Thursday, November 10, 2011

Verzbicas to Pursue Triathlon Opportunity

Release: 11/10/2011

EUGENE, Ore. -- Freshman Lukas Verzbics announced that he is leaving the University of Oregon track and field team in order to train full time for the triathlon. In 2011, Verzbicas won junior titles at both the World and U.S. triathlon championships.

"When we recruited Lukas, we knew he was a very talented athlete with opportunities in both sports and we were delighted he chose to attend the University of Oregon and focus on track and field," said Associate Athletic Director Vin Lananna. "Given his recent success at the World Junior Triathlon championship in Beijing, we can appreciate his desire to follow his dreams and support his decision to pursue his athletic goals."

"We will of course keep the door open for Lukas if he decides in the future to resume his running career at Oregon," said Lananna. "Our coaching staff and student-athletes wish him nothing but the best of luck in his triathlon pursuits."

Verzbicas appeared in two cross country meets this fall for the Ducks, taking 23rd at the Pac-12 Championships and 62nd in a deep field at the Wisconsin adidas Invitational.

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