Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sac-Joaquin Section Boys D4

Varsity Boys Division 411/16/2013Sac-Joaquin Section XC Championships
Event No. 11 -- Individual Results
Awards: Top 2 Teams, Top 8 Individuals not on Teams 1-2
State Meet: Top 2 Teams, Maximum of 5 Individuals Finishing in Top 12
1 11279Zach Morrett124Hughson 16:15I
2 21350Steven Grolle124Sonora 16:26I
3 1113Tristan Boblet124Bret Harte 16:50I
4 31336Luis Figueroa124Riverbank 16:51T
5 41391Makana Kauhaahaa124Union Mine 16:55I
6 51172Max Pedrotti124Christian Brothers 17:00T
7 61205Coy Chance114Dixon 17:12I
8 1410Brendon Curtright124Weston Ranch 17:19
9 71325Alex Norling114Ripon 17:21
10 81219Gonzalo Morales-Lomeli114Dixon 17:22
11 91332Jonathen Beliera124Riverbank 17:29T
12 101396William Winter124Union Mine 17:35
13 1261Kenzye Spears114Hilmar 17:39
14 111180Michael Sparks104Christian Brothers 17:42T
15 121345Adrian Salazar124Riverbank 17:47T
16 131349S. Michael French114Sonora 17:47
17 141284Elijah Watkins124Hughson 17:47
18 151158Eric Domek124Christian Brothers 17:48T
19 161267Ian Brooks124Hughson 17:49
20 171342Ruben Paradez104Riverbank 17:49T
21 181143Devin Scheidt104Calaveras 17:51
22 191165Parker Kaye124Christian Brothers 17:51T
23 201339Moises Gomez124Riverbank 17:55T
24 211331Brent White114Ripon 17:58
25 221211Cody Franceschi124Dixon 18:00
26 231351Thomas Kruetzfeldt104Sonora 18:01
27 241187Adam Wong104Christian Brothers 18:04T
28 1248Julian Young124Escalon 18:08
29 251276Brigham Lee124Hughson 18:16
30 261353Paul Mika124Sonora 18:20
31 271215Justin Kemper114Dixon 18:22
32 281263Anthony Arce124Hughson 18:26
33 291323Jose Munoz114Ripon 18:29
34 301378Chris Hoffman-Brady114Summerville 18:29
35 311190Tristen Bohn114Colfax 18:30
36 321221Luis Perez104Dixon 18:33
37 1291Daniel Alnasir104Liberty Ranch 18:34
38 1290Zack Ormonde114Lathrop 18:43
39 1258Ruslan Suleimanov114Highlands 18:45
40 331286Daniel Yanez104Hughson 18:47
41 341274Austin Zehr114Hughson 18:48
42 351136Jesais Hall114Calaveras 18:51
43 361200Joshua Vrooman104Colfax 18:52
44 371575Nathan Barton104Colfax 18:54
45 381160Gareth Durham124Christian Brothers 18:59T
Awards: Top 2 Teams, Top 8 Individuals not on Teams 1-2
State Meet: Top 2 Teams, Maximum of 5 Individuals Finishing in Top 12
46 391344Michael Rodriguez104Riverbank 19:01T
47 401197Jacob Smith114Colfax 19:02
48 411166Nick McHale94Christian Brothers 19:02T
49 421206Brady Critelli104Dixon 19:04
50 431199Anderson Vereyken124Colfax 19:08
51 441379Jackson McIlroy94Summerville 19:11
52 451326Antonio Pelaez124Ripon 19:13
53 461147Jacob Williams114Calaveras 19:13
54 471217Jeremy Lostica114Dixon 19:14
55 1302Ismael Bucio124Livingston 19:16
56 481393Durand Smiley124Union Mine 19:17
57 491352Patrick McConnell104Sonora 19:19
58 501387Austin Cordero104Union Mine 19:20
59 511341Carlos Martinez104Riverbank 19:20T
60 521348Sean Brennan114Sonora 19:22
61 531390Aaron Jonas114Union Mine 19:28
62 541383Gaige Stewart104Summerville 19:33
63 551395Keis Verleur114Union Mine 19:33
64 1299Ryan Messersmith114Linden 19:36
65 561386Adam Benouar104Union Mine 19:41
66 571193Clayton Leveskis124Colfax 19:44
67 581133John Andresen114Calaveras 19:45
68 591375Colby Dibble94Summerville 19:58
69 601146Jared Teicheira94Calaveras 20:00
70 611314Kyle Bailey124Ripon 20:07
71 621318Skyler Cendana114Ripon 20:08
72 631579Josh Angel114Ripon 20:09
73 641377Stephen Higginbotham104Summerville 20:33
74 651380Morgan Owen124Summerville 20:34
75 661376Devon Groff104Summerville 20:34
76 671135Frankie West114Calaveras 21:49
Varsity Boys Division 4
Team Results and Scores
1.61Riverbank ( 17:35 1:27:51 1:04)
11336Luis Figueroa 12416:51 3
21332Jonathen Beliera 12417:29 9
31345Adrian Salazar 12417:47 12
41342Ruben Paradez 10417:49 17
51339Moises Gomez 12417:55 20
61344Michael Rodriguez 10419:01 ( 39)
71341Carlos Martinez 10419:20 ( 51)
2.74Christian Brothers ( 17:41 1:28:25 1:04)
11172Max Pedrotti 12417:00 5
21180Michael Sparks 10417:42 11
31158Eric Domek 12417:48 15
41165Parker Kaye 12417:51 19
51187Adam Wong 10418:04 24
61160Gareth Durham 12418:59 ( 38)
71166Nick McHale 9419:02 ( 41)
3.84Hughson ( 17:43 1:28:33 2:11)
11279Zach Morrett 12416:15 1
21284Elijah Watkins 12417:47 14
31267Ian Brooks 12417:49 16
41276Brigham Lee 12418:16 25
51263Anthony Arce 12418:26 28
61286Daniel Yanez 10418:47 ( 33)
71274Austin Zehr 11418:48 ( 34)
4.95Dixon ( 17:54 1:29:29 1:21)
11205Coy Chance 11417:12 6
21219Gonzalo Morales-Lomeli 11417:22 8
31211Cody Franceschi 12418:00 22
41215Justin Kemper 11418:22 27
51221Luis Perez 10418:33 32
61206Brady Critelli 10419:04 ( 42)
71217Jeremy Lostica 11419:14 ( 47)
5.113Sonora ( 17:59 1:29:53 2:53)
11350Steven Grolle 12416:26 2
21349S. Michael French 11417:47 13
31351Thomas Kruetzfeldt 10418:01 23
41353Paul Mika 12418:20 26
51352Patrick McConnell 10419:19 49
61348Sean Brennan 11419:22 ( 52)
6.163Ripon ( 18:38 1:33:08 2:46)
11325Alex Norling 11417:21 7
21331Brent White 11417:58 21
31323Jose Munoz 11418:29 29
41326Antonio Pelaez 12419:13 45
51314Kyle Bailey 12420:07 61
61318Skyler Cendana 11420:08 ( 62)
71579Josh Angel 11420:09 ( 63)
7.165Union Mine ( 18:31 1:32:35 2:33)
11391Makana Kauhaahaa 12416:55 4
21396William Winter 12417:35 10
31393Durand Smiley 12419:17 48
41387Austin Cordero 10419:20 50
51390Aaron Jonas 11419:28 53
61395Keis Verleur 11419:33 ( 55)
71386Adam Benouar 10419:41 ( 56)
8.187Colfax ( 18:54 1:34:26 0:38)
11190Tristen Bohn 11418:30 31
21200Joshua Vrooman 10418:52 36
31575Nathan Barton 10418:54 37
41197Jacob Smith 11419:02 40
51199Anderson Vereyken 12419:08 43
61193Clayton Leveskis 12419:44 ( 57)
9.217Calaveras ( 19:08 1:35:40 2:09)
11143Devin Scheidt 10417:51 18
21136Jesais Hall 11418:51 35
31147Jacob Williams 11419:13 46
41133John Andresen 11419:45 58
51146Jared Teicheira 9420:00 60
61135Frankie West 11421:49 ( 67)
10.251Summerville ( 19:33 1:37:44 2:04)
11378Chris Hoffman-Brady 11418:29 30
21379Jackson McIlroy 9419:11 44
31383Gaige Stewart 10419:33 54
41375Colby Dibble 9419:58 59
51377Stephen Higginbotham 10420:33 64
61380Morgan Owen 12420:34 ( 65)
71376Devon Groff 10420:34 ( 66)

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