Wednesday, April 06, 2011

A Blog by Alison Greggor and Collin Jarvis

Welcome to the Cal track & field blog - In Stride. Throughout the 2011 Golden Bear season, distance runners Alison Greggor and Collin Jarvis will be providing exclusive insights into the team. Make sure you check the blog regularly for updates and information about Cal track & field.
Greggor is a senior from Novato double majoring in psychology and Spanish. Entering her final campaign, she ranks as Cal's seventh-fastest performer all-time in the 5000 meters (16:25.88) and fifth fastest at 10,000 meters (34:37.01). A sophomore from Vista, Jarvis is still early in his collegiate career and has yet to declare his major. He was a key member of the Cal cross country team that qualified for the NCAA Championships this past fall and, as a freshman on the track, became the No. 9 performer in the 3000 meters in school history (8:14.63).

April 6, 2011 - Rising Temperatures and Intensity

As soon as the sun finally comes out after the winter's rain and the temperature heats up out at Edwards Stadium, it feels like track season. Monday's practice was a prime example. It's my favorite day of practice of the week. On the distance side, we always have our Developmental Warm-up, which means the whole distance team is out there, weaving in and out of the lanes.
What I love most about Mondays, though, is getting to see all of the other event groups work out, too. Men's and women's sprints usually have hard days on Mondays, and so there's always someone attacking lane 1 or coming in hot over the hurdles. You always have to stay alert for the stray javelin or discus flying from the throws practice. The high jumpers, long jumpers and pole vaulters are always out doing drills or hurtling down the runways.

Despite all of the separate workouts going on at once, what I love about being out there is that no matter what anyone is doing, as soon as they hit the track or go for a high bar, all heads look up and offer support. Whether its Keena Kohl cheering for Cherrelle Garrett as she hits a turn hard or a round of applause as Brian Carmichael clears a bar in the high jump, there's a sense of lighthearted encouragement in the air. Sometimes you'll be lucky enough to get a smirk and a nod from Coach Miller amidst a throws workout - then you know you're doing something right!

This Monday, however, was especially full of energy. Not only were people excited about the warm weather, but the Big Meet is on the horizon (April 16 at Stanford). When we get to Big Meet time, the overall intensity and team spirit on the track rises. With so few dual meets left in the track & field world, our century-long rivalry against Stanford is all the more important. What makes a dual meet so alluring is that you need every event group to hold its own. It is a measure not of your superstars, but of your team as a whole. This year is going to be close on both the men's and women's sides, and everybody knows it.

For those going and competing at Texas Relays this weekend, the upcoming Big Meet is in the back of their minds. For those staying here and hitting hard workouts, we're imagining the ugly red jersey coming down the last 100 meters so we can kick it down just before the line.

If this Monday was any indication of our team as a whole, then it is safe to say we are fit, hungry and waiting for next weekend.

- Alison Greggor

Courtesy Cal

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