Wednesday, March 07, 2012

The Conning Tower was viewed by people in 70 countries in February 2012

Country Page views
United States 5,441
Nigeria 12
South Korea 9
Zambia 1
United Kingdom 37
United Arab Emirates 3
Ukraine 2
Uganda 1
Turkey 5
Tunisia 1
Thailand 3
Sweden 10
Spain 6
South Africa 1
Slovenia 2
Slovakia 4
Serbia and Montenegro 1
Saint Lucia 1
Russia 2
Puerto Rico 1
Portugal 2
Poland 10
Philippines 10
Peru 1
Palestinian Territories 1
Pakistan 2
Norway 1
New Zealand 4
Netherlands 2
Morocco 1
Mexico 13
Malaysia 4
Kenya 4
Japan 7
Jamaica 3
Italy 11
Israel 1
Ireland 9
Indonesia 1
India 12
Hungary 3
Hong Kong 3
Grenada 2
Greece 2
Ghana 1
Germany 21
France 17
Finland 5
Ethiopia 1
Estonia 1
Egypt 2
Dominican Republic 1
Denmark 1
Côte d’Ivoire 1
Czech Republic 5
Colombia 4
China 1
Cayman Islands 1
Canada 73
Burkina Faso 1
Brazil 5
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1
Belgium 1
Belarus 2
Bangladesh 2
Bahamas 2
Austria 3
Australia 11
Argentina 6
Anguilla 1
Averages 83
Totals 5,822

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Generated on: March 7, 2012 4:08:32 PM UTC-8
Averages 83 0 — — — $0.11
Totals 5,822 12 0.21% $0.65 $1.33 $7.75

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Generated on: March 7, 2012 4:08:32 PM UTC-8

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