Tuesday, December 18, 2012

DyeStat is coming back

EUGENE, OR, 12/7/2012 – RunnerSpace has partnered up with John Dye and is the new owner of the pioneer high school track web site DyeStat, it was announced today by RunnerSpace president Ross Krempley and DyeStat founder John Dye.

The new dyestat.com site hosted by RunnerSpace will feature the TFX performance ranking system and archives of DyeStat coverage since 1999. Details will be announced soon.

DyeStat started in 1996 as a weekly newsletter covering high school track in Western Maryland, including track dad Dye’s son Derek (high jumper) and daughter Natalie (pole vaulter) at Middletown MD high school. After Derek and Natalie won Maryland championships in 1997, DyeStat became the first national web site for high school track. It featured the first current and deep national rankings, the DyeStat Elite 100, and on-site coverage of all major meets across the country.

In 2004, DyeStat was purchased by Student Sports of Torrance, Calif., which in turn was purchased by ESPN in 2008. When ESPN closed it's high school sites in September of this year, Dye reacquired DyeStat assets.

Dye said, “As I retire from active coverage of high school track, I am delighted to hand the DyeStat baton to Ross Krempley. He shares my passion for the sport and brings new energy to it. He expands recognition of the deserving young men and women in the best high school sport.”

Krempley said, "The RunnerSpace.com staff is very excited and honored that John Dye has faith in us to keep the DyeStat brand and archives alive going forward! Everyone on our team has grown up with DyeStat and have always looked up to them as the go to source for high school cross country and track & field, so partnering up on this was a perfect fit for us. DyeStat has archives of countless moments that defined our sport going back to 1999, so losing all of that amazing content and history from the sport was going to be a tragedy in our opinion. John Dye and the whole DyeStat staff has been through a lot over the past 13 years and we will do our best to continue the traditions that made DyeStat the number one high school cross country and track & field site for over a decade. We have a lot to sort out over the next few months, but for now, we are focused on transitioning the DyeStat.com archives while we prep for a relaunch during this indoor season!"

To see more updates as they are released check out www.RunnerSpace.com/DyeStat and www.Dyestat.com

----About RunnerSpace.com
RunnerSpace.com is a social networking website for all runners to connect and share with other runners and fans through its industry-leading team, event and brand website creation software. RunnerSpace.com focuses it energy around developing and promoting the custom websites, branded promos, event coverages, stories and athletes within the RunnerSpace.com social network and sport at large. Think of RunnerSpace.com as a social network like facebook, that’s 100% focused on the running industry, mixed with non-stop live and on-demand sports coverage like espn, all wrapped in the worlds largest network of running related websites.

Read more: RunnerSpace.com/HighSchool - News - RunnerSpace is now the proud owners of Dyestat.com http://www.runnerspace.com/gprofile.php?mgroup_id=89&do=news&news_id=74167#ixzz2FRARNlvH

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