Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Yap High School in the Federated States of Micronesia needs visual track materials

Duncan MacSwain, former track and cross country coach at Terra Linda
High School in San Rafael, Marin County, has been consulting with the Department of Education and the high school in Yap, Federated States of Micronesia.

The high school track program, which operates without a budget, is
in desperate need of visual materials for the jumps, the discus and
the javelin. YouTube.com immediately comes to mind as a source, but it's not
available in Yap.

If anyone has extra DVDs or tapes that are no longer being used and
which cover these events, and/or any additional events, please contact
Duncan at: Dmacs1@comcast.net.

There is an immediate need for these materials, as the Yap High
School program is preparing athletes for the Micronesia High School
meet, which will be held in Palau this coming August.

Keith Conning: If you are watching "The Pacific" series on HBO you will be interested to know that:

"in World War II, Japanese-held Yap was one of the islands bypassed in the U.S. "island-hopping" strategy, although it was regularly bombed by U.S. ships and aircraft, and Yap-based Japanese bombers did some damage in return."


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