Wednesday, September 15, 2010

USATF Southern California's First Edition of their Quarterly Newsletter...Finish Line!

A Message From the USATF Southern California President

Welcome to the USA Track & Field Southern California Association's FINISH LINE! This newsletter is an opportunity for the board members to provide the membership with a vehicle to communicate what is going on inside the Association. The Association is performing well financially in 2010. Our strong financial performance is the result of a lot of hard work by our members and has allowed us to continue to grow and expand the services we provide to our members.

The USATF National Office has developed association performance standards this year and it is our goal to meet and/or exceed these operational guidelines. These standards include: the SCA website; compliance with IRS/CA non-profit rules; posting of our financial status on the website; and financial stability. Some of the new Association rules will result inchanges in how we run the office. Please bear with us as we adjust our operational procedures.

These changes will allow us to improve our operation and minimize the potential for an audit/penalties by the nationaloffice and/or the IRS. It is the Board of Director’s fiduciary responsibility to insure that where operational weaknesses exist, we make the necessary changes to correct identified deficiencies. We have discussed several opportunities for giving back to our members and more information will be forthcoming in this area. These discussions have included: stipends for Open Athletics Athletes; facility use agreement with Youth Athletics, and updating the office equipment to allow us to perform more efficiently.

We welcome your thoughts and/or suggestions.

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