Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 1 Team USA evening quotes from Doha

Desiree Davila, women's 3,000m qualifying

"It was a good race. After watching the first heat, it was set up perfect to go out and run a fast time and qualify for the final. And that's what I did. It was a big PR for me."

Ginnie Powell, women's 60mH qualifying

"It was alright. I would have liked a faster time. I didn't have the best start because the gun is faint and it was echoing. The track is good though, it feels light and bouncy."

Lolo Jones, women's 60mH qualifying

"It was easy. For my first round, it was so smooth. I've been sluggish with my start this season so it was good. I was aware after my fourth start that I was pulling away from everyone."

Trell Kimmons, men's 60m qualifying

"It was great. I didn't have a perfect start but my turnover was good. It's a really fast track.

Mike Rodgers, men's 60m qualifying

"It was good, real easy. A blowout. I'm just getting ready for tomorrow."

Will Leer, men's 1500m first round

"Disappointed. I'm just disappointed. I just got off too slow in back. I was too far back when they broke and I couldn't cover the move. So I had to settle for fourth in my heat."

Brandon Roulhac, men's triple jump qualifying

"Terrible. My runway was off all year and it was off today. I didn't have a good competition."

Garrett Heath, men's 1500m first round

"Good race, but I missed the gun. I didn't hear it, it didn't sound like a gun to me. But it worked out ok. I was a little farther back than I wanted to be but I stayed out of trouble. It was a lot of fun. I'm excited fo tomorrow's final."

Sarah Bowman, women's 1500m first round

"It felt good, smooth and relaxed. The bumping didn't affect me because I was just outside of it. I just tried to stay focused and run my race.

This is my first senior team competition. I did juniors but this is different. I'm more aware of what's going on."

Erin Donohue, women's 1500m qualifying

"It felt really good. I made my first international final. That was a big goal of mine and I can check it off my list now. I can't wait for the final. I'm really looking forward to it. It is an indoor PR which looks good for things to come this outdoor season."

Galen Rupp, men's 3000m first round

"It was good, a slow race and I just had to kick at the end. I barely made it into the final by the skin of my teeth, but I'm in so now I have to get ready for Sunday."

Bernard Lagat, men's 3000m first round

"I'm so excited. I've done this before. All the tough guys made it through so it will be a hard race but I'm really excited. It's loaded. It's going to be a fast race. I'm glad my teammate Galen (Rupp) is in it as well. I want him to medal too."

Jeff Henderson, men's long jump qualifying

"It wasn't good. I've never been here before so it was good to get the experience. But I couldn't get a good mark in. I could get off the board."

David Oliver, men's 60mH first round

"It was good. I got out good. I'm happy with the start, that was the main focus. I'm really just glad to be back after being injured and I appreciate the opportunity to represent my country on Team USA."

Terrence Trammell, men's 60mH first round

"It was fairly comfortable. There was a lot of distraction. My goal was just to focus on my race, you know I've been here before, and make it through as easily as possible. It's a relief to get the jitters out."

Lacy Janson, women's pole vault qualifying

"It was so weird. I haven't had issues all year. I couldn't figure it out. Nobody could get on their poles and the runway was slow.

Chelsea Johnson, women's pole vault qualifying

"It's hard to go from Albuquerque, one of the best facilities I've ever jumped at, to here. Something was off, not just for me, for everybody. It's been a long time since the qualifying height to get into the final was that low. Warmups were hard with the high jump and triple jump and us all going on at the same time. "

Carmelita Jeter, women's 60m first round

"It was ok. It was the first wake, just wanted to wake my body up. I did exactly what my coach wanted me to."

Miki Barber, women's 60m first round

"I made it back, that's all I can say. I was a little shaky. Not too many good things to say about that race but I'll be ready for the semifinals."

Debbie Dunn, women's 400m semifinals

"It was great. I thought I would be challenged more. My goal was to win the heat and I accomplished that. We will see what happens tomorrow. Me against the world and hopefully I will come out with the gold."

Randall Flimmons, men's long jump qualifying

"It was not good, performance wise. I wasn't getting any pop. There are a lot of technical things I need to work on. And I need to find a coach. It's not about myself so much, I'm here representing my country and I wish I had done better for Team USA."

Bershawn Jackson, men's 400m semifinals

"It felt good. I got a good start and finished strong. Two races in one day is difficult but I was confident going in. Now I have to put it together for the finals."

Jamaal Torrance, men's 400m semifinals

"It could have been a little better. I'll try to get it together for tomorrow's final. I brought it home strong today and now I'll regroup for the final tomorrow."

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