Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Results of Election of Officers for 2011-2013 Term

The election of officers of the Track and Field Writers of America was

concluded at 12 midnight, November 15, 2011. The following were elected:

President Jack Pfeifer (re-elected)

Vice-President Parker Morse (re-elected)

Treasurer Tom Casacky

Secretary Don Kopriva

In his first two-year term as president, Jack Pfeifer revivified the TAFWA Newsletter into an email monthly, successfully initiated an annual Awards Breakfast during the USATF Championships, and stabilized TAFWA membership as track-and-field journalism saw Internet-based coverage join the traditional print and television media

He is Director of College Track and Field at New’s York City’s Armory Foundation and resides in Portland, Oregon

“In my second term,“ Pfeifer said, “with the help of a strong and committed group of fellow officers, we’ll continue to pursue all three of these goals, and especially to begin an aggressive membership recruiting campaign.”

Vice-president Morse also serves TAFWA as its voluntary webmaster, and previously contributed his services to help build the TAFWA web site. He is a regular columnist for Running Times, and a contributor to many other track and running publications. He lives with his wife and twin daughters in Loudonville, New York.

Tom Casacky, a first-term TAFWA officer, has earned worldwide acknowledgement as a track-and-field statistician, and is also secretary-treasurer of the Association of Track and Field Statisticians. A resident of San Franciso, Casacky replaces Ed Gordon, who retired after serving TAFWA as treasurer honorably and effectively for more than three decades.

In the only contested vote, Don Kopriva, Lisle, Illinois, twice editor of the TAFWA Newsletter in the past and currently TAFWA’s awards chairman, won the secretary’s post, defeating TAFWA founder and longtime secretary Fred Baer.


The election was conducted by TAFWA former presidents Ron Bellamy, James Dunaway and David Woods. For more information, call (512) 292-9022. TAFWA is a professional organization founded in 1973 for members of the media who cover track and field.


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