Friday, January 22, 2016

Dave Sime (Duke) ran 100 yards in 9.4 without spikes on a basketball floor in 1956

"During the indoor track season in 1955/56 a strange event took place in the Washington Evening Star games in DC.  The 100 yard dash was run on the wooden floor normally used for basketball and other gym activity.  No spikes!  Great sprinters like Rod Richards of UCLA were in the field.  I was competing in the meet and was down on the infield when a surprise runner from Duke ran away from the favorites.  And with a time of 9.4 for the 100 yard distance.  The historical times we measured speed by back then were Jesse Owens, 9.4 and  Mel Patton, 9.3.  So, David Sime of Duke running 9.4 in his flats was shocking."
by Coach Bill Taylor (Sir Francis Drake High School, San Anselmo, CA)
Bill ran for USC in 1954 and 1955.

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