Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Alison Greggor (San Marin High School, Novato; California 2011) writes from Eugene, Oregon

May 25, 2011 - A Last Chance

Finals are over, graduation is over, and my last track season as a Cal Bear is rapidly coming to an end.
Despite my sadness in knowing that this season must end eventually, I could not be more excited for what's ahead. Today (Tuesday), the qualifying members of the track team arrived in Eugene, Ore., for the NCAA Western Regional meet this weekend. For those of us who are here, we must finish in the top 12 of our event in order to proceed to the big show - the NCAA finals. The beauty of this system is that it requires every individual to fight and fiercely compete for a spot to move on. Track & field could not be more exciting as in this do-or-die situation. It turns each height of the vertical jumps into a possible season-ending elimination, each throw and horizontal jump into an opportunity at NCAAs and each running heat into a tactical battle.

Not only does the format of this meet create an intense atmosphere, but also its location gives the entire event an electric feeling. Eugene is known as "Track Town, USA" and the reasons for this are evident in the large number of track fans that flock to the area for any big meet. Undoubtedly, the stands will be packed for each one of the elimination rounds that occur this weekend, only adding to the excitement.

Possibly facing the end of my collegiate career, I could not be more excited to have the opportunity to battle in the true spirit of & and field such in a historic place for the sport. I know that my teammates and I often have our proudest moments wearing the uniform when we are in these types of situations and this weekend will be no different.

Go Bears!
- Alison Greggor

Courtesy California

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