Friday, December 04, 2009

Top Ten North Coast Section Individuals at State Meet 2009

Top Ten North Coast Section Individuals at State Meet 2009

Boys (977 finishers)
Place No. Sec Name Yr School D Time
03 674 NCS Erik Olson SR Novato 3 15:00.9
21 736 NCS Reesey Byers SR Santa Rosa 2 15:22.6
29 688 NCS Hugh Dowdy SR Petaluma 3 15:28.9
38 594 NCS Jeff Bickert JR College Park 2 15:33.9
48 777 NCS Daniel Milechman JR Tamalpais 4 15:36.8
49 693 NCS Luis Luna SO Piner 3 15:37.3
53 784 NCS Andrew Zellman SR Ukiah 2 15:39.3
65 527 NCS Charles Perkins SR Alameda 2 15:42.9
77 767 NCS Dan Maxwell SR St. Mary's College Hs 4 15:46.7
86 578 NCS Ben Eversole JR Castro Valley 1 15:49.6

Splits (1 MILE, 2.1 MILES)
674 Olson Erik Novato 4:36.86 (4:36.86) 10:09.39 (5:32.53)
736 Byers Reesey Santa Rosa 4:52.34 (4:52.34) 10:25.24 (5:32.90)
688 Dowdy Hugh Petaluma 4:44.27 (4:44.27) 10:25.04 (5:40.77)
594 Bickert Jeff College Park 4:52.17 (4:52.17) 10:37.35 (5:45.18)
777 Milechman Daniel Tamalpais 4:57.05 (4:57.05) 10:44.37 (5:47.32)
693 Luna Luis Piner 4:52.17 (4:52.17) 10:40.93 (5:48.76)
784 Zellman Andrew Ukiah 4:53.19 (4:53.19) 10:39.33 (5:46.14)
527 Perkins Charles Alameda 4:53.83 (4:53.83) 10:48.09 (5:54.26)
767 Maxwell Dan St. Mary's College HS4:57.83 (4:57.83) 10:45.86 (5:48.03)
578 Eversole Ben Castro Valley 4:49.93 (4:49.93) 10:42.29 (5:52.36)

One Mile
1 Olson Erik Novato 4:36.86
2 Dowdy Hugh Petaluma 4:44.27
3 Eversole Ben Castro Valley 4:49.93
4 Bickert Jeff College Park 4:52.17
4 Luna Luis Piner 4:52.17
6 Byers Reesey Santa Rosa 4:52.34
7 Zellman Andrew Ukiah 4:53.19
8 Perkins Charles Alameda 4:53.83
9 Milechman Daniel Tamalpais 4:57.05
10 Maxwell Dan St. Mary's College HS 4:57.83

2.1 Miles
Place, Place at 1 mile
1 1 Olson Erik Novato 10:09.39
2 2 Dowdy Hugh Petaluma 10:25.04
3 6 Byers Reesey Santa Rosa 10:25.24
4 4 Bickert Jeff College Park 10:37.35
5 7 Zellman Andrew Ukiah 10:39.33
6 4 Luna Luis Piner 10:40.93
7 3 Eversole Ben Castro Valley 10:42.29
8 9 Milechman Daniel Tamalpais 10:44.37
9 10 Maxwell Dan St. Mary's College HS 10:45.86
10 8 Perkins Charles Alameda 10:48.09

One Mile to 2.1 Miles
Olson Erik Novato (5:32.53)
Byers Reesey Santa Rosa (5:32.90)
Dowdy Hugh Petaluma (5:40.77)
Bickert Jeff College Park (5:45.18)
Zellman Andrew Ukiah (5:46.14)
Milechman Daniel Tamalpais (5:47.32)
Maxwell Dan St. Mary's College HS (5:48.03)
Luna Luis Piner (5:48.76)
Eversole Ben Castro Valley (5:52.36)
Perkins Charles Alameda (5:54.26)

Girls (933 finishers)
1 03 567 NCS Jacque Taylor SR Casa Grande 17:29 5:38
2 04 669 NCS Julie Nacouzi JR Montgomery 17:29 5:38
3 25 653 NCS Theresa Devine SR Marin Catholic 18:06 5:50
4 31 539 NCS Colleen Lillig SR California 18:11 5:52
5 33 560 NCS Heather Cerney SR Carondelet 18:12 5:52
6 38 648 NCS Lucy McCullough JR Marin Academy 18:17 5:53
7 42 543 NCS Carrie Verdon SO Campolindo 18:19 5:54
8 50 574 NCS Elise Wummer SR Castro Valley 18:23 5:55
9 55 701 NCS Jennie Callan FR San Francisco 18:24 5:56
10 61 538 NCS Elaine McVay JR California 18:25 5:56

567 Taylor Jacque Casa Grande 5:30.85 (5:30.85) 11:59.80 (6:28.95)
669 Nacouzi Julie Montgomery 5:30.54 (5:30.54) 11:59.52 (6:28.98)
653 Devine Theresa Marin Catholic 5:42.27 (5:42.27) 12:11.39 (6:29.12)
539 Lillig Colleen California 5:25.90 (5:25.90) 12:17.07 (6:51.17)
560 Cerney Heather Carondelet 5:37.63 (5:37.63) 12:17.56 (6:39.93)
648 McCullough Lucy Marin Academy 5:51.02 (5:51.02) 12:42.10 (6:51.08)
543 Verdon Carrie Campolindo 5:46.47 (5:46.47) 12:35.85 (6:49.38)
574 Wummer Elise Castro Valley 5:38.00 (5:38.00) 12:32.22 (6:54.22)
701 Callan Jennie San Francisco Universi 5:50.04 (5:50.04) 12:43.11 (6:53.07)
538 McVay Elaine California 5:28.43 (5:28.43) 12:25.90 (6:57.47)

One Mile
1 539 Lillig Colleen California 5:25.90
2 538 McVay Elaine California 5:28.43
3 669 Nacouzi Julie Montgomery 5:30.54
4 567 Taylor Jacque Casa Grande 5:30.85
5 560 Cerney Heather Carondelet 5:37.63
6 574 Wummer Elise Castro Valley 5:38.00
7 653 Devine Theresa Marin Catholic 5:42.27
8 543 Verdon Carrie Campolindo 5:46.47
9 701 Callan Jennie San Francisco Universi 5:50.04
10 648 McCullough Lucy Marin Academy 5:51.02

2.1 Miles
Place, Place at 1 Mile
1 3 669 Nacouzi Julie Montgomery 11:59.52 (6:28.98)
2 4 567 Taylor Jacque Casa Grande 11:59.80 (6:28.95)
3 7 653 Devine Theresa Marin Catholic 12:11.39 (6:29.12)
4 1 539 Lillig Colleen California 12:17.07 (6:51.17)
5 5 560 Cerney Heather Carondelet 12:17.56 (6:39.93)
6 2 538 McVay Elaine California 12:25.90 (6:57.47)
7 6 574 Wummer Elise Castro Valley 12:32.22 (6:54.22)
8 8 543 Verdon Carrie Campolindo 12:35.85 (6:49.38)
9 10 648 McCullough Lucy Marin Academy 12:42.10 (6:51.08)
10 9 701 Callan Jennie San Francisco Universi 12:43.11 (6:53.07)

One Mile to 2.1 Miles
Taylor Jacque Casa Grande (6:28.95)
Nacouzi Julie Montgomery (6:28.98)
Devine Theresa Marin Catholic (6:29.12)
Cerney Heather Carondelet (6:39.93)
Verdon Carrie Campolindo (6:49.38)
McCullough Lucy Marin Academy (6:51.08)
Lillig Colleen California (6:51.17)
Callan Jennie San Francisco Universi (6:53.07)
Wummer Elise Castro Valley (6:54.22)
McVay Elaine California (6:57.47)

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