Sunday, September 21, 2014

Starter Leroy Milam awarded special recognition by PAUSATF

The 2014 GEORGE NEWLON SPECIAL RECOGNITION AWARD — TRACK was presented to Leroy Milam in recognition to his work as a starter. Leroy was first certified in 2001 and advanced to MASTER LEVEL as a starter in 2005. Leroy also works as a clerk, a marshal, official’s coordinator and instructor and mentor to starters.

Leroy Milam started the De La Salle/Carondelet Nike Invitational at Newhall Park on Saturday, September 20, 2014.

Pacific Association USA Track & Field
Member search: Lname=milam

1 found. As of 1:00PM EDT
Sep 21 2014
[ Male | Female | Both ] [ Adult | Youth | Both ] [Club list|All adult|All youth|Search]
First Last ↑ Sex City Age? USATF# Category? Club Registered *
LEROY J MILAM M Castro Valley 73 1400657837 OM 09/13/10
* - Memberships shown above are valid for 2014. Some of the application
dates may be a year or more in the past. This is because these
members renewed early or signed up for multi-year memberships.

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