Thursday, October 20, 2011

Santa Rosa Press Democrat Running Web Site

Hey everyone

The Press Democrat has decided not to keep the NorthBay site my running web site was on. It will stay up but I can not update it.

We are working on moving site to the blog, definitely not my idea, and they are telling me it will be better than old site?

It will probably take me until track starts to switch the hundreds of pages over and try and make new site as good as the old.

Please be patient with me as I will try and figure out this new system as quickly as possible so we can all get back what we use to have.

For those who send me results as PDF’s I do not know yet if those will work with new site.

Anyway pass the word about the blog which right now is at

But may soon be broken into two sites, one track & one XC.

Jim Crowhurst

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