Monday, September 19, 2011

Sir Francis Drake Track will be dedicated to Coach Taylor

Here is an e-mail I received from Rod Berry today.

Hello all,

I apologize for the blanket email (and to those who have already received this), but I wanted to make sure as many people knew about the track dedication as possible. Please forward this to anyone you know that may be interested in attending………

As many of you already know, the Sir Francis Drake High School Track will be dedicated to Coach Taylor at this weekend’s homecoming football game during a half-time ceremony. To honor Coach Taylor’s 33-years of coaching, the track will be named “Arete Track”. As you can see from the definition below, the track’s new name is fitting, as it represents the core of what Coach Taylor has taught thousands of young athletes under his tutelage.

Arete (Greek) – courage and strength in the face of adversity; excellence of any kind.

The homecoming game against Piner High School is scheduled to begin at 2:00 pm this Saturday. The half-time ceremony will likely begin at 3:15-3:30.

I hope to see you there to witness this well-deserved honor for a coach who has given so much of his time to our community.

Rod Berry

Keith Conning: Rod Berry (Redwood HS, Larkspur 1978; Stanford) placed second in the California State Meet two mile in 1977 in 8:53.4 and in 1978 in 8:59.33. He is assisting Bill Taylor at Drake. He is married to Robyn (MacSwain) Berry (Terra Linda HS, San Rafael; California). They have two children. Her father Duncan MacSwain assists me in announcing the NCS MOC in Berkeley.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend. I will be announcing the Stanford Cross Country Invitational on the Stanford Golf Course.

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