Friday, July 12, 2013

A City Haven in the Sierras

This Magazine Is Published in the Interest of Every Employee of the City Regardless of Race, Color, or Creed.


A City Haven in the Sierras, by Veda B. Young

Secretary Playground Commission


THE San Francisco Playground Commission oper-
ates and supervises twenty-five playgrounds
which include seven school-yard grounds. In ad-
dition to this, it has jurisdiction over the city's sum-
mer camp at Mather. The operation of this camp illus-
trates the significant statement of the late President
Emeritus Eliot of Harvard that "The organized sum-
mer camp is the most important step in education that
America has given the world."
San Francisco'.s Municipal
Camp (Margaret Maryland) i.s
located in the High Sierras,
eight miles from the Big Oak
Flat Road, nine miles from the
O'Shaughnessy Dam, and thirty
miles from the world-famous
Yosemite Valley. To reach it,
one travels over a fascinating
stretch of country filled with
adventure, history and romance.
En route one passes through
pioneer country made famous
by Bret Harte.

The camp is situated amid in-
cense cedars, virgin pines, fir
and spruce, and is flanked by
mountains and meadows
abounding in wild flowers. The
1927 season marks its fourth
successive year.

Between June 12 nnd August 27, the camp is open
for two-week e.xcu)sions. People are permitted to
come in each week according to the following schedule.
They may come in their own machines, too, if they
Leave (Sunday; Return (Saturday)

June 12 July 25

June 19 July 2

June 26 July 9

July 3 July 16

July 10 July 23

July 17 : July 30

Julv 24 Aug. 6

July 31 Aug. 13

Aug. 7 Aug. 20

Aug, 14 Aug. 27

The cost of two weeks' outing is as follows, includ-
ing transportation, board and lodging: Adults, $38.50;
children, 6 through 11. ?;22.50; children, 2 through 5,

For those traveling in their own machines the cost
is as follow?: Adults, $28.50; children, 6 through 11,
$17.50; children, 2 through 5, $12.00. An additional
charge of $r).00 per person is made for special cabins.

The meals are wholesome, appetizing and the food is
well-cooked. The housing includes well-ventilated,
comfortable cabins, or tents with wooden platforms,
equipped with single cots, mattresses, pillows, chairs,
wash basins and pitchers. Both hot and cold showers
and tub bathing are provided. Sanitary facilities in-

clude wash basins, wash trays and sanitary flush toil-
ets. You are required to bring two heavy blankets,
sheets, pillow case, towels and toilet articles.

The camp is in charge of an experienced staff cater^
ing to the comfort and pleasure of all and seeking to
maintain a healthy and wholesome atmosphere. In-
cluded in the personnel is the camp doctor.

Those interested should register at Room 376 City
Hall, between 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. daily, except Satur-
day, when the hours are be-
tween 9 and 12 a. m. A deposit
of $20 is required for adults and
the full amount is required for
children when making reserva-

Outdoor opportunities at the
camp include hiking, swimming,
horseback riding, fishing, ath-
letic games and nature study.
In addition a camp fire program
is held every evening, and cos-
tume parties and special recrea-
tion events are scheduled fre-

Interesting trips by bus are
to O'Shaughnessy Dam for $1.50
round trip; Early Intake, $2.00
round trip; Yosemite Valley,
$7.50 round trip; Lake Tenaya,
Tioga Pass, Tuolumne Mead-
ows, $12.00 up.

Early registration is urged on those planning to take
their vacations at the camp because its capacity is

Those who will be at Mather during the first two
weeks are:

A Scene near the Canip.

Harold Russell
Mrs. Harold Russell
Mr. Turner
Patrick O'Donnell
Maurice Levy
Raymond Levy
Mrs. Lily Levy
Elbert Levy
W. F. Kaiser
Eldora Kaiser
Wm. Kaiser, Jr.
Mrs. Gertrude Kaiser
Gertude Kaiser
Dr. J. B. Tufts
Mrs. F. Tufts
Ann Arendes
Theresa Arendes
Mrs. J. Arendes
Mrs. Harry Abraham
H. Abraham
Eugene Dunne
George Nowlan
Clifton Wilkens
Milton Levy
Herbert Lane
Louis Levy
Helen Ivanoff
Ed. Plume

Mrs. J. Pinnington
Mildred Bamum
Andrew Boyles
D. F. Hurst
Mrs. Florence Hurst
Claire Hurst
Florence Hurst
Daniel Hurst
Everett Thorp
James Farrell
John S. Liebers
Mrs. J. S. Liebera
Mrs. M. Zerega
Sam Lewin
Mr. R. C. Bingley
Lloyd Macky
Donald Macky
Mr. Mackey
Mrs. C. Mackey
Mario Spagna
Mrs. Florence Spagna
Mrs. Bessie Brunn
Miss Brunn
Leona Urbanus
Beatrice Logan
Marcella Churchill
Esther Churchill
Mercedes Ryan

(Continued on Page 34)

Keith Conning: Veda B. Young (1902-1998), Secretary San Francisco Playground Commission, was my mother. She wrote this story about Camp Mather in 1928.

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