Thursday, April 05, 2012

Turns and Distances

A publication of the Officials Committee of the Pacific Association USA Track & Field
Publisher: Dick Connors, 2065 Kings Lane, San Mateo, CA 94402… (415) 341-6781
04.01.2012 T&D Spring Version
Awards and Recognitions
The Dick Barbour
Meritorious Service Award
1985...................Hank Patton
1986...................George Newlon
Roxanne Anderson
1987...................Dan Dotta
Del Dotta
1988...................Harry Young
Henry “Hank” Weston
1989...................Ed Parker
Harmon Brown
1990...................Horace Crow
1991 (No award)
1992...................Dick Connors
1993...................George Kleeman
1994...................Tom Moore
1995...................Charlie Sheppard
1996...................Norm Morrison
1997 (no award)
1998...................John Luppes
1999...................Richard Zulaica
2000...................Jim Hume
Jim Wynn
2001...................Bob Shor
Rick Milam
2002...................Bob Rauch
2003...................Lori Maynard
Sonny Maynard
2004...................Gail Wetzork
2005...................Phil Watkins
2006...................Bill Edgar
2007...................Ed Hicks
2008...................Dick Iwamiya
2009...................Bruce Colman
2010...................Bobby Hughey
2011...................Don Bailes
The George Newlon
Special Recognition Award — Track
1995...................Bob Mason
1996...................Ben Morjig
1997...................(no award)
1998...................Jerry Colman
1999...................Bobby Hughey
2000...................Dan Davidson
2001...................John Coie
2002...................Gerry Collet
2003...................Dick Iwamiya
2004...................Rick Urband
2005...................Joe Harper
2006...................Richard Cabral
2007...................Colin Campbell
2008...................Jeannie White
2009...................Rory Osborne
2010...................Tiffany Banks
2011...................Phil Leake
2012 Pacific Association of USATF Award Recipients
Since the year 2000, the Pacific Association has been recognizing the good works and services of individuals who have contributed their time and skills to make the Pacific Association a leader in the track community in the United States…no matter what that organization has been called. These are the recipients of the 2012 awards.
Tom Moore Award - Sean Laughlin
Sean is considered one of the top timers on the West Coast and he is in great demand throughout Northern California and provides timing and results-entry and posting services for meets from Youth to Open competitions in both Cross Country and Track & Field. He has worked at the National USATF and NCAA Championships, timed the California State Community College and High School Championships numerous times and has been the main timer at the Stanford Invitational and at Cal Berkeley. On the national scene, Sean is in demand throughout the country. Sean is a professor and coach at City College of San Francisco, where his teams have been successful at conference, Nor-Cal and State Championship meets.
Association Hall of Fame - Don Bailes
Don is a former high school and youth club coach who had the fortune to coach Jane Frederick (former world record holder in the Women’s Heptathlon) and Cathy Costello (former high school national half mile/mile record holder). He was also the meet director for the North Section CIF Championship meet, and has officiated at the Master Level for many years. A bit of trivia: Don has the 10th lowest certification number among active PA officials.
Association Service Award - Jack Leydig
Jack has been the president of West Valley Track Club, considered one of the top running clubs in the US during the ‘70’s, with competitors such as Don Kardong and Duncan Macdonald, plus 1971 Boston winner Alvaro Mejia. Jack also developed the precursor to today’s PA-USATF grand prix running circuit. He started the WVTC newsletter, which became the Nor-Cal Running Review and eventually merged with the current association magazine, California Track & Running News. Jack made his name as a meet director as well, founding the Christmas Relays road relay race, while directing several association and national championship cross-country meets at Crystal Springs, and the 1973 national marathon championships. He is the founder and operator of Jack’s Athletic
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The Horace Crow
Special Recognition Award — Field
1995.................Sonny Maynard
1996.................Rich Zulaica
1997.................(no award)
1998.................Bill Edgar
1999.................Joan M. Wilson
2000.................Phil Watkins
2001.................Dr. Leon Glover, Jr.
2002.................Bruce Colman
2003.................Dick Petruzzi
2004.................Teddy Hayes
2005.................Shirley Connors
Margaret Sheehan
2006.................John Murray
2007.................Bill Hawkes
2008.................John Shirey
2009.................Jim Waldron
2010.................Pat Randall
2011.................Leon Wimbley
The Lori Maynard
Special Recognition Award
2009...............Art and Becky Klein
2010...............Deanna and Jon Vochatzer
2011...............Keith Conning
USATF National Award Certificate
Mike Aro (Throws)
Dino Certa (Starter)
Bruce Makinson (Horizontal Jumps/Starter)
Elizabeth Price (Race Walk Judge/Lap Counting)
Jon Price (Race Walk Judge/Lap Counting)
John Wise (Starter)
Robert Benoy (Horizontal Jumps)
Steve Green (Throws)
Dick Cochran (Throws)
John (J. R.) Heberle (Jumps, Starter and Electronic Measurement)
Ann Gerhardt (Race Walk and Jumps)
Leroy Milam (Clerk and Starter)
Sean Laughlin (FinishLynx Operator)
John Lilygren (Vertical Jumps)
Baird Lloyd (LDR and Horizontal Jumps)
Leon Wimbley (Horizontal Jumps and electronic measurement)
Mark Youmans (Horizontal Jumps and Throws)
Katherine Berman (LDR)
Richard Berman (LDR)
Derwent “Deri” Bowen (Throws)
Anthony Camargo (Competition Secretary)
Sue Murray (Throws)
Ted Waldo (Jumps and Throws)
Irene Herman (LDR, Umpire)
Jeanne Sanders (Horizontal Jumps)
Mike Sands (Vertical Jumps)
Robert Thompson (Throws)
Mark Winitz (LDR)
Andy Anderson (Starter)
Dennis Boyle (Vertical Jumps)
Charles Des Jardins (LDR, Field Referee)
Joe Keever (Throws)
Jon Siegel (Vertical Jumps)
Supply, a well-known shoe company with many runners and athletes during the 1970's and a producer of T-Shirts for hundreds of NorCal races over the past 35 years. He has run a 2:25 marathon, and had collegiate bests of 4:16 for the mile and 9:26 for the steeplechase. For a more in-depth article on Jack Leydig, read this CalTrack article:
Association Service Award - Joy Upshaw
Joy Upshaw has been involved with Track and Field all her life (her father, Monte Upshaw, was an outstanding athlete in his own right; and her sister Grace is an Olympian long jumper). As a hurdler and long jumper, Joy has dominated her age division(s) on the Masters track scene in the past several years, taking home several gold medals and a silver and bronze at the 2011 World Masters Championships. Joy has served as Chair for the Masters Track and Field Committee for the Pacific Association. She has worked as an assistant coach on the collegiate level and served as a coach on international teams. As coach of Joy’s Jackrabbits, a youth club, she is currently working with her daughters to encourage another generation of excellence in Northern California track and field..
Association Service Award - Lee Webb
Lee is the current coach of the highly successful track and field program at James Logan High School of Union City and also coaches the Mission Valley TF club. He has developed many outstanding triple jumpers and state meet champions. Lee has directed the Willie Davenport Olympian Learn-by-Doing Youth Clinic for over 13 years.
Previous Pacific Association Awards Recipients
Hall Of Fame
2007 – George Kleeman; Lori Maynard; Sonny Maynard; Horace Crow; Tom Moore; Dr. Harmon Brown
2008 – Ed Miller; Richard Connors
2009 – Robert ‘Pod’ Podkaminer
Service Award
2003 – George Kleeman; Charlie Sheppard
2004 – Ron Daniels; John Mansoor
2005 – JoAnne Camargo; Irene Herman
2006 – Cynci Calvin; Robert ‘Bob’ Shor
2007 – Tyler Abbott; Robert ‘Pod’ Podkaminer
2008 – Mark Winitz; Maura Kent
2009 – (No award)
2010 – Bruce Colman
Tom Moore Award
2002 – Tom Moore;
2003 – Dr. Harmon Brown; Herb Rodabaugh
2005 – Robert Bowman
2009 – Robert ‘Bob’ Rush
Coach's Legacy Award
2009 – James "Jim” Hunt
2010 – Bud Winter
Jim Santos
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Seeking Awards Nominations
As long as we are honoring those who have received recognition for their good works and services in the past, let us encourage you to make nominations for three levels of awards, in the coming months.
Officials Committee Awards
At each Annual Meeting of the Pacific Association Officials Committee, we honor outstanding certified officials with a variety of awards, including Special Recognition awards for younger officials. Past awardees are listed in the left column of the first two pages of this issue.
To suggest candidates, good and true, for the different awards, contact Awards Chair Leon Glover at 650-968-2007 or
Pacific Association Awards
These awards are listed in the table in the right column of page two. For more information on the Pacific Association awards and past recipients, refer to:
A special “Thank You” goes to Dan Davidson, who is retiring after chairing the Pacific Association Awards Committee since 2005. We appreciate your service in recognizing those who serve our Association!
National Officials Committee Awards
Irene Herman, is the Western Region representative to the National Officials Awards Committee and she is looking for nominations for the national awards that are given out each year at the Officials Hall of Fame Banquet at the national convention. As even casual readers of Turns & Distances over the last several years will recognize, the Pacific Association has done quite well in terms of nominations and recipients.
Irene is looking for nominations for:
• Hall of Fame • Andy Bakjian Award - Outstanding Service • Charles Ruter Award - Outstanding Running Event Official • Horace Crow Award - Outstanding Field Event Official • James Grey Award - Outstanding Leadership • John Davis Award - Outstanding Humanitarian • Lori Maynard Award - Outstanding Racewalk Official • Chair Awards - Special awards given each year by the Officials Committee Chair • Association Outstanding Official Awards
You may contact Irene with suggestions (, or you may hold down the control key on your computer, click on the name of the award, and download your own copy of the nomination form.
John Murray’s Chairs Report
Although the calendar says March, the weather of the last few days seems more like May. After the abundance of rain that fell upon many of the track meets last year, we can hope that this warm sunshine will continue into the spring. Officials and meet directors would rejoice, though ski resort operators and reservoir monitors might be gloomy.
We have recently completed another successful training clinic season with over 125 attendees at clinics held in Sacramento, San Mateo, Carson City, Los Gatos and Berkeley. Our thanks to Shirley Connors and the Training Committee for their efforts in structuring the curriculum and organizing the classes. A special “Thank You” goes to the 27 instructors who volunteered their time to share their knowledge and experience toward the improvement of our officiating.
The Introduction to Officiating Classes brought in 29 new active APPRENTICE LEVEL TRACK AND FIELD OFFICIALS, and five APPRENTICE LEVEL LDR OFFICIALS. Another 11 Officials completed the Certification process, but have not yet completed their USATF registration. I had the opportunity to work with a few of these new officials at meets over the last several days, and was very impressed with their ability,
Dan Davidson
Irene Herman
John Murray
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energy and eagerness to learn more about officiating. We should all welcome and encourage these new officials to participate in as many meets as possible.
Yes, I used the word “APPRENTICE”, which denotes a new entry level of officiating that is part of a major revision in the certification process that will go into effect with the recertification of all officials for the 2013-2016 Olympiad, beginning this fall upon the conclusion of the Olympic Games in London. I will leave the explanation of the new system to our Certification Chair, Jim Hume, who will be providing all of the details in the near future. I will remind everyone, however, that, as in past recertifications, a complete resume of officiating over the past four years is an integral part of the process. Now would be a good time to dust off that resume and bring it up to date – to include meets worked (date and location), specific officiating job performed, and the head official of the event, meet referee or meet director. Those wishing to move up to the next level of certification in a particular discipline should make sure that the resume reflects officiating in that discipline.
Our Certification Chair reports that there are currently 286 active officials in the Pacific Association, comprising 34 APPRENTICES, and 151 ASSOCIATION LEVEL, 46 NATIONAL LEVEL and 55 MASTER LEVEL officials There are also 19 EMERITUS OFFICIALS. The designation of “active” means that those officials have registered as members of USATF for 2012. As of the last report, there were still 60 Pacific Association Officials that had not registered for this calendar year. I need to remind all that officials are not covered by the USATF liability insurance if they are not current members of USATF. That is simply not a risk that is worth taking. Please, complete the registration.
Looking ahead, the Pacific Association Open Track and Field Championships will be held in conjunction with the Pacific Association Masters Championships at the College of San Mateo on Sunday, May 27, 2012. I urge all officials to make an extra effort to participate in this event, not only because it is our Association Championship, but it is also an important entry on the resume of any official who is seeking selection for USATF National Championship events. The Resume notes for the USATF Application for 2012 Championships states “Make sure to include 1) USATF meets worked including any local association championships.” The Selection Committee does look at that entry.
I am sure that I join with all officials in looking forward to a successful and rewarding year. As always, please contact me with any comments, complaints, or suggestions on means of bettering our Sport.
Shirley Connor’s Training Chair’s Report
The PAUSATF Official's Clinic Committee would like to thank all the Officials who attended at least one of the offered clinics in 2012, and the site administrators who hosted our all day clinics.
Jeanette Powless
American River
Jim Marheineke
Serra High
Robert Maw
Carson City High
We would especially give praise to all the wonderful clinicians, who taught this year. We appreciate the clinicians’ time and research that keeps PAUSATF officials current and well informed.
This roll of honor reads:
American River: Dick Connors, Jim Hume , John Shirey, Dennis Boyle, John Bowen, Robert Benoy, Jon Price, Elizabeth Price, Bruce Makinson, Rory Osborn, Teddy Hayes, Dick Cochran, George Kleeman
Serra High School: Dick Connors, Jim Hume, Bob Thompson, Robert Benoy, Bruce Colman, Mike Bowers, Leroy Milam, Bill Hawkes, Irene Herman, John Murray, Bob Podkaminer , John Lilygren,
Carson City High School: Dick Connors, Jim Hume, Ron Lee, Jon Price, Elizabeth Price, John Bowen, Pat Randall,
U.C. Berkeley: Irene Herman, Leon Glover, George Kleeman, David Soeth.
Los Gatos High School: Leroy Milam, John Wise
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Added notes:
A track schedule is available for Reno-Carson City area. John Bowen and Jon Price work with the local commissioner.
Comment by Association-level official Robin Williams, of Carson City: "It was more understandable this time around. Lots of useful information. I really liked the lists of needed tools for different events. Thank you.”
We look forward to seeing you use your new and improved officiating skills on the track. We hope the new APPRENTICE OFFICIALS have signed up for mentors to help them become more comfortable in their first year of officiating. National and Master officials: have you signed up to be a mentor?
Please feel free to send us your ideas for new and needed clinics for the future. See you on the track!
The Certification Chair’s Report…by Certification Chair Jim Hume
As has been stated before, your certification as an official will expire when the Olympic flame is extinguished in London on August 12.
Race Walk and LDR (Long Distance Running) will have ReCert clinics, but those committees will design their own clinics.
The common factors will be your resume, your Test/Review, completing a database form and having your picture taken.
• Here are the preliminary plans for organizing your Track & Field recertification.
• Every attempt will be made to hold the size of each clinic to 20-30 students. A large part of the ReCert process will be group discussion.
• We have 60± Master level officials, 60± National level officials and 250± Association and Apprentice Level officials in the Pacific Association.
• Before you arrive at the clinic you should:
oPrepare your resume and bring your completed resume to the clinic to turn in.
o Acquire USATF membership for 2013. If your budget will support such an idea, I strongly encourage you to get four years of membership for $100. This will save you $25 over the cost of annual renewal and you will not have to worry about membership for the entire Olympiad.
• When you arrive at the clinic you will:
o Fill out the database form that is appropriate,
o Take a Rules Test/Review that is appropriate to your certification level. You will spend 90 minutes on the Test/Review.
 Each class will be divided into groups of three.
 Each member of the group will have either the high school rulebook, or the college rulebook or the USATF rulebook.
 Each group will be given the same Test/Review.
 Each group will answer each question and write down the answer based on which book they are using.
 After each question, the group members will rotate their books so that everyone has experience in using all three books.
 Yes, this means that to complete the assignment, you really do need rulebooks. The Test/Review will be based upon the answers in the 2012 books. Do you have current rulebooks?
o The next two hours will be spent in a group discussion of your answers and such case studies as are developed for your class. Time will be allowed for you to bring up case studies that you have experienced…so please write them down now so you remember them later.
o Finally, you will turn in your completed database form, your resume and your Test/Review papers. You will have a new picture taken for 2013-2016 officials’ badge.
• In order that we might schedule the clinics, we are currently working on a survey that will be e-mailed to you in early May. If the gremlins align themselves properly, this survey will be a check the box survey that you may e-mail back to me. The survey will ask:
o Do you plan to retire from officiating track and field meets?
Jim Hume
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o Are you a Master Level official who plans to ReNew your certification?
o Are you a National Level official who would like to advance to Master Level?
o Are you a National Level official who would like ReNew your certification?
o Are you an Association Level official who would like to advance to National Level?
o Are you a Master or National level official who would be willing to help GIVE one of our ReCert clinics?
o Would you prefer to attend a ReCert clinic on a Sunday in November, or would you prefer to attend a clinic on a Saturday in January/February?
o Are you an Association or Apprentice Level official who would like to ReNew your certification?
o When you officiate, are you mostly a field event official (horizontal jumps, vertical jumps, throws) OR When you officiate, are you mostly a track event official (clerk, starter, umpire, lap counter, timer)?
o When you officiate, do you primarily officiate Youth meets, high school meets, college meets or Open USATF meets?
• There are specialty ReCertifications that we must consider…ReCertifications for referees, for combined event leaders, for technical managers, for implement inspectors and for any I might have forgotten for the moment. These ReCerts are in addition to your basic Association, National or Master ReCert.
Heard at the Track
• In February, Ed Gordon found himself in Brno,
Czech Republic, covering a high jump competition for the IAAF. Noticing that the timer was giving the first few jumpers two minute apiece, Ed told the fellow that it should be one minute. “He believed me,” Ed writes. “I always have a PDF version of the IAAF rules
on my computer, and although it was not indexed well, within a few minutes I found the page with
the timing intervals to show him I was not totally daft. When we got to the three-or-less and solo situations, I got him to do the 1.5 and 3 minutes properly. Fortunately, I didn't have to risk total confusion by slipping in a 2-minute interval for consecutive attempts!”
Ed asks whether he should include this on his track & field resume. (The CertChair replies, “Sure, include this in your resume, and I wonder if we should give Ed credit for holding a clinic.)
• PA master vault official and Sacramento City Manager John Shirey spent the NBA’s all-star weekend in Orlando, Florida, leading Sacramento’s delegation along with Mayor Kevin Johnson in meetings with the NBA and the Maloof family that owns the Sacramento Kings franchise. The Kings had been set to abandon California’s capital city, but the delegation managed to get the league’s and the owners’ agreement for Sacramento to build a new arena to house the team and other entertainment events.
Now, John tells Turns and Distances, the really hard work begins: negotiating contracts, securing the financing, and completing engineering and design work. The arena is slated to open in September of 2015. It will be located near the Sacramento Amtrak depot and I-5. It should host 200 nights of events a year, including Kings games, top concerts, ice shows, and other entertainment. It could also be the site for ice skating or hockey if a Tahoe Winter Olympics comes to fruition.
John says, “If we can ever get indoor track events back, this will be a great venue!” Naming rights are available.
• The elections have been held
Pacific Association elections have been held for the chairmanship of several committees. There are new chairs for Men’s Track & Field; Masters Track & Field and the Youth/High School Coaches' Subcommittee Chair.
Ed Gordon
John Shirey
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Dave Shrock
Coaches’ Chair
Ralph Jones
Men’s T&F
Joseph Ols
Master’s T&F
Al Hernandez has retired as the Men’s T&F Chair and Joy Upshaw has retired as the Masters Chair while Fred Baer was reelected as the Women’s Chair. (He doubles as PA Secretary.) Many thanks to Al and Joy for their work and leaving their respective committees ready for the future.
Al Hernandez
Joy Upshaw
Fred Baer
• The Coaches Committee had elections
Jim Marheineke
Ken Grace
Thomas Kloos
Dave Shrock was reelected as the committee chair while JimMarheineke was elected as the new Youth/High School Sub-Committee Chair, Ken Grace was elected as Coaching Education Sub-Committee Chair and Thomas Kloos was elected as the Open/Collegiate Sub-Committee Chair.
Youth/High School Sub-Committee Chair Jim Marheineke ( 650-345-8207 x 527 and ), an SFSU graduate, has been the Head Track and Field Coach at Junipero Serra High School in San Mateo since the 2000-2001 school year. Since 2003, he has been the West Catholic Athletic League representative for CCS . Under Jim’s leadership, Serra, we has hosted the WCAL Championships four times and will continue to do so every other year in the future. Jim is a certified Pacific Association USATF official and is a USATF Level II Coach in the throws. Serra has hosted USATF Officials re-certification classes at Serra High School for the past several years. [Ed. And boy has Jim done a good job as our host! ]
Open-Collegiate Sub-Committee Chair: Thomas Kloos (415.422-2926 / ) is Currently Associate Head Coach at the University of San Francisco for Men's & Women's Track & Field / Cross Country. He started coaching in 2000 at his alma mater, El Camino High School, Oceanside, CA, where he was recognized as California State High School Boys Cross Country Coach of the Year. Thomas spent one year as an assistant coach at Iona College, New Rochelle, NY, before coming to San Francisco and has just started coaching post-collegiate athletes. He is a member of the Board of Directors for the Bay Area Track Club, of which I am also an athlete
Coaching Education Sub-Committee Chair: Ken Grace ( 925.413-8433 / is the head track coach at Chabot College in Hayward.
• Hank Kettles Remembers life as an official
Dear Dick
Still getting your news letter and always enjoy hearing what’s going on the Officiating World. I would like to mention a few memories that I have which are many including Olympic Games as well as Trials.
I attended USC on a Football Scholarship and after the 1953 Rose Bowl Game I chose to give up the sport and concentrate on track and field. I had a good year in 1951 at LACC and knew then I wanted to coach track
In 1954 mid way through my second year in track at USC, I was drafted into the good old USA Army. I competed in the All Army Championships in Germany and after the HH race this officer comes up to me and says, “You just qualified for the 1956 All Service Team meet June 7-8 in Long Beach, CA.” When he told me I could not take my wife for the 90 days training at Ft MacArthur, and I had to extend my time by one year I said, “Forget it!” That was in late ‘55, and my wife was pregnant with our first child. The end of this story is I got home in late April and went to the Trials in Los Angeles, June 29-30. You will like this next part. I was sitting on the
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bottom row at the Coliseum and the long jump pit was right over the railing. Somebody noticed me and said, “Hank do you want to help?” so I jumped the wall and ended up watching the board for fouls. I think Bennett won the event. So much for security and training.
1960 My high school cross country team won two CIF Championships and the head of Athletics in California put me in touch with Walt Disney. We ended up carrying the torch for 14 miles up over Highway 5 grade, on the way to the Winter Games. It was bitter cold for Beach Boys.
My final claim to nothing was at the 1984 games; I was assigned as a straightaway official on the home stretch for the Marathon. Just recently I watched a DVD about the history of the Marathon and there on frame 1:42 I'm standing right behind the girl that passed out from dehydration, on frame 1:43 I'm yelling at an official, “Do not touch her for she will be disqualified,” which I believe she was. Also in 1984 USC was put in charge of certain activities at the 1984 games. My job was Steward at the finish line and when I walked Seb Coe back for urine testing we had to wait outside for 30 minutes and of course we talked track. Most of the time he could not answer my question as his sponsor did not allow it. I did hear from Coe’s secretary two years ago about working the London games in some capacity but declined as the expenses would be mine
See you at the Masters meets
Hank Kettles
Napa, CA
• Good News: St. Mary’s adds track programs: St. Mary’s College, in Moraga, has begun competing NCAA Division I track and field, concentrating on middle- and long-distance events. Their first meet in 2012 was the Kim Duyst Invitational, held at CSU Stanislaus on March 3.
The Gaels’ head coach is Marty Kinsey, himself a 2001 graduate of the college and former assistant coach at Granada High School in Livermore and also Creighton University. He plans to carry a minimum of 14 athletes, training year-round, and competing in at least six events. Coach Kinsey is the first full-time coach in the program’s history; having begun as cross-country coach in 2010.
• Mixed news: Sac City Rebuilds…Renovation and reconstruction of the track and field facilities at Sacramento City College’s Hughes Stadium on the Campus got under way during the week of February 27th. Although the renovation is much needed, the reconfiguration is not what we track and field enthusiasts are looking for. The long jump, triple jump and pole vault will be moved out of the main stadium. The field is being redesigned to accommodate Sac City’s women’s soccer
• Good news: Starting in June, 2012 the University of California Berkeley will be resurfacing the track and field venues at Edwards Stadium.
• PA People at IAAF Indoors:
o Being an ITO (International Technical Official) takes a great deal of knowledge and years of experience, but it does have its perks. Robert Podkaminer (Pod) was appointed in November to be a supervising official at the 2012 IAAF Indoor World Championships held in Istanbul, Turkey, the second week of March.
o David Shrock of Modesto and Vice President of the Pacific Association, was appointed Men’s Distance Coach for the US team at the same IAAF World Championships.
o Kim Duyst, the former track coach at Stanislaus State and currently the Athletic Director, was the US Women’s Team’s Head Manager
Missing from the track
Jack L. Enad, one-time area high school coach, youth coach, PA Youth Chair, and Junior Olympics referee,
• Mark Your Calendar: The annual meeting of the Pacific Association Officials Committee is tentatively scheduled for the campus of the University of California Davis, on Sunday, August 26, 2012. Please mark your calendars as everyone is welcome--including guests . Officials vice chair Phil Leake will have more details available to the membership in the coming months.
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died in February. The following obituary ran in the San Jose Mercury on February 28.
Born in Kealia, Kauai, Hawaii, Jack attended Kamehameha High School on Oahu. After serving as a drill instructor in the Air Force, he settled in the Bay Area. He was passionate about track and field and was a long time youth, high school and junior college coach. He also worked as an official for USA Track and Field. An avid golfer, Jack once boasted a six handicap and enjoyed hitting the links whenever he could. Quick with a smile and a hearty laugh, his warm and engaging personality will be missed. Jack is survived by daughter Shellee Martin, granddaughter Logan, companion Dorothy Sacil and her granddaughter Vanessa. Services were held March 2nd at the River of Life Church, 2296 Quimby Rd., San Jose.
Charles M. Ruter, A Giant On The National Officiating Scene
National Official’s Committee Historian and former National Certification Chair “Sir” Charles (Charlie) M. Ruter went to be with the Lord, Saturday, February 4, 2012 at home with Ruth, his beloved wife of 67 years, holding his hand. During his last visit with good friend Gordon Bocock (Kentucky Certification Chair), Charles insisted on seeing the PowerPoint presentation from the recent Officials Hall of Fame Banquet and fondly recalled the names of basically every picture that Gordon showed him. He was mentally sharp until the very end, but the old tired body had run just too many laps and needed some long deserved rest.
Charlie was instrumental in molding track and field officiating in this country into what it is today. He served as the first National Certification Chair as Administrator of Officials for AAU beginning in 1976. He continued in that role under AAU, TAC and USATF until 1992.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the following organizations:
• Mason Dixon Athletic Club, ℅ Kenny Morton, 4517 Sunset, Louisville, KY 40211–2619
• Charles and Ruth Ruter Track Scholarship Fund at Western Kentucky University, ℅ College Heights Foundation, 1906 College Heights Boulevard, Bowling Green, KY 41016
• Fern Creek High School Track and Field Program, ℅ Houston Barber, Principal, Fern Creek High School, 4517 Sunset, Louisville, KY 40211–2619
The Life: Born in 1920, Charles attended high school in New Albany, Indiana, where he played basketball and competed in track and field. He then enrolled in Western Kentucky State Teachers College, but like so many of his generation, interrupted his education to serve in World War II. He was commissioned in the Navy and served in the Pacific, aboard the USS Clarendon, an attack personnel transport ship.
After the war, he finished his Bachelor’s Degree and earned a Master’s, both from Western Kentucky University, and began his adult career as an educator, teaching English, American history, and journalism, mainly at the high school level. He also coached basketball and baseball.
His Professional and Community Memberships and Positions takes twenty two lines and are most noteworthy for his elevation in 1980 to the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels.
In Track and Field officiating, Charles was both active and loyal: He…
…officiated the Kentucky Relays for 35 years,
…officiated KHSAA Track & Cross-Country Meets for 60 years,
…officiated the Mason Dixon Games as Meet Director, Referee and public address announcer for 46 years,
…officiated the NCAA Division I Indoor Championships for 18 years,
…officiated the NCAA Division I Outdoor Championships for 15 years and on it goes.
Charles M. Ruter
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It seems that when a group of folks gathered together wearing spikes and short pants…Charlie was there to officiate.
Charlie officiated conference Track & Field Championships and major competitions in the following conferences:
Southeastern Conference, Big Ten Conference, Atlantic Coast Conference, Mid Continent Conference, Mid American Conference, Ohio Valley Conference, Sun Belt Conference, Southern Conference, Conference USA, Indiana Collegiate, and the Kansas Relays, Drake Relays, Penn Relays, Millrose Games, US Marine Corps Relays, Dogwood Relay, Tom Black Relays, SEMO Relay, Sea Ray Invitational and Olympic Invitational.
His Track and Field Positions and Honors cover 61 lines. The highlights of his awards are:
 1983…USATF President’s Award for Outstanding achievement in Track and Field;
 1983…Andy Bakjian Award for Outstanding Track Official;
 2001…USATF Robert Giegengack Award for “superior and outstanding contributions as an official, a coach, and an administrator in the sport and to the organization;
 2003…Jesse Owens Outstanding Official Award;
 2007…USATF Officials Committee Hall of Fame…his 11th.
In 1998 the National Officials Committee created the Charles M. Ruter Award to honor the outstanding running event official in the country each year.
Photo by Carol McLatchie)
Head Women’s Manager Kim Duyst and Men's Distance Coach Dave Shrock found time for a bit of picture taking while at the IAAF Indoor T&F Championship meet in Turkey.
Photo by Hume
Pacific Association Board of Athletics President Irene Herman Presented Don Bailes his award symbolizing his election into the PA/USATF Hall of Fame.
Photo by Hume
Pacific Association Board of Athletics President Irene Herman Presented Jack Leydig Pacific Association Service Award.
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Teddy Hayes
College of San Mateo
PA Open/Masters T&F
Raked pit
Official's Name:
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Name (Print)
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Name (Print)
Name (Print)
Name (Print)
Principal Contact Information You Might Find Useful
Chair John Murray for general questions and comments (916) 204-1732 or
Certification Chair Jim Hume for questions about certification and advancement…(650)-571-5913 or
T&D Publisher Dick Connors to submit text or photos and for hot leads or gossip…650-341-6781 or
Pacific Association Office: (916) 983-4715
Pacific Association website:
USATF national website:
National Officials Website:
Pacific Association Official’s Executive Committee:
John Murray, chair;
Phil Leake, vice chair;
John Lilygren, secretary;
Steve Green and George Kleeman, at large representatives;
Shirley Connors, training chair;
Jim Hume, certification chair;
Dr. Leon Glover, awards chair;
Bruce Colman, immediate past chair.
Publisher ................ Dick Connors
Editor ...................... Jim Hume
Writers ................... John Murray, Jim Hume, Dick Connors, Shirley Connors, Bruce Colman
Photographs ........... Jim Hume and Carol McLatchie
Proof reading ......... Bruce Colman and John Lilygren
Kentucky Colonel Charlie Ruter
Dick Connors
2065 Kings Lane
San Mateo, CA 94402

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