Thursday, September 09, 2010

Diack appoints USATF’s Logan to IAAF commission


INDIANAPOLIS - IAAF President Lamine Diack has appointed USATF CEO Doug Logan to the IAAF School/Youth Commission.
“I would like our school/youth to be able to draw from the experience of countries that have been able to build very effective school and youth programs,” President Diack said in requesting Logan’s presence on the commission. President Diack also has noted Logan’s bilingualism as an attribute that will serve him well in an international body that includes many Spanish-speaking countries.

The IAAF has been particularly engaged in programs promoting youth involvement in the sport of track & field as part of its Athletics World Plan. The World Athletics Day was founded in 1996, and the School/Youth Commission began meeting in 2006. The IAAF’s Youth Championships in recent years have become a major international event for young people, and the sport was a prominent part of the first Youth Olympic Games, recently concluded in Singapore.

IAAF youth programs are particularly focused on developing nations and establishing programs to lift the youth of those countries through athletics. The School/Youth Commission is tasked with engaging IAAF Regional Development Centers, expanding the IAAF Kids Athletics program, developing a program of Team competitions in athletics for the 13-15 year-old age group and studying a new program of athletics related activity for the 7-12 year age group.

“I am honored you have chosen to appoint me,” Logan said in his acceptance letter, delivered to Diack this week. “I know full well the importance of planting the seeds of our great sport in the minds and hearts of young men and women throughout the world.”

About USA Track & Field

USA Track & Field (USATF) is the National Governing Body for track & field, long-distance running and race walking in the United States. USATF encompasses the world's oldest organized sports, the World's #1 Track & Field Team, the most-watched events at the Olympics, the #1 high school and junior high school participatory sport, and more than 30 million adult runners in the United States:

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