Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Berkeley High School Hall of Fame

BHS Athletics Hall of Fame
Saturday, May 4, 11:00am - 2pm

Celebration to Honor 19 Inductees
Honoring our Legacy, Inspiring our Future

BHS alumni athletes who have achieved excellence will be honored at a ceremony in Donahue Gym.
The Hall of Fame has been held every year since 2007 except for one hiatus last year.
All students, parents, teachers, coaches, administrators, alumni and community members are invited to attend.
Admission is $10 at the door.

2013 Hall of Fame Inductees

Mia Arakaki - 2000 - Soccer
Raymond Bell - 1973 - Basketball, Football
Willian Brew - 1979 - Basketball
Steve Chandler - 1958 - Baseball, Basketball, Tennis
Emerson Chapman - 1940 - Basketball, Track & Field
Cecilia Clark - 2001 - Soccer, Football
Lucius Davis - 1966 - Basketball
David Doubley - 2000 - Basketball
Arthur Evans - 1959 - Diving, Football
Rocco Giordano - 1953 - Baseball
Edison Griffin - 1953 - Basketball, Football, Track
Charles Jackson - 1973 - Football, Track
Shavaki Jackson - 1997 - Basketball
Michael Jefferson - 1979 - Football, Baseball
Robyne Johnson - 1981 - Track & Field
Sabrina Keys - 2002 - Basketball
Austin Nichols - 2000 - Basketball
David Winnacker - 1993 – Lacrosse
Kam Wong - 1970 - Soccer

Special Inductees

Keith Conning Track & Cross Country Coach, NCS Historian
Palmer Whitted Football, Track Coach
Manish Doshi, Athletic Fundraiser

The Berkeley Athletic Fund produces an informative news bulletin about every 2 weeks. See them all at, or download the latest issue to read about the Hall of Fame inductees.

Posted 14 hours ago by Berkeley High School PTSA
Labels: athletics events fundraising

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