Saturday, July 03, 2010

Nike Prefontaine Classic Athlete Quotes

SAMSUNG Diamond League 2010

Eugene (USA)

Flash Quotes


Javelin Women (Meet record)

I guess it was my last one again, just like last week. The competition was a little slow at the beginning for everybody. You just have to take it in stride and figure out how you're going to pick up the intensity in the end.

I would have liked to have a farther throw in my first three. I'll take the win.

It's kind of unreal at this point. There were only six of us, so it was a little strange that the field was so small but it was a big competition.

The wind was a little different than Des Moines. I think in Des Moines it was lower with a headwind, but here it was like a wall of headwind. I had to figure it out in the end, and I did. I knew I had to figure it out.

03.07.2010 14:49

Walter DIX (USA)

200m Men (Winner. Meet Record.)

It felt good. Tyson's a great competitor. He was the fastest man in American last year. I'm glad I can take that title away from him this year.

It kind of hurts a little bit more, I don't know if it's the altitude or something I'm not used to. Maybe it's just the adrenaline of racing Tyson. It's definitely better running one race than six, so definitely that was a plus.

I'm not fully recovered yet (from last week). Hopefully in the next couple days I'll be ready and run next weekend.

03.07.2010 14:57

Tyson GAY (USA)

200m Men (Second place. Season debut.)

I was pretty nervous, the first 200 in over a year. But basically, I came away with no injuries.

I felt him (Dix) coming up on me at the curve and I knew I was in for a tough race.

It's not quite the step (I wanted to make) but I know my finish is not there yet.

I finished fine. I just tried to stay relaxed and bring it home. And it wasn't enough obviously. I felt Dix in my hip the whole way and I couldn't shake him. So I just tried to stay relaxed and see what happens.

My confidence is cool. Of course I don't like to lose. But I feel OK.

03.07.2010 15:01


Mile Men (Third place, Oregon school record in the mile.)

It was unbelievable. I thought NCAAs was great, it was great to be part of that but this is just something else. A whole 'nother level. The send off and entry to a whole new game.

When we started going it just clicked, I was just in full rhthym. That third lap everyone told me it was going to be painful, to get ready to hold on but the rhthym just kept going. And then 400 to go I felt great, let's pick it up a little more, a little more.

A gap opened up and I thought to myself should I go for it, should I try to close it up. I decided to play it safe. I finished with way more in the tank than I wanted. That's the hardest part, going away with a great time and knowing I could have been in contention to win.

I came off the turn with 100 meters to go and was like I want this, I want this, I want it and kept pushing and pushing.

I looked up and saw the time and was like, whoa, who can complain with a 3:51.

03.07.2010 15:10


Hammer Women (75.98 MR)

The crowd was superb.

They were great conditions, and it was very nice, usually it's not this nice. The crowd helped with this result.

03.07.2010 12:0


1 Mile Men (Winner- PB)

My first time to Pre and I won so I'm not complaining. I've had a pretty fun time. This is the start of my overseas campaign this year and to start it off with a win, you can't complain.

The guy I overtook with about 100 to go, that's Juan Van Deventer, he came sixth in the Olympics.

In the warmup I didn't feel that great because it was a long haul flight, I only got in on Monday. Every other time I've done that, to only have less than a week to get ready for the race after a flight, I've usually ran pretty bad. But I think I did all the right things this week. I was 100 percent out there today.

That was the perfect pace for me. If it was any quicker in the first couple laps, I would have dropped off.

03.07.2010 12:31

Andrew J. ACOSTA (USA)

1 Mile Men (International mile runner-up. Time ranks No.2 all time for Univ. of Oregon.)

I knew something was in me, but I didn't know that was in me.

With a lap to go I felt pretty good. I was like, just stay with the crowd. I was like, it's time to go.

With 150 to go I saw I was closing on Gregson and another guy and I still felt great so I just tried to close down. I didn't want to look around. I knew I was going to run fast with like 50 to go when I saw him right there.

I probably don't want to repeat what was going through my head. It was a lot of expletives and holy smokes, something to that degree. I knew I could run something fast, I thought maybe 3:54, I thought 3:55 would be a great race because that would be a two or three second PR. I saw the time and I was like, oh my, this was like, way faster than I thought I could run.

03.07.2010 12:37


1000m Men (Third place in 2:16.35)

You know I think I could have run a little bit faster. I wanted to be a little conservative because I had those three races from last week in my legs. Better to be a little conservative and pick people off the last 200 than to rig up the last 200.

I think third place in that race is acceptable. It's not what I was really hoping for. Considering what I did last week, I'm pretty happy with that.

03.07.2010 13:23

Lashinda DEMUS (USA)

400m Hurdles Women (Prefontaine Classic record, 53.03)

I'm ready to run faster with the conditions, and the wind and all. Considering all that I think I ran well.

I'm familiar with the wind because I train in the valley in California.

I like setting any kind of record, it keeps me going, keeps me motivated. I'm happy.

This is one of the meets that you know the crowd's going to be there and that really helps, I think that's 25 percent of your race.

03.07.2010 13:37


800m Women (World leading, meet record time of 1:57.56)

Yes, a personal best. It's all good. In my home it's in the a.m., I want to sleep.

(First time racing in the Pre Classic for Savinova.)

Crowd: It's good, very more people than France. In Russia, not so many people.

03.07.2010 13:58

Fabiana MURER (BRA)

Pole Vault Women (Winner)

It was good but I hope I could jump more, because the conditions here were very good. But the wind didn't help a lot. But I'm happy.

First time, and it was really nice. The people are so close and it helped me out a lot. This is important and I enjoy a lot the competition.

Conditions were the same for everybody. I hope I jump higher the next competition.#

On Jenn Suhr: I was expecting to jump with her and compete together.

03.07.2010 14:13

Tirunesh DIBABA (ETH)

3000m Steeplechase Women (Winner)

It was good. It was a little windy on the homestretch. Affected race. I'm happy for the first place, but not for the time.

The track is good. In fact, you can't even hear if someone is coming. It's silent. I like the people at this place. They cheer. Good people.

03.07.2010 14:14


110m Hurdles Men (World leader, ties American record, Pre Classic record)

It's cool man, but I should have ran an 89 or something. A lot of people run 12.9, but we've only seen 12.8 like three times. I'll just keep shooting for that.

Winning is really important. That's all I like to do is win, it feels good when you win. I'd rather just run moderately and win every time. Because you do a victory lap when you win no matter if it's 12.90 or 13.90. The crowd is going to love you. I'm proud that I came out here and ran a personal best. I'm on a little roll.

This felt like the fastest race I ever ran. When you're running, you know. I can't recall anything from the race so I know it was fast. I just know I didn't get the greatest of starts but I did prety good and the time reflected.

I'm glad it was on TV in the states, man. It was at a good time so all my friends and family watched on TV. Usuallz we're running in these kind of meets at the crack of dawn in the states. I like to be on TV.

You gotta win if it's a 3.0 tailwind or a minus-three. I'm happy one way or another.

03.07.2010 14:18


Javelin Women (Fourth place. University of Oregon graduate.)

It was a good meet, first time at the Prefontaine. I can't even be mad. It was good competition. That's one of the best meets I've had this year as far as distances. I can't be mad with fourth place and not throwing my best. I'm just having a little bit of an off-year and getting some hard training in. Hopefully next year when it counts it'll happen.

I'm getting stronger this year. I'm going to take this as a growing year and improving the best that I can and hopefully it'll happen for me next year.

I feel really good. That's why I can't be disappointed. I honestly felt like I had a huge throw in me out there but it just didn't happen. I was able to change a lot of things that were going wrong last week so I'm really happy with that.

03.07.2010 14:23

Christian CANTWELL (USA)

Shot Put Men (Winner. WL, MR)

Anytime you can win on every throw, that's a strong series. I was a little disappointed last weel I didn't do a little bit better but I got it right this time. Believe it or not, I think I've thrown my furthest on my last throw on more than half of my meets this year. I guess there's some finality to it so you just get that little extra burst.

It was still pretty good competition. (He had six best throws). I was ready to throw well this week.

I'd like to keep winning, that's fun, and keep throwing well. I've set a pretty high standard right now. I've thrown over 21 meters every meet this year and I'd like to keep that going to be honest with you. Just like to keep doing what I'm doing: win, win, win.

03.07.2010 14:30


100m Women (Time was world leader and meet record, and personal best.)

It was a great field, I knew I had to come out and run very well. I knew the ladies were ready to go fast. I came out very confident and ready to execute my race. I think it's coming along, coach and I have been working on the start.

I've been waiting for a PB the last five zears. 10.85 had been my PB.

03.07.2010 14:31


5000m Men (Meet record and the fastest 5K ever on American soil)

I feel OK today. I'm lucky, because this is my first win outside this year. I'm very happy today, a beautiful place, beautiful weather.

This is my first win here (he has run at the Pre three times.)

Wind: A little bit, it was hard to run fast.

03.07.2010 14:36


200m Men (Third place. PB. From Salem, Oregon.)

I'm definitely happy with a PR. It was amazing to hear the crowd. It definitely helps bring you home.

It's mainly in my head, who I'm running against. (Dix and Gay)

It's hard to go hard from lane 2.

03.07.2010 14:39


Mile Men (Winner)

It felt good because of the win. But with my time I did not get what I wanted. I'm not disappointed in a way. I'm happy because I won the race.

I think next time I'll do a better time.

The crowd here is really good because they are fans of athletics and everyone's cheering and that's so nice.

I did my personal best here last year. I wanted to run a track record. I did not do so.

With my win, I'm happy to win.

I knew there were some strong guys coming from behind. I hold them off. I knew when I heard the crowd cheering I knew there was something going on in the back. It kept me going, gave me strength to run fast.

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