Glebe Collegiate Inst 3:04 55 5:10 62 9:59 17:18.96 5:35
55 3 3860
11 Hopkins 3:08 71 5:13 61 9:59 17:19.11 5:35
56 1 3833
12 Henry Sibley 3:24 220 5:34 102 10:14 17:19.11 5:35
57 4 4264 Dreux Selzler 12 Sioux Falls Lincoln 3:15 126 5:23 79 10:06 17:20.06 5:35
58 1 3570 Ben Olson 9 Blaine 3:13 121 5:22 84 10:08 17:21.96 5:36
59 3 4028
11 Minneapolis Washburn 3:08 81 5:14 67 10:02 17:22.41 5:36
60 3 3546 Nils Aardahl 12 Bismarck 3:16 145 5:25 105 10:14 17:23.51 5:36
61 4 3547 Matt Bakken 10 Bismarck 3:16 148 5:26 17:24.11 5:37
62 1 4292
11 Spooner 2:59 12 4:57 37 9:44 17:24.41 5:37
63 5 4262
12 Sioux Falls Lincoln 3:06 58 5:11 63 10:00 17:25.61 5:37
64 2 3807
12 Gilbert (IA) 3:04 46 5:07 68 10:02 17:25.71 5:37
65 1 4127 Billy Beseman 12 Perham 3:07 84 5:15 66 10:02 17:25.81 5:37
66 5 3555 Stuart Wolf 11 Bismarck 3:16 152 5:26 98 10:12 17:26.31 5:37
67 2 3466 Daniel Chan 12 Ames 3:05 51 5:09 59 9:58 17:27.11 5:38
68 1 3948
11 Marquette University 3:21 162 5:27 71 10:03 17:27.61 5:38
69 4 4026 Hamza Ali 11 Minneapolis Washburn 3:08 64 5:12 55 9:55 17:28.36 5:38
70 7 4442 Andrew Millan 11 Wayzata 3:13 106 5:19 73 10:04 17:28.51 5:38
71 1 3559 Ryan Fetch 12 Bismarck Century 3:11 105 5:18 82 10:08 17:29.31 5:38
72 3 4144
11 Pleasant Valley 3:05 48 5:08 54 9:55 17:31.51 5:39
73 5 4027 Chris Covert 12 Minneapolis Washburn 3:12 97 5:17 81 10:07 17:32.71 5:39
74 4 3861
10 Hopkins 3:01 32 5:02 50 9:53 17:33.21 5:39
75 1 3714 Matt Fraizer 10 Dowling Catholic 3:10 92 5:17 86 10:09 17:33.21 5:39
76 3 3474 Colin Welk 12 Ames 3:07 66 5:12 75 10:04 17:33.81 5:40
77 2 3817 Alex Bernst 12 Glebe Collegiate Inst 2:58 20 4:59 17:34.41 5:40
78 2 4464 Cole Mullins 12 West Des Moines Valley 3:03 56 5:10 87 10:09 17:34.46 5:40
79 3 3917 Kyle Kolar 12 Madison West 3:08 73 5:13 56 9:56 17:34.86 5:40
80 1 4410 Matt Lander 12 Waukesha North 3:08 94 5:17 99 10:12 17:35.46 5:40
81 1 3962 Blaine Moran 12 Marshall 3:03 47 5:07 69 10:02 17:35.91 5:40
82 1 4055 Matt Wilkinson 10 Minnetonka 3:09 87 5:15 78 10:06 17:35.91 5:40
83 2 4188
10 Rock Bridge 3:12 116 5:21 93 10:11 17:36.31 5:40
84 2 3949 Leo Ehrlich 11 Marquette University 3:25 241 5:36 148 10:27 17:37.46 5:41
85 2 4376 John Huntley 12 Stillwater 3:16 155 5:26 114 10:20 17:38.86 5:41
86 6 4081
11 Mountain View 3:01 37 5:06 70 10:03 17:39.11 5:41
87 1 4234 Kyle Rachel 11 Shakopee 3:22 234 5:35 127 10:23 17:41.21 5:42
88 6 3553 Sam Markle 12 Bismarck 3:16 150 5:26 106 10:15 17:41.36 5:42
Roy Griak Invitational
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89 5 4225
12 Saugus (CA) 3:03 41 5:07 42 9:50 17:41.56 5:42
90 2 4237 Karl Wachter 11 Shakopee 3:21 238 5:36 134 10:25 17:42.61 5:43
91 7 4075 Sam Berg 12 Mountain View 3:00 36 5:05 76 10:05 17:43.11 5:43
92 1 3522
12 Bay Port 3:09 107 5:19 104 10:14 17:43.26 5:43
93 1 3804 Chase Smith 11 GarberHayfVent/WHanck 3:18 158 5:26 101 10:13 17:43.86 5:43
94 3 4458
12 West Des Moines Valley 3:03 50 5:09 64 10:01 17:44.71 5:43
95 3 4377 Tim Koenning 11 Stillwater 3:14 120 5:22 107 10:15 17:46.41 5:44
96 3 4184 Quinn Miller 11 Rock Bridge 3:08 101 5:18 92 10:11 17:46.56 5:44
97 3 4231
10 Shakopee 3:20 183 5:30 129 10:23 17:46.56 5:44
98 3 3812
12 Gilbert (IA) 3:17 181 5:29 119 10:20 17:47.81 5:44
99 4 4381
11 Stillwater 3:11 91 5:16 91 10:10 17:47.91 5:44
100 2 3716
11 Dowling Catholic 3:10 96 5:17 85 10:09 17:47.96 5:44
101 1 3696
10 Des Moines Roosevelt 3:08 80 5:14 97 10:12 17:48.11 5:44
102 8 4080
11 Mountain View 3:06 57 5:10 77 10:06 17:48.96 5:45
103 3 3713 Jack Fink 10 Dowling Catholic 3:09 93 5:17 83 10:08 17:49.91 5:45
104 8 4441 Paul Epland 12 Wayzata 3:17 127 5:23 100 10:13 17:50.21 5:45
105 3 3889 Ben Poss 12 Johnston (IA) 3:18 144 5:25 117 10:20 17:50.81 5:45
106 1 4324
12 St Croix Prep 3:24 222 5:34 141 10:26 17:50.96 5:45
107 4 3750 Matthew Jirsa 12 Edina 3:22 224 5:34 175 10:32 17:51.36 5:45
108 2 4205 Sam Ivanecky 12 Rosemount 3:30 285 5:41 17:52.21 5:46
109 1 3789 Josiah Davis 11 Frontier Academy 3:21 135 5:24 111 10:19 17:52.61 5:46
110 4 4485 Dylan Lueck 12 Wisconsin Lutheran 3:12 104 5:18 90 10:10 17:52.96 5:46
111 2 4417 Adam Schmidt 11 Waukesha North 3:11 118 5:22 115 10:20 17:53.11 5:46
112 5 4372
11 Stillwater 3:13 112 5:20 103 10:14 17:53.21 5:46
113 2 3772 Jacob Henne 11 Fargo Davies 3:04 59 5:11 95 10:11 17:53.81 5:46
114 6 4260 Dale Loudon 11 Sioux Falls Lincoln 3:12 115 5:21 108 10:17 17:54.26 5:46
115 4 4460 Collin Day 10 West Des Moines Valley 3:18 174 5:28 146 10:27 17:54.31 5:46
116 5 4478 Ben Bitter 12 Wisconsin Lutheran 3:11 85 5:15 74 10:04 17:55.46 5:47
117 4 4230 Allen Lynch 12 Shakopee 3:22 232 5:35 138 10:25 17:56.36 5:47
118 4 3891 Zach Smith 11 Johnston (IA) 3:20 141 5:25 110 10:18 17:57.46 5:47
119 4 3924 Caleb Wilson 12 Madison West 3:17 167 5:27 17:57.96 5:47
120 5 4467
10 West Des Moines Valley 3:11 111 5:20 112 10:19 17:58.51 5:48
121 5 3886
12 Johnston (IA) 3:22 180 5:29 123 10:22 17:58.66 5:48
122 5 3921 Henry Schmit 12 Madison West 3:19 195 5:31 165 10:30 17:58.66 5:48
123 4 4143 Jack Moss 12 Pleasant Valley 3:15 138 5:25 151 10:27 17:59.96 5:48
124 3 3953 Ryan Mauk 11 Marquette University 3:25 245 5:36 132 10:24 18:00.11 5:48
125 6 4223 Drake Hougo 11 Saugus (CA) 3:20 212 5:33 179 10:33 18:00.16 5:48
126 2 3894 Will Bodewes 11 Lakeland Union 3:06 99 5:17 113 10:19 18:00.66 5:48
127 3 4209 Clayton Smith 12 Rosemount 3:27 246 5:36 176 10:32 18:00.66 5:48
128 5 4146 David Zimmer 12 Pleasant Valley 3:15 132 5:24 121 10:21 18:00.81 5:48
129 2 4053 Alec McIlhinny 12 Minnetonka 3:15 159 5:26 149 10:27 18:00.96 5:48
130 6 3918 Casey Olson 11 Madison West 3:17 153 5:26 135 10:25 18:01.61 5:49
131 4 3715
12 Dowling Catholic 3:14 154 5:26 139 10:25 18:01.81 5:49
Roy Griak Invitational
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132 2 3791 Cody Jones 10 Frontier Academy 3:23 199 5:32 140 10:25 18:02.61 5:49
133 3 3897
9 Lakeland Union 3:08 98 5:17 128 10:23 18:04.26 5:49
134 7 3554
12 Bismarck 3:21 193 5:31 161 10:30 18:04.51 5:50
135 5 3710 Sam Amadeo 12 Dowling Catholic 3:16 170 5:27 155 10:28 18:04.86 5:50
136 7 3920 Izak Oltman 12 Madison West 3:18 184 5:30 18:05.21 5:50
137 2 4044 Erik Ubel 12 Minnehaha Academy 3:12 110 5:19 88 10:10 18:05.96 5:50
138 8 3925
10 Madison West 3:18 196 5:31 177 10:32 18:05.96 5:50
139 1 3760
12 Elk River 3:15 136 5:24 166 10:30 18:06.66 5:50
140 2 3832 Joe Dill 10 Henry Sibley 3:29 253 5:37 122 10:22 18:07.16 5:50
141 6 4459 Collin Coffey 12 West Des Moines Valley 3:18 168 5:27 145 10:26 18:07.61 5:51
142 5 3756 Owen Smalley 10 Edina 3:24 182 5:29 120 10:21 18:07.76 5:51
143 1 3745
12 Eau Claire North 3:05 83 5:14 124 10:23 18:07.81 5:51
144 4 4180 Sam Baumer 10 Rock Bridge 3:08 117 5:22 157 10:29 18:08.41 5:51
145 4 3898
11 Lakeland Union 3:08 102 5:18 137 10:25 18:08.81 5:51
146 2 3693 Evan Haugh 12 Des Moines Roosevelt 3:16 133 5:24 323 11:07 18:09.56 5:51
147 4 3951 Jack Heinrich 12 Marquette University 3:21 200 5:32 118 10:20 18:10.16 5:51
148 1 4498 Peter Holliger 12 Algona (IA) 3:32 307 5:45 221 10:45 18:10.31 5:51
149 3 3794
11 Frontier Academy 3:22 165 5:27 125 10:23 18:11.11 5:52
150 5 4187 Will Rumpf 11 Rock Bridge 3:20 194 5:31 170 10:31 18:11.11 5:52
151 6 3883 Josh Borwick 12 Johnston (IA) 3:15 109 5:19 94 10:11 18:11.71 5:52
152 2 3562
11 Bismarck Century 3:06 82 5:14 89 10:10 18:12.51 5:52
153 7 4257 Tyler Dobson 12 Sioux Falls Lincoln 3:19 157 5:26 109 10:18 18:12.61 5:52
154 2 3614
10 Burnsville 3:29 288 5:42 220 10:44 18:13.61 5:52
155 5 3866
11 Hopkins 3:02 52 5:09 96 10:12 18:13.81 5:53
156 1 3527 Isaac Berg 10 Bemidji 3:15 163 5:27 169 10:31 18:14.11 5:53
157 2 3521
12 Bay Port 3:17 178 5:29 184 10:35 18:14.21 5:53
158 3 3818
11 Glebe Collegiate Inst 3:11 140 5:25 18:14.76 5:53
159 6 4185 Mason Mislan 11 Rock Bridge 3:21 227 5:35 193 10:37 18:14.81 5:53
160 5 3955
Keegan Von
12 Marquette University 3:31 339 5:49 242 10:48 18:15.96 5:53
161 1 4391
12 Sun Prairie 3:21 215 5:34 167 10:30 18:16.86 5:54
162 1 4118 Seth Huseby 12 Owatonna 3:11 114 5:20 130 10:23 18:17.16 5:54
163 7 4463
11 West Des Moines Valley 3:18 173 5:28 147 10:27 18:17.16 5:54
164 3 3558
11 Bismarck Century 3:12 122 5:22 154 10:28 18:17.31 5:54
165 2 3529 Billy Freyholtz 12 Bemidji 3:12 100 5:17 80 10:06 18:18.11 5:54
166 6 3749 Sam Elliott 9 Edina 3:25 217 5:34 143 10:26 18:18.36 5:54
167 9 3922 Will Simonson 12 Madison West 3:21 207 5:32 162 10:30 18:18.81 5:54
168 2 3960
12 Marshall 3:09 119 5:22 164 10:30 18:19.11 5:54
169 9 4447 Paul Weiler 10 Wayzata 3:22 214 5:34 191 10:37 18:19.16 5:54
Roy Griak Invitational
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170 2 4388 Noah O'Neill 10 Sun Prairie 3:12 130 5:24 173 10:31 18:19.41 5:54
171 5 4233 Nick Olfert 9 Shakopee 3:20 188 5:30 142 10:26 18:19.71 5:54
172 8 4258 Henry Klitzke 10 Sioux Falls Lincoln 3:16 191 5:31 188 10:36 18:20.26 5:55
173 8 3548
12 Bismarck 3:24 263 5:38 205 10:42 18:21.01 5:55
174 3 4048 Calvin Horst 11 Minnetonka 3:15 160 5:27 152 10:27 18:21.41 5:55
175 2 4370 Riley Quinlan 12 St Paul Highland Park 3:18 189 5:30 181 10:34 18:21.71 5:55
176 7 4224 Chris Ochoa 12 Saugus (CA) 3:13 128 5:23 131 10:24 18:22.16 5:55
177 2 3767
11 Elk River 3:25 281 5:40 224 10:45 18:22.41 5:55
178 1 4399
12 Totino-Grace 3:21 225 5:35 160 10:30 18:22.71 5:55
179 5 3892
11 Lakeland Union 3:03 74 5:13 144 10:26 18:23.11 5:56
180 6 4137 Mark Conway 10 Pleasant Valley 3:12 123 5:22 133 10:24 18:23.21 5:56
181 3 3697
11 Des Moines Roosevelt 3:21 175 5:28 201 10:40 18:23.91 5:56
182 3 4362
11 St Paul Highland Park 3:15 166 5:27 159 10:29 18:24.46 5:56
183 7 4189 Nick Wright 10 Rock Bridge 3:20 192 5:31 172 10:31 18:24.56 5:56
184 4 3469 Shafim Khoda 11 Ames 3:11 131 5:24 182 10:35 18:24.76 5:56
185 6 4484 Chad Leino 12 Wisconsin Lutheran 3:23 257 5:37 206 10:42 18:24.81 5:56
186 7 3752 John Olser 11 Edina 3:36 354 5:50 256 10:51 18:24.81 5:56
187 2 3573
9 Blaine 3:29 284 5:41 234 10:47 18:25.51 5:56
188 10 4438 Kyle Brandt 11 Wayzata 3:22 213 5:33 153 10:27 18:25.66 5:56
189 3 4390 Nathan Smith 10 Sun Prairie 3:21 216 5:34 186 10:36 18:25.66 5:56
190 3 3764
11 Elk River 3:23 278 5:39 226 10:45 18:25.66 5:56
191 7 4140
11 Pleasant Valley 3:15 137 5:24 185 10:36 18:26.56 5:57
192 3 3775 Colton Smith 12 Fargo Davies 3:20 219 5:34 204 10:42 18:27.16 5:57
193 4 4201 Ryan Brumm 12 Rosemount 3:36 350 5:50 248 10:49 18:27.26 5:57
194 5 3471
Arik Rishzky-
11 Ames 3:22 258 5:37 249 10:49 18:27.31 5:57
195 6 4029
8 Minneapolis Washburn 3:25 267 5:38 192 10:37 18:27.46 5:57
196 4 3560 Andrew Kohler 12 Bismarck Century 3:09 129 5:23 136 10:25 18:28.06 5:57
197 3 3616 Dillon Wong 11 Burnsville 3:28 293 5:42 218 10:44 18:29.36 5:58
198 6 3946
11 Marquette University 3:37 366 5:52 269 10:55 18:31.16 5:58
199 1 3852 Dylan Copper 12 Holmen (WI) 3:14 171 5:27 207 10:43 18:32.31 5:59
200 8 4186 Josh Ripley 12 Rock Bridge 3:08 113 5:20 178 10:32 18:32.51 5:59
201 7 4483
12 Wisconsin Lutheran 3:25 243 5:36 200 10:40 18:33.41 5:59
202 10 3923 Sean Topel 10 Madison West 3:21 211 5:33 183 10:35 18:34.91 5:59
203 5 3564 Joseph Wolfe 10 Bismarck Century 3:16 210 5:33 222 10:45 18:35.56 6:00
204 3 4042 Chris Schold 11 Minnehaha Academy 3:24 264 5:38 213 10:44 18:36.11 6:00
205 1 3781 Alex Hart 11 Farmington 3:13 134 5:24 168 10:31 18:36.46 6:00
206 2 4131
10 Perham 3:26 306 5:45 253 10:50 18:36.86 6:00
207 6 4374 Sam Hanson 11 Stillwater 3:14 146 5:25 198 10:39 18:36.96 6:00
208 3 3964
10 Marshall 3:12 161 5:27 197 10:38 18:37.01 6:00
209 6 3561 Evan Markel 11 Bismarck Century 3:18 208 5:33 203 10:42 18:37.36 6:00
210 5 4203 Caden Hill 11 Rosemount 3:37 359 5:51 240 10:48 18:37.36 6:00
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211 2 3800
10 GarberHayfVent/WHanck 3:21 202 5:32 202 10:40 18:37.56 6:00
212 4 3815
11 Gilbert (IA) 3:24 280 5:40 237 10:47 18:37.61 6:00
213 7 3954 Caeleb Rauh 11 Marquette University 3:38 384 5:55 281 10:57 18:38.21 6:00
214 9 3552 Dan Finley 11 Bismarck 3:22 197 5:31 163 10:30 18:38.66 6:01
215 1 4116 Nate Simon 11 Onalaska 3:07 70 5:13 126 10:23 18:38.81 6:01
216 1 3682 Bryce Hosting 11 Decorah Vikings 3:13 149 5:26 187 10:36 18:39.31 6:01
217 6 3718 Matt Carmody 11 Dowling Catholic 3:23 254 5:37 18:39.36 6:01
218 10 3551 Colton Arman 11 Bismarck 3:22 203 5:32 194 10:38 18:39.91 6:01
219 6 4204 Zaffer Hussein 11 Rosemount 3:37 375 5:53 290 11:00 18:40.61 6:01
220 3 3520 Steven Hayes 12 Bay Port 3:07 89 5:15 158 10:29 18:41.71 6:02
221 4 3965
9 Marshall 3:22 271 5:39 232 10:46 18:42.01 6:02
222 4 4382 Hunter Dercks 10 Sun Prairie 3:10 125 5:23 180 10:34 18:42.66 6:02
223 4 4036
11 Minnehaha Academy 3:24 265 5:38 214 10:44 18:42.71 6:02
224 4 3796
Connor Van
12 Frontier Academy 3:26 282 5:40 225 10:45 18:43.86 6:02
225 8 4482 Andrew Fink 12 Wisconsin Lutheran 3:23 248 5:36 199 10:40 18:43.91 6:02
226 2 4177 Kyle Goldman 12 Robbinsdale Cooper 3:21 240 5:36 217 10:44 18:44.16 6:02
227 4 4052
11 Minnetonka 3:20 242 5:36 246 10:49 18:44.16 6:02
228 2 3855 Ryan Holman 12 Holmen (WI) 3:20 209 5:33 215 10:44 18:44.66 6:02
229 8 3748 Drew Elliott 11 Edina 3:37 371 5:52 18:44.96 6:03
230 8 4142
11 Pleasant Valley 3:26 273 5:39 235 10:47 18:45.41 6:03
231 6 3865
12 Hopkins 3:14 142 5:25 174 10:32 18:45.66 6:03
232 3 4129
10 Perham 3:26 311 5:45 294 11:01 18:45.86 6:03
233 1 3973 Jack Phillips 9 Mason City (IA) 3:23 269 5:38 243 10:48 18:46.56 6:03
234 9 4481
12 Wisconsin Lutheran 3:06 77 5:13 116 10:20 18:46.61 6:03
235 3 4408
11 Waukesha North 3:17 186 5:30 230 10:46 18:47.06 6:03
236 2 3739 David Ecker 9 Eau Claire North 3:14 177 5:28 245 10:49 18:47.06 6:03
237 2 4124 Nick Raichle 11 Owatonna 3:25 294 5:42 288 10:59 18:47.56 6:03
238 8 4461
12 West Des Moines Valley 3:18 169 5:27 150 10:27 18:47.76 6:03
239 7 3885
11 Johnston (IA) 3:35 362 5:51 279 10:57 18:47.86 6:04
240 3 3835 Tim Ekblad 11 Henry Sibley 3:41 420 6:01 318 11:07 18:48.81 6:04
241 4 3774 Alex Skaare 10 Fargo Davies 3:20 226 5:35 227 10:45 18:49.36 6:04
242 3 3566 Peter Caron 12 Blaine 3:37 379 5:54 306 11:04 18:49.36 6:04
243 8 3950 Kieran Fendt 12 Marquette University 3:37 377 5:53 272 10:55 18:49.51 6:04
244 4 3517 Kyle Beinlich 12 Bay Port 3:08 151 5:26 239 10:48 18:50.51 6:04
245 4 3765
10 Elk River 3:36 369 5:52 307 11:04 18:51.41 6:05
246 4 4415
10 Waukesha North 3:19 244 5:36 263 10:54 18:52.71 6:05
247 5 3788 Dalton Akey 11 Frontier Academy 3:23 206 5:32 189 10:36 18:52.96 6:05
248 5 4046 Patrick Brady 10 Minnetonka 3:20 239 5:36 210 10:44 18:52.96 6:05
249 5 3763
11 Elk River 3:36 335 5:48 274 10:56 18:53.26 6:05
250 5 3957 John Botsford 11 Marshall 3:19 205 5:32 233 10:47 18:54.81 6:06
251 6 3470 Marcus Reecy 10 Ames 3:23 279 5:39 261 10:53 18:54.81 6:06
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252 9 4141
9 Pleasant Valley 3:24 276 5:39 236 10:47 18:55.36 6:06
253 1 4418 Fletcher Arlen 12 Wausau West 3:20 236 5:36 252 10:50 18:56.36 6:06
254 2 3686
12 Decorah Vikings 3:15 198 5:32 259 10:52 18:56.86 6:06
255 1 3464 Tanner Wears 12 Amery 3:16 185 5:30 223 10:45 18:57.01 6:06
256 7 3711 Joe Carmody 12 Dowling Catholic 3:19 260 5:38 260 10:52 18:57.26 6:07
257 3 3532 Noah Holter 11 Bemidji 3:30 299 5:43 18:57.76 6:07
258 3 4119
11 Owatonna 3:30 318 5:45 284 10:58 18:57.81 6:07
259 2 3784 Noah Revels 7 Farmington 3:26 297 5:43 305 11:04 18:57.81 6:07
260 4 3699
Kyle Von der
12 Des Moines Roosevelt 3:23 249 5:37 247 10:49 18:58.81 6:07
261 6 3797 Dillan Webb 11 Frontier Academy 3:28 298 5:43 286 10:58 18:59.51 6:07
262 2 4425
11 Wausau West 3:34 373 5:52 339 11:12 18:59.61 6:07
263 9 3947 Ryan Carter 12 Marquette University 3:24 237 5:36 211 10:44 19:00.01 6:07
264 6 3896 Darius Diver 9 Lakeland Union 3:33 344 5:50 291 11:00 19:00.11 6:07
265 5 4043 Tristan Tew 9 Minnehaha Academy 3:26 296 5:42 273 10:56 19:00.96 6:08
266 6 3758
11 Elk River 3:36 385 5:55 344 11:12 19:01.46 6:08
267 7 3563 Brennan Tyler 10 Bismarck Century 3:17 201 5:32 258 10:52 19:01.56 6:08
268 3 3778 Derek Cole 11 Farmington 3:19 278 10:56 19:02.81 6:08
269 8 3888
12 Johnston (IA) 3:36 367 5:52 283 10:57 19:03.26 6:08
270 2 3970 John Kraft 11 Mason City (IA) 3:27 325 5:47 297 11:02 19:04.36 6:09
271 5 3694 Ali Lula 10 Des Moines Roosevelt 3:23 251 5:37 229 10:46 19:04.61 6:09
272 1 3733 Lucas Larson 12 Eau Claire Memorial 3:22 275 5:39 285 10:58 19:04.96 6:09
273 2 3735
10 Eau Claire Memorial 3:28 332 5:48 313 11:05 19:05.96 6:09
274 7 3472 Tyler Carney 12 Ames 3:28 330 5:48 312 11:05 19:06.11 6:09
275 3 4427 Eric Zengler 12 Wausau West 3:24 303 5:44 300 11:03 19:06.66 6:10
276 6 4232 Bryon Olfert 12 Shakopee 3:27 289 5:42 238 10:47 19:06.71 6:10
277 7 4229 Eric Heidal 10 Shakopee 3:39 404 5:58 326 11:08 19:06.91 6:10
278 6 3698 Ethan Shafer 10 Des Moines Roosevelt 3:23 256 5:37 250 10:50 19:08.71 6:10
279 4 4122 Qahir Lakha 12 Owatonna 3:25 292 5:42 275 10:56 19:09.31 6:10
280 4 4135
9 Perham 3:26 308 5:45 296 11:02 19:09.91 6:11
281 5 4413 Jake Lindsay 12 Waukesha North 3:17 204 5:32 244 10:49 19:10.41 6:11
282 2 4396 Donny Krieger 11 Totino-Grace 3:35 393 5:56 348 11:13 19:11.31 6:11
283 8 3712
12 Dowling Catholic 3:21 229 5:35 212 10:44 19:11.56 6:11
284 6 4414 Doug Muffler 11 Waukesha North 3:17 179 5:29 216 10:44 19:11.76 6:11
285 5 4121
10 Owatonna 3:31 349 5:50 338 11:11 19:11.91 6:11
286 3 3688
12 Decorah Vikings 3:25 286 5:41 271 10:55 19:12.06 6:11
287 5 3810
9 Gilbert (IA) 3:31 340 5:49 19:12.36 6:11
288 5 4385 Alex Krause 12 Sun Prairie 3:29 337 5:48 324 11:08 19:12.51 6:11
289 4 4420 Mitch Leopold 12 Wausau West 3:35 392 5:56 347 11:13 19:12.66 6:11
290 6 4054 Cedric Caille 11 Minnetonka 3:20 247 5:36 265 10:54 19:12.96 6:12
291 8 3556 Tory Bergan 12 Bismarck Century 3:18 221 5:34 270 10:55 19:13.46 6:12
292 7 4207 Travis Lorch 10 Rosemount 3:36 356 5:50 282 10:57 19:13.46 6:12
293 4 3681
12 Decorah Vikings 3:28 304 5:44 310 11:05 19:13.56 6:12
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294 7 3792
11 Frontier Academy 3:35 336 5:48 309 11:04 19:14.16 6:12
295 5 3518 Gavin DuPont 10 Bay Port 3:20 250 5:37 316 11:06 19:14.16 6:12
296 8 3467
12 Ames 3:17 230 5:35 264 10:54 19:14.36 6:12
297 7 4409
10 Waukesha North 3:14 172 5:28 257 10:51 19:14.76 6:12
298 7 4379 Alex Percival 12 Stillwater 3:21 259 5:38 280 10:57 19:15.11 6:12
299 9 3753 Max Kuhs 10 Edina 3:36 360 5:51 325 11:08 19:15.11 6:12
300 5 3685
11 Decorah Vikings 3:23 272 5:39 268 10:55 19:15.66 6:12
301 4 4365
10 St Paul Highland Park 3:35 406 5:58 345 11:13 19:15.76 6:12
302 9 4084 Jacob Skelton 11 Mountain View 3:00 39 5:06 156 10:29 19:16.31 6:13
303 8 4206 Sam Karlson 12 Rosemount 3:35 357 5:51 276 10:56 19:16.31 6:13
304 2 4114
11 Onalaska 3:23 283 5:41 255 10:51 19:16.36 6:13
305 3 3974 Thomas Rowe 10 Mason City (IA) 3:20 252 5:37 254 10:50 19:17.56 6:13
306 9 3882 Cole Balmer 12 Johnston (IA) 3:27 313 5:45 299 11:03 19:17.61 6:13
307 4 3528 Joel Carlson 11 Bemidji 3:32 353 5:50 320 11:07 19:17.86 6:13
308 9 3557
11 Bismarck Century 3:12 139 5:25 241 10:48 19:18.26 6:13
309 9 4202
10 Rosemount 3:36 342 5:49 231 10:46 19:18.71 6:13
310 3 4401
Mitchell Van
12 Totino-Grace 3:34 389 5:55 343 11:12 19:18.81 6:13
311 6 4389
9 Sun Prairie 3:21 261 5:38 277 10:56 19:19.16 6:14
312 7 3692 Harry Crane 12 Des Moines Roosevelt 3:32 358 5:51 337 11:11 19:19.21 6:14
313 9 4465
11 West Des Moines Valley 3:18 231 5:35 266 10:54 19:19.61 6:14
314 7 4049
12 Minnetonka 3:16 176 5:28 251 10:50 19:19.96 6:14
315 4 4395
11 Totino-Grace 3:35 391 5:56 19:19.96 6:14
316 5 4423 John Richetto 11 Wausau West 3:33 380 5:54 355 11:16 19:21.21 6:14
317 2 3456 Trent Dado 11 Amery 3:24 333 5:48 353 11:16 19:22.26 6:15
318 3 3730
10 Eau Claire Memorial 3:31 355 5:50 330 11:10 19:22.51 6:15
319 4 3975 Kyle Younker 10 Mason City (IA) 3:29 331 5:48 332 11:10 19:23.76 6:15
320 6 4424
10 Wausau West 3:27 316 5:45 302 11:03 19:23.86 6:15
321 8 3793 John Palmer 10 Frontier Academy 3:34 328 5:47 298 11:02 19:24.26 6:15
322 8 4411 Henry Laste 11 Waukesha North 3:19 268 5:38 315 11:06 19:25.71 6:16
323 6 3808 Will Greder 9 Gilbert (IA) 3:29 322 5:46 322 11:07 19:25.91 6:16
324 5 3969
12 Mason City (IA) 3:33 363 5:51 319 11:07 19:26.36 6:16
325 5 3768
12 Fargo Davies 3:34 361 5:51 336 11:11 19:27.21 6:16
326 4 3820 Jake Weston 11 Glebe Collegiate Inst 3:06 86 5:15 293 11:01 19:27.41 6:16
327 5 3535
9 Bemidji 3:35 364 5:51 351 11:15 19:28.11 6:16
328 7 3813
10 Gilbert (IA) 3:29 323 5:47 308 11:04 19:28.71 6:17
329 6 3516
10 Bay Port 3:23 277 5:39 304 11:03 19:29.01 6:17
330 8 4050
11 Minnetonka 3:14 156 5:26 209 10:44 19:29.96 6:17
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331 6 3959 Matt Dunn 9 Marshall 3:33 321 5:46 295 11:02 19:30.26 6:17
332 10 4138 Matt Conway 12 Pleasant Valley 3:10 124 5:22 195 10:38 19:31.46 6:18
333 7 4419 Josh Kurth 11 Wausau West 3:24 301 5:44 301 11:03 19:31.81 6:18
334 6 3770
12 Fargo Davies 3:34 370 5:52 327 11:09 19:32.51 6:18
335 4 3783 Ryan Newton 11 Farmington 3:22 314 5:45 369 11:20 19:32.56 6:18
336 6 3689 Trevor Phillips 11 Decorah Vikings 3:26 312 5:45 349 11:13 19:33.56 6:18
337 5 4130 Tyler Fudge 11 Perham 3:28 320 5:46 342 11:12 19:34.01 6:18
338 9 3795 Austen Street 11 Frontier Academy 3:36 394 5:56 365 11:19 19:34.36 6:18
339 9 4412
10 Waukesha North 3:17 187 5:30 262 10:53 19:34.81 6:19
340 4 3571
10 Blaine 3:38 396 5:56 376 11:21 19:35.51 6:19
341 5 4364 Sidney Gross 9 St Paul Highland Park 3:43 435 6:03 395 11:30 19:36.31 6:19
342 3 3854 Tyler Grade 12 Holmen (WI) 3:15 218 5:34 303 11:03 19:36.71 6:19
343 6 4123
12 Owatonna 3:25 290 5:42 292 11:01 19:37.36 6:19
344 4 3859 Alex Wick 11 Holmen (WI) 3:40 413 6:00 371 11:20 19:37.51 6:19
345 6 4550 Chase Leitz Perham 3:27 315 5:45 333 11:10 19:37.81 6:20
346 5 3574 Luke Tschida 11 Blaine 3:37 401 5:57 356 11:16 19:37.81 6:20
347 6 3534 Ethan Youso 11 Bemidji 3:26 302 5:44 321 11:07 19:38.41 6:20
348 7 3523
11 Bay Port 3:31 372 5:52 390 11:29 19:38.71 6:20
349 7 4134 Adam Siira 10 Perham 3:26 309 5:45 335 11:11 19:38.86 6:20
350 7 4030
8 Minneapolis Washburn 3:37 407 5:58 384 11:25 19:39.41 6:20
351 7 3683
12 Decorah Vikings 3:28 300 5:43 334 11:11 19:40.41 6:20
352 10 3952
12 Marquette University 3:36 374 5:52 317 11:07 19:40.61 6:20
353 8 3519 Jordan Finlay 12 Bay Port 3:41 438 6:03 393 11:29 19:40.86 6:21
354 10 3890 Alex Nichol 12 Johnston (IA) 3:36 397 5:56 361 11:17 19:41.76 6:21
355 10 3751
10 Edina 3:24 190 5:30 190 10:36 19:42.06 6:21
356 9 3525 Kyle Thieme 9 Bay Port 3:24 287 5:41 328 11:09 19:43.66 6:21
357 8 4136
9 Perham 3:34 416 6:00 378 11:22 19:45.21 6:22
358 4 3836 Jack Korte 10 Henry Sibley 3:42 436 6:03 359 11:17 19:45.41 6:22
359 7 3776 Joval Yousa 9 Fargo Davies 3:36 378 5:53 372 11:20 19:46.01 6:22
360 10 4487 Matt Olson 10 Wisconsin Lutheran 3:29 341 5:49 358 11:16 19:46.21 6:22
361 4 3731 Matt Kottwitz 9 Eau Claire Memorial 3:37 417 6:00 399 11:31 19:46.81 6:22
362 3 3798 Derek Brown 10 GarberHayfVent/WHanck 3:29 338 5:49 367 11:19 19:47.41 6:23
363 10 3524 Zach Smith 10 Bay Port 3:24 305 5:44 354 11:16 19:47.81 6:23
364 5 3734
12 Eau Claire Memorial 3:39 442 6:05 397 11:30 19:47.81 6:23
365 8 3769 Isaac Brye 12 Fargo Davies 3:43 454 6:09 412 11:40 19:47.81 6:23
366 9 4183
12 Rock Bridge 3:21 235 5:35 287 10:59 19:47.91 6:23
367 10 4208
10 Rosemount 3:38 385 11:26 19:48.06 6:23
368 3 3742 Seth Malloy 12 Eau Claire North 3:21 274 5:39 366 11:19 19:48.86 6:23
369 7 3531
11 Bemidji 3:35 365 5:51 350 11:14 19:49.66 6:23
370 10 3790 Sawyer Davis 10 Frontier Academy 3:34 347 5:50 364 11:18 19:50.11 6:24
371 4 3747 Jason Voelker 9 Eau Claire North 3:28 329 5:48 360 11:17 19:50.26 6:24
372 8 3695 Matt Moreland 11 Des Moines Roosevelt 3:31 351 5:50 340 11:12 19:50.56 6:24
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373 3 4110
10 Onalaska 3:24 295 5:42 394 11:29 19:52.16 6:24
374 9 3719 Jack Turner 11 Dowling Catholic 3:21 233 5:35 331 11:10 19:52.56 6:24
375 8 4228 Quinn Ahrens 12 Shakopee 3:28 327 5:47 346 11:13 19:52.96 6:24
376 8 3684
9 Decorah Vikings 3:36 415 6:00 383 11:25 19:55.11 6:25
377 8 3533
12 Bemidji 3:37 395 5:56 381 11:23 19:55.16 6:25
378 9 3687 Tim Meyer 11 Decorah Vikings 3:26 317 5:45 377 11:22 19:55.76 6:25
379 7 3893
10 Lakeland Union 3:33 345 5:50 362 11:18 19:56.21 6:26
380 5 4394 Kendall Frtiz 12 Totino-Grace 3:34 387 5:55 341 11:12 19:57.01 6:26
381 6 4392 Andrew Briggs 12 Totino-Grace 3:44 457 6:10 407 11:37 19:57.86 6:26
382 5 3740
10 Eau Claire North 3:36 411 5:58 380 11:23 19:58.81 6:26
383 4 3801
10 GarberHayfVent/WHanck 3:35 430 6:02 401 11:33 19:59.46 6:27
384 6 3971 Jacob Lang 9 Mason City (IA) 3:35 421 6:01 409 11:38 19:59.71 6:27
385 5 3803 Austin Siegrist 10 GarberHayfVent/WHanck 3:36 402 5:57 402 11:33 20:02.71 6:28
386 7 3761
12 Elk River 3:36 383 5:55 375 11:21 20:03.01 6:28
387 4 4115 Isaiah Sample 11 Onalaska 3:27 348 5:50 386 11:26 20:03.71 6:28
388 6 3575
10 Blaine 3:38 398 5:57 374 11:21 20:04.21 6:28
389 6 4363
Ben Earl-
9 St Paul Highland Park 3:43 434 6:03 396 11:30 20:04.21 6:28
390 7 3569 Josh Klukas 12 Blaine 3:39 400 5:57 382 11:25 20:04.56 6:28
391 9 4236
11 Shakopee 3:39 424 6:01 392 11:29 20:05.21 6:28
392 6 4038 Sam Carlen 11 Minnehaha Academy 3:44 460 6:10 415 11:42 20:05.61 6:29
393 7 4398 Matt Theisen 11 Totino-Grace 3:44 458 6:10 408 11:38 20:06.21 6:29
394 8 4400
11 Totino-Grace 3:44 459 6:10 419 11:43 20:06.41 6:29
395 10 4416 Riley Nilsen 12 Waukesha North 3:17 228 5:35 314 11:05 20:07.01 6:29
396 6 3799 Ray Cataldo 9 GarberHayfVent/WHanck 3:35 429 6:02 403 11:33 20:07.56 6:29
397 6 3732 Troy Krueger 11 Eau Claire Memorial 3:38 427 6:02 389 11:28 20:08.26 6:29
398 8 4031 Ben Perry 9 Minneapolis Washburn 3:26 291 5:42 352 11:15 20:08.56 6:29
399 8 3762
12 Elk River 3:37 432 6:03 425 11:45 20:09.06 6:30
400 9 4128 Alex Tosteson 11 Perham 3:34 422 6:01 444 11:56 20:10.41 6:30
401 9 3777
9 Fargo Davies 3:36 376 5:53 368 11:20 20:12.76 6:31
402 8 4380
12 Stillwater 3:23 262 5:38 289 11:00 20:13.91 6:31
403 1 3726
12 Dryden Ontario 3:35 403 5:57 406 11:35 20:14.26 6:31
404 9 3468
12 Ames 3:32 381 5:54 387 11:27 20:15.41 6:32
405 9 4051 Tony Lindholm 12 Minnetonka 3:22 270 5:38 267 10:55 20:17.86 6:32
406 7 4117 Ken Hauer 11 Owatonna 3:30 352 5:50 20:18.31 6:33
407 7 3972
12 Mason City (IA) 3:27 324 5:47 370 11:20 20:19.41 6:33
408 8 3968 Ethan Foster 12 Mason City (IA) 3:34 382 5:55 391 11:29 20:21.31 6:34
409 3 3459
9 Amery 3:41 492 6:56 426 11:45 20:22.06 6:34
410 4 3463
12 Amery 3:42 491 6:56 478 13:41 20:22.41 6:34
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411 9 3759
11 Elk River 3:37 414 6:00 400 11:32 20:23.96 6:34
412 9 3967 Nick Frenz 12 Mason City (IA) 3:12 143 5:25 196 10:38 20:24.11 6:34
413 5 4107 Brady Barth 12 Onalaska 3:36 426 6:01 411 11:39 20:25.71 6:35
414 7 3958
11 Marshall 3:37 441 6:04 422 11:45 20:25.71 6:35
415 8 3956
10 Marshall 3:37 444 6:05 431 11:48 20:25.71 6:35
416 5 3780 Josh Grimm 11 Farmington 3:16 255 5:37 357 11:16 20:26.21 6:35
417 10 4462 Trevor Kirk 10 West Des Moines Valley 3:03 78 5:14 398 11:30 20:26.21 6:35
418 6 4113 Ben Pietrek 11 Onalaska 3:40 431 6:03 410 11:39 20:29.81 6:36
419 8 4426 Matt Vehlow 12 Wausau West 3:33 412 5:58 430 11:47 20:31.86 6:37
420 8 4126
10 Owatonna 3:41 453 6:09 437 11:50 20:32.41 6:37
421 10 3690
9 Decorah Vikings 3:26 310 5:45 379 11:23 20:34.21 6:38
422 9 3530 Cody Roder 11 Bemidji 3:35 388 5:55 405 11:35 20:35.21 6:38
423 7 4369 Grant Palas 12 St Paul Highland Park 3:36 408 5:58 414 11:41 20:35.41 6:38
424 6 3743 Blake Rudd 9 Eau Claire North 3:38 423 6:01 420 11:43 20:35.76 6:38
425 7 4108
10 Onalaska 3:42 443 6:05 421 11:44 20:36.06 6:38
426 7 4039 Jacob Gray 11 Minnehaha Academy 3:43 455 6:10 423 11:45 20:39.41 6:39
427 9 4125 Brett Ruiter 9 Owatonna 3:45 464 6:13 434 11:49 20:39.66 6:39
428 5 3838
11 Henry Sibley 3:44 469 6:15 428 11:47 20:40.11 6:40
429 7 3746
9 Eau Claire North 3:38 446 6:05 440 11:53 20:40.11 6:40
430 10 4047 Evan Green 10 Minnetonka 3:38 425 6:01 432 11:48 20:41.71 6:40
431 8 4109
12 Onalaska 3:11 223 5:34 363 11:18 20:43.46 6:41
432 9 3963 Mason Reese 10 Marshall 3:35 437 6:03 429 11:47 20:44.61 6:41
433 10 4120 Bryce Knutson 9 Owatonna 3:41 449 6:08 433 11:49 20:45.81 6:41
434 9 4422
11 Wausau West 3:43 463 6:12 448 11:58 20:46.11 6:42
435 10 4235
11 Shakopee 3:38 410 5:58 373 11:21 20:46.66 6:42
436 6 3787 Peyton Woller 12 Farmington 3:27 326 5:47 388 11:28 20:48.21 6:42
437 5 3858
9 Holmen (WI) 3:43 466 6:14 452 12:01 20:48.46 6:42
438 8 3899 Jack Garcia 9 Lakeland Union 3:42 462 6:11 458 12:08 20:49.96 6:43
439 8 3567
9 Blaine 3:45 467 6:14 446 11:57 20:50.31 6:43
440 7 3805 Mason Wirtz 10 GarberHayfVent/WHanck 3:37 433 6:03 417 11:42 20:51.01 6:43
441 7 3737 Alex Whitis 11 Eau Claire Memorial 3:49 478 6:20 460 12:08 20:51.11 6:43
442 8 3729 Joe Freitag 11 Eau Claire Memorial 3:49 479 6:21 459 12:08 20:51.71 6:43
443 10 3966 Spencer Arndt 10 Mason City (IA) 3:41 448 6:07 442 11:54 20:54.21 6:44
444 9 3900 Travis Gee 10 Lakeland Union 3:39 452 6:09 457 12:08 20:54.86 6:44
445 5 3455
10 Amery 3:39 473 6:16 453 12:04 20:55.01 6:44
446 9 3572 Tom Shogren 11 Blaine 3:46 471 6:15 443 11:55 20:55.31 6:45
447 10 3565
Kalen Two
12 Bismarck Century 3:09 108 5:19 228 10:46 20:55.61 6:45
448 10 4133 Nick Listrom 10 Perham 3:30 386 5:55 418 11:43 20:56.21 6:45
449 8 3744 Elijah Ryba 10 Eau Claire North 3:36 399 5:57 413 11:41 20:57.16 6:45
450 9 4112 Josh Nowacki 12 Onalaska 3:30 346 5:50 404 11:34 20:57.26 6:45
451 9 4397 Dylan Sable 9 Totino-Grace 3:43 456 6:10 441 11:54 20:59.11 6:46
Roy Griak Invitational
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452 10 3771
12 Fargo Davies 3:45 461 6:11 449 12:00 21:02.61 6:47
453 9 4032
12 Minneapolis Washburn 3:45 472 6:15 455 12:06 21:04.86 6:48
454 10 4421 Ben Nichols 11 Wausau West 3:31 390 5:55 416 11:42 21:05.76 6:48
455 9 3700 Jack Wahlig 11 Des Moines Roosevelt 3:39 445 6:05 439 11:52 21:07.31 6:48
456 10 4111
10 Onalaska 3:40 440 6:04 436 11:50 21:08.21 6:49
457 6 3857
11 Holmen (WI) 3:40 428 6:02 435 11:50 21:09.16 6:49
458 7 3779 Chris Erickson 10 Farmington 3:30 419 6:00 445 11:56 21:10.01 6:49
459 10 3691 Peter Oswald 11 Des Moines Roosevelt 3:40 447 6:07 451 12:00 21:11.31 6:50
460 3 4178 Sam Kessler 12 Robbinsdale Cooper 3:33 405 5:58 450 12:00 21:12.21 6:50
461 10 3895
11 Lakeland Union 3:40 451 6:08 456 12:07 21:13.31 6:50
462 6 3460 Ryan Heiss 10 Amery 3:33 418 6:00 424 11:45 21:18.46 6:52
463 6 3837 Myles Fleming 12 Henry Sibley 3:49 477 6:19 463 12:18 21:19.11 6:52
464 10 3568 Evan Mock 9 Blaine 3:41 439 6:04 438 11:51 21:20.61 6:53
465 8 4361 Jesse Brelje 12 St Paul Highland Park 3:35 409 5:58 427 11:46 21:22.26 6:53
466 7 3831 Eric Burrell 12 Henry Sibley 3:46 470 6:15 447 11:58 21:23.66 6:54
467 9 3741 Darien Lee 12 Eau Claire North 3:44 468 6:14 454 12:05 21:27.46 6:55
468 8 3840 Gabe Segura 10 Henry Sibley 3:52 480 6:25 464 12:20 21:38.51 6:58
469 8 3802
10 GarberHayfVent/WHanck 3:48 475 6:19 465 12:22 21:41.06 6:59
470 9 4366 Tim Krall 11 St Paul Highland Park 3:47 474 6:17 461 12:10 21:45.16 7:01
471 7 3462 Sam Shakin 11 Amery 3:43 465 6:14 462 12:14 21:52.91 7:03
472 9 3834 Kenny Ekblad 12 Henry Sibley 3:54 485 6:30 468 12:32 21:53.41 7:03
473 10 4367
10 St Paul Highland Park 3:49 481 6:25 470 12:32 21:54.46 7:04
474 10 3839 Chris Prokosh 12 Henry Sibley 3:53 484 6:30 469 12:32 22:03.36 7:06
475 7 3850 Zach Wisted 9 Holmen (WI) 3:54 486 6:34 471 12:37 22:05.91 7:07
476 8 3853 Nick Haas 9 Holmen (WI) 3:54 487 6:34 472 12:37 22:14.46 7:10
477 8 3785
11 Farmington 3:36 450 6:08 466 12:23 22:30.46 7:15
478 9 3856 Max Koss 10 Holmen (WI) 3:44 476 6:19 467 12:25 22:36.11 7:17
479 2 4293
11 Spooner 3:47 482 6:26 473 13:00 23:19.36 7:31
480 8 3461
10 Amery 3:56 488 6:42 474 13:23 23:37.36 7:37
481 9 3458 Jude Ingham 9 Amery 4:04 490 6:53 476 13:31 23:42.71 7:38
482 10 3457 C.J. Springett 11 Amery 3:56 489 6:48 477 13:41 24:24.51 7:52
483 10 3851 Mason Heisler 9 Holmen (WI) 4:05 493 6:59 479 14:01 24:53.76 8:01
484 10 3961 Aaron Moat 10 Marshall 3:48 483 6:28 475 13:24 25:10.46 8:07
485 10 3717
11 Dowling Catholic 2:58 8 4:56 9 9:22
486 10 4393 Kevin Dado 10 Totino-Grace 3:03 28 5:02 18 9:37
487 10 4035 Connor White 12 Minneapolis Washburn 3:18 164 5:27 171 10:31
488 5 477 Finn Perreault Glebe Collegiate Inst 3:12 147 5:25 208 10:43
489 8 4041
10 Minnehaha Academy 3:24 266 5:38 219 10:44
490 10 3473 Brian Todey 10 Ames 3:28 334 5:48 311 11:05
491 2 4497 Bo Hjelle 12 Algona (IA) 3:32 319 5:45 329 11:09
492 6 3816
12 Glebe Collegiate Inst 2:58 13 4:58
493 7 3864
12 Hopkins 2:58 19 4:59
Roy Griak Invitational
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