Tuesday, March 08, 2011

DyeStat is back!

Welcome back! We missed you big time.

Letter From The Editor John Dye:

DyeStat is back!

A year ago, DyeStat moved to the ESPN RISE platform and lost a bit of ourselves along the way by closing the highly popular TrackTalk message board and placing all new content on the Track and XC pages of RISE.

Many of you mourned the change -- and let us know we were off-course.

We're back.

Starting today, the DyeStat banner flies on all of our pages. TrackTalk returns in vBulletin format; all 25,000 users of old TrackTalk are automatically registered on the new TrackTalk and there is the same forum structure as before.

Our weekly DyeCast video show and expanded TFX database are recent additions to DyeStat. We will unveil other changes very soon to answer complaints that “I can’t find anything” on the new site. Results and headlines will be on our homepage with all content just a click or two away.

Welcome back!

John Dye, editor-in-chief, ESPN RISE DYESTAT

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