Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Johnny Gray's USATF Hall Of Fame Induction Speech

by Johnny Gray; 2008 USATF Hall of Fame inductee

I like to start by giving thanks to my Lord and savior Jesus Christ for what he has done to make my life worth living. If not for his sacrifice, my life as well as many of yours would be hopeless. Jesus defiantly took a Stand for all man kind……… 2008 is a special year for me in more ways then one; I became a Grandfather of a healthy little boy, Calib Vincent Gray. I also received my first Head coaching Cross Country job, and our team became the first in school history to make it to State. And I stand here before you today as a Hall of Fame Inductee, it’s truly a year of change; Our President elect Barack Obama exemplifies for many of us what can be accomplished when you stand for something and believe, and work hard for it.

I ask myself, what is it about myself, as a man, do I stand for? It’s a saying that a man who stands for nothing will fall for anything. Ask yourselves what is it in life you stand for?

• I like to give recognition to a few people who have taken a stand in my life. I like to thank Sharrieffa Barksdale, because it was she, who suggested I put my name on the hall of fame ballot. If not for her, I may not be standing here this evening. Sharireffa, I thank you for taking that stand …

• I also thank my beautiful wife for the stand she took in raising our three loving sons, and dealing with the inconveniences that track & field as well as, I myself has placed upon her throughout more than two decades, that it has taken for me to complete my track & field journey. Judy Thank you for taking a stand…

• I look back on my life, as well as my track & field career, and, thank you is not enough, when it comes to what my Mother has done for me. My mother not only took a stand when she raised three boys as a single parent. She also exemplified, what character, morals and values are, when she sacrificed two years of her life, to take care of her brother whom passed away a few months back. I thank you, and love you Mom, for you truly took a stand… Without you there’s no me.

• I like to thank a very special person whom without this individual, my career would not have been what it has. This individual not only has the patience of Joeb, but a heart of gold. If you will please, could you stand and give a hand to my coach Merell McGee because he truly took a stand…

Thank you for the acknowledgement of my coach, because this truly is his night as well as it is mine. I met my coach back in 1977 as he sat in the bleachers at Crenshaw High school. And it was that day my track career was born. I was committed to the sport of track & field, and my coach was committed to me, and I appreciate you for your loyalty coach. Even today I address him as coach, out of respect for him as a man as well as my coach. I think my respect for him played and important role in his commitment to me as and athlete. I like to tell you all a story, I don’t know if coach remembers this day, but it was after a race in which I lost to this particular athlete whom I knew was using steroids. I was so mad I lost that day, I was just fussing and carrying on, and I mentioned to coach; I should take steroids, because there doing it and getting away with it, so why don’t I? Coach said to me, Look you’re running 1:42 – 1:43 without the use of steroids and they need steroids just to run with you, so you think you need steroids? “That got me to thinking” God allows us to do plenty to protect us from ourselves.” I knew that taking steroids wasn’t right, what coach taught me on that day, was to take a stand for what I believe in. Because by taking a stand, I could one day make a difference in the lives of those who believe in hard work and commitment. See, proper preparation prevents poor performances not steroids. And it’s up to us to know when to take advantage of our blessings. If you know better then you’re expected to do better. When it comes to the use of steroids most athletes take them for lack of faith in their own ability, or for the love money. If you have no faith in self, then you might try anything. We all know that the love of money is the root to all evil. The tricky thing about the love of money is it often brings out the worst in people. I truly believe that it’s because of the love of money we have the problem with steroids in sports today. Every athlete knows that the use of steroids is against the rules, so that alone makes it cheating. When you cheat it makes all your accomplishments hopeless, and with hope comes joy, and you can only truly experience that joy through your hard work and commitment. The cheating in sports today I compare to a couple of Boy Scout troops that’s told, to go out in the woods to gather dry twigs and grass to make a fire for a marshmallow roast. See, you have one troop that follows the rules, and work hard by rubbing the dry sticks together along with the dry grass until they have a fire. Then there’s the other troop that cheats and bring a book matches, see both troops have there roast, but which troop really enjoyed it the most? Your actions reflect your Character, and Character is who you are when know ones watching; The reason most people fail instead of succeed, is that they trade what they want most, for what they want at the moment. When it comes to success, some people dream of it, while others wake up and work hard for it. I know there’s been many to stand where I stand this evening, as a Hall Of fame Inductee. And I can only imagine, if they took this stand as a cheater, the hopelessness they must have felt in not knowing; not knowing weather or not they could have accomplished this feat, by choosing to trust in their God given talent thru hard work over cheating.

Well I stand here today, as that Scout troop that went out and gathered those dry twigs and grass for my fire, proud of what I accomplished through the hard work, dedication and commitment that earned me this induction. And I can truly say that I was true to the sport of track & field, true to my coach, my competitors, fans and you the voters. I want you all to know tonight that it feels great, to know what truly can be accomplished when you work hard for something. See, the only place you’re ever going to fine success before work is in the dictionary. Today I take a stand by showing my appreciation, and I accept this honor from bottom of my heart. I’m proud to be a member of this 2008 Track & Field Hall Of Fame class. 2008 is truly a great year!

Thank you and God Bless……….

1 comment:

  1. congradulations johnny gray for leading by example,thank you for all the great memories you gave the nations track&field community.and congrats on being a grandfather&coach.

    good luck&god bless in your new life.
