Thursday, October 06, 2011

A Blog by Taylor Dutch and Collin Jarvis

A Blog by Taylor Dutch and Collin Jarvis Welcome to the Cal cross country blog - Bear Country. Throughout the 2011 Golden Bear season, senior Taylor Dutch (Orange Lutheran HS) and junior Collin Jarvis (Rancho Buena Vista HS) will be providing exclusive insights into the team. Make sure you check the blog regularly for updates and information about Cal cross country.

October 5, 2011 - 1 Team, 1 Heart, 1 Mind, 1 Goal
It's been about a week and a half since we traveled to Minnesota for the Roy Griak Invitational, and there is still something that I cannot get out of my head from the trip. Usually after traveling, there are always memorable moments that we all share as a team and build off of for the following week of training, but one quote really stuck with me. Our coach, Tony Sandoval, always has a team meeting the night before the race, and it's usually to talk about the course, race strategies and bib numbers, that kind of thing. This team meeting was a bit different though. He kept emphasizing the idea of synergy and both men and women doing everything together, and to bring his point home he ended the meeting by saying, "We are all 1 team, 1 heart, 1 mind, 1 goal." At first after hearing this quote, I remember thinking, "OK, love the idea but that was pretty cheesy."
The next day was the typical racing routine: activation run, eat, stretch, head over to the course, get lots of butterflies sitting in the tent, warm up, race. Unlike most meets however, this invitational had the men race before the women. We watched the men fly over the hill into the finish as we warmed up and did our pre-race drills on the grass, getting even more excited and anxious for the gun that would soon sound off our own race. We toed the line together and exploded with the gun, attempting to get out fast in order to avoid being crammed by 270 runners, as the first 300 meters would quickly funnel everyone in. The course was a rough one, by far the hardest course I have ever raced while competing for Cal, but we all raced tough and worked together through the whole thing. After we had all crossed the finish line and were taking the chips off of our shoes, our men came running over to congratulate us. Their faces showed the biggest smiles I've ever seen. We were attacked with hugs and pats on the back for our performances. They were sharing in our success and happiness over having a great race and the results hadn't even been calculated yet. You could really tell that they were genuinely excited and happy for us, and that is when I realized something.

Even though we race at different times and different distances, the Cal men and women share something that is difficult to describe in words. It's something that you have to experience to truly understand, but we take pride in each other, care for each other, and truly want the best for one another. Tony's line makes perfect sense to me now. I can be proud and say that I am part of this "1 team, 1 heart, 1 mind, and 1 goal."

- Taylor Dutch

October 4, 2011 - The Freshman Experience
Every single person who comes to this campus as a student is exceptional, and ever since Cal was established over 140 years ago, excellence has been the priority. This however, has one fatal flaw: how does one continue to be extraordinary when surrounded by excellence?

I will never forget the moment I realized that I was going to become a Golden Bear. It was a medley of emotions that ranged from the excitement of Christmas morning to the dread of doing a statistical analysis of California's SAT scores. It's hard to believe that moment was over two years ago, and now I am watching another group of freshman come in and experience the same things that I did (albeit in slightly different ways). It's refreshing to watch them come together as a team, and exciting to know that they are undoubtedly the biggest class of talent that Cal distance has ever hosted.

As an older teammate, I have spent time watching this new class of freshman and reflecting on my freshman year, trying to answer that fatal question: How did I manage to be extraordinary in a place like UC Berkeley? Or an even more fatal question: Am I even extraordinary? After the better part of two months thinking about this question, I came to a rather simple conclusion: yes. I am extraordinary. And it's all because of the group of people I call my teammates. From observing these newcomers, it became clear that being a part of the Cal cross country team was what makes us exceptional. This team gives us instant access to opportunities that only a fraction of a percent of people in the world will get to share, along with access to a group of incredible friends. In a place as exceptional as Berkeley, these opportunities are what elevate us to be extraordinary, and I can only hope that in time this new group of talented kids will come to the same realization and realize how truly lucky they are to be apart of this. It has changed my life for the better, and whether they realize it or not, I know it will do the same for them.

- Collin Jarvis

Courtesy Cal

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